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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Guest disoriental express

Despite Joyrex's disdain for some of their best works, i'm sure to share his love for Exai.


Will the multi-dimensionality of things ever cease?! :emotawesomepm9:

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February only has 28 days, so c'mon everybody, we can make it through this!

EDIT: Last post until hearing Exai.

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i have to admit i'm somewhat pleasantly shocked to hear you/Joyrex say something like that. What's your 2nd favorite AE album next to Exai (which seems like it's quickly become your fave) ?

Prior to that my favourite AE albums were Amber, LP5, and Incunabula. I also really like Tri Repatae++ (although it's really a compilation of several EPs). Old skool AE before they took the EP7 and Confeld route and I lost interest in them. I tried every time they came out with something new to get back into it, hoping they returned to their older sound (or at least an evolution of it), and every time I came away disappointed until Oversteps and Move of Ten came out. Now, Exai is the AE I was hoping for all those years.


Sort of like with Squarepusher - I didn't really care for anything after Selection 16, but once Hello Everything came out, I was happy. Unfortunately, then he dipped a bit with Just a Souvenir and SEB1 and Shobaleader 1, but came back with Unfabulum/Enstrobia.


Aphex Twin - hasn't released much I haven't liked, although the time between Windowlicker and DrukQs (when he was releasing one-off tracks like that god awful Perc #6 and his pisstake Smojphace EP) was pretty grim, but after DrukQs I was happy with the whole Analord series but didn't care too much for The Tuss.


Boards of Canada can do no wrong in my eyes :emotawesomepm9:

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my 2 cents on JR and ae.






Best Autechre release yet. That's all I'm saying.

that's objectively impossible, their back catalog is just too strong. I'm busting you both for wanton hyperbole.

Well, played, Sir.


No, seriously. This takes a huge, massive dump on Oversteps and especially Quatis-whateverthefuckitscalled. Best AE since Amber and LP5. AE fans will be deliriously happy with how dense and well-crafted these tracks are.


And this is, without a doubt, the first AE album (I think) sounds just as good through a pair of headphones as it does on a good hi-fi system with decent speakers.


This is very exaiting. I definitely respect Oversteps. I understood it. It was incredible. But I didn't really "like" it. Quaristice was really shitty actually.






In the autechre universe, this is as close to coming out of the closet with respect to having a leak as humanly possible.


Hey master J., what's your warn status?


I don't have a leak. this was actually a nice surprise that arrived in my inbox the other day.


;>>that's awesome to hear, as i remember, you are not a huge fan of ae right joyrex?

Yes, that's right - after EP7 and then Cornhole, I really lost the AE faith in the direction they were taking their sound. Daft Derp-30 and Quarter-sized didn't give me much hope of AE ever returning to their old sound, and then Oversteps and Move of Ten renewed my AE faith.


I consider AE akin to a foreign cuisine; sometimes hard to swallow and unapproachable, but every now and then you try something that knocks your socks off and you can't get enough of it.


Don't get me wrong; I greatly respect them for doing their own thing, but if I don't like it, I simply don't like it. Nothing wrong with that.


However, I am very, very pleased with Exai and cannot wait to purchase the digital versions when they are released, despite having access to them already. I try and support the artists as much as I can.



but what about untelturd????



so yeah i actually have nothing to say i just realized. carry on. I'll just go crank it in the corner. bye


Is it normal to feel a strange tingly sensation when one finds oneself agreeing with Joyrex?


Yeah, Utittied was forgettable, at best. Trust me, after you've listened to Exai the 10th time through (and trust me, you WILL), you'll pretty much forget any other AE release prior to it.



WoW...Untilted is my favorite pace of music made in the last 100 yrs, following closely by Draft and Confield...

I was reeeeeaaaally impatient to hear Exai but now I'm very frightened cause you're not even close enchanted by the above-mentioned albums as I am. :sad:

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If you don't like Untilted I feel bad for you son. I got 99 shit albums but Untilted ain't one.


Untilted just seemed like an extension of the Draft 7.30 sound - which I didn't care much for to begin with.

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re: Joyrex, interesting. What you describe as your faves are in my mind probably some of their most listenable and least abrasive/experimental albums... yet the tracks that have leaked for Exai so far sound pretty abrasive and not 'friendly' in an immediately appealing way, they are both pretty challenging tracks. Would you say those 2 tracks are indicative of the rest of the LP in terms of their challenging nature or are they some of the weirder ones out of a plethora of more throwback easier to listen to tracks ?

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So Exai is going to suck then. Untilted is not an extension of Draft, which you didn't like. Sorry you're wrong. And you don't like the Tuss? Wtf? Your taste is the opposite of mine I fear and as a result I can deduce that Exai will now suck.

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i wouldn't disagree Untilted is an extension of Draft, in the same way Draft was an extension of Confield and Gantz Graf. but surprised to see how much joyrex likes it simply because the 2 leaked tracks sound far more abrasive and really nothing like any of his favorite AE albums (that he just mentioned)

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re: Joyrex, interesting. What you describe as your faves are in my mind probably some of their most listenable and least abrasive/experimental albums... yet the tracks that have leaked for Exai so far sound pretty abrasive and not 'friendly' in an immediately appealing way, they are both pretty challenging tracks. Would you say those 2 tracks are indicative of the rest of the LP in terms of their challenging nature or are they some of the weirder ones out of a plethora of more throwback easier to listen to tracks ?


Don't get me wrong - I like abrasive tracks, but they must, somehow have some sort of melody in them (and not so hidden that you have to strain to hear it). I haven't heard the leaked material myself, so I can't say whether it's a good example of that or not. I also wouldn't say that Exai is a throwback - they are certainly moving forward in progressing their sound, and yes, there are some 'challenging' tracks, but with AE you expect that. What makes Exai stand above their previous efforts is how polished, and well... detailed (for lack of a better word) the tracks are.


If I had to pick a favourite from Exai so far... It's hard - I find myself going back to Cloudline - and not because it's the only track that's an actual word, hehe. It's just an amazing track.

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If you don't like Untilted I feel bad for you son. I got 99 shit albums but Untilted ain't one.

lol yes Untilted is my favourite release (so far).

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I can't concentrate on my life right now. Just share this anonymously so they put it up on Bleep.

I have it and I'm sharing it. .....................................................................NOT

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It's clear at this point that Warp is using watmm and the Exai release schedule to conduct its own sort of Stanford Marshmallow experiment. If enough of us choose delayed gratification over a leak, they will announce an Exai tour. If not, we only get the album.


[just pretend that this is true so the wait goes down easy]

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Guest disoriental express

where are all the fakes anyways?! there are only a couple and one is silent, i mean come on!!!


Oh and I would 100% fail The Great Marshmellow Experiment of '72.

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Prior to that my favourite AE albums were Amber, LP5, and Incunabula. I also really like Tri Repatae++ (although it's really a compilation of several EPs). Old skool AE before they took the EP7 and Confeld route and I lost interest in them. I tried every time they came out with something new to get back into it, hoping they returned to their older sound (or at least an evolution of it), and every time I came away disappointed until Oversteps and Move of Ten came out. Now, Exai is the AE I was hoping for all those years.


Funny - this is exactly my experience with Autechre too. I was completely done with them when Confield came out, after finding Chiastic Slide too obtuse for my taste at the time.


And yet I've listened to the two tracks that have been made available so far and I too have liked both of them. Joyrex is quite right, in my opinion: they are definitely more "difficult" Autechre tracks, but there are complex melodies there that make them, for me, far more enjoyable. This is why I loved Oversteps so much, and subsequently went back an re-evaluated my opinions of Quaristice as well.


I was worried when Exai was announced seemingly so soon after Oversteps/Move Of Ten, but now I'm just really excited and can't wait to hear it.

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