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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

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Yeah, pretty much. Still not sure what Joyrex is seeing in it that sets it apart so much from the other 2000s aelbums, unless there are upfront melodies that appear later in the tracks..

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Guest disoriental express

what i learned today is that constantly refreshing a 180+ page thread is not a complete waste of time.


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These snippets are such a tease, this sounds exactly like what I was hoping, definitely can hear the same power the quaristice and oversteps live sets had.


Come on bleep !

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Been following this thread through and through since it was posted. I've just now finally felt like many have, pleeeeeeease fucking leak.


Edit: I shouldn't have listened to the samples talk about torture.


Edit: O yes, Bbbbbblllllllaaaaaaddelllllorrrrresssss

Edited by Ethel
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These snippets are such a tease, this sounds exactly like what I was hoping, definitely can hear the same power the quaristice and oversteps live sets had.


Come on bleep !



yes, i'm picking up definite oversteps tour signals. dreams come true.


y'all are gonna jizz when keyosc is a soundboard from a live set.

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^ is that from the oversteps tour?


why the fuck is oversteps so shit compared to that live set? (I still like oversteps. But doesn't compare to that live madness).

Edited by StephenG
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Damn... I stupidly listening to those samples. 30 second clips are just uber-terrible and give you absolutely no idea what a track is really going to sound like. They never have. And these are only from disc one. No idea what to expect from Exai overall now, especially with the anomalous, almost ambient 'Tess xi' thrown in there.


By the way, I also don't like Untilted. It's an hour-long ice cream headache. Actually... I HATE it, all the way down to that cover art, which has to be one of worst album covers I've ever seen.

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hi guys, if you need a break from speculating about leaks, you might want to listen to some exai sound clips:





also: first post. hello everybody!



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YOU'RE one of the worst album covers I've ever seen


I dunno man, it's pretty good





edit, oh, you meant Jamesqdot. Yeah, he is a shit cover.

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YOU'RE one of the worst album covers I've ever seen




Nearly wet myself at this - thanks. :biggrin:


Well, okay, so perhaps my post was a bit of a troll, but it puts any take I have on Exai into context so that you serious Autechre people (and no, I'm not being sarcastic) know what perspective I have on this. For instance, 'Oversteps' ranks as my second favourite Autechre release of all time, is one of the finest records I have ever listened to in my life and I'm reasonably happy with the 1110 word review I wrote to help promote it.


I think it's on the strength of that release that I'm so excited about this one.


Although I really did mean it about the 'Untilted' album cover. Just look at it. I mean... really?

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I really dig the cover for Untilted. As usual it seems to be quite representative of the music. Are the different blue figures the same thing but angled in different ways and at different distances (the upper ones tilted to appear as super acute near-lines)? The white and yellow "swishes" - totally vertical like the tunes, while the yellow one is sliced with the remaining spire of a single line continuing all the way to the upper edge. 3D and planar, solid and paper thin, ambiguous. Sleek, super glitchy, quite stylish. It would look cool as a portrait in my hallway.




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