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Autechre - Exai


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I'm obviously unintentionally coming off as more of a prick than I usually do.



i think they key issue was that you claimed to hear new unreleased AE (potentially) and didn't bother to describe it whatsoever for a forum full of hungry fans. The purpose to your post seemed to be to let the group know you saw Sean do a DJ set at a private birthday party rather than anything informative. So i wouldn't use the word 'prick' exactly, but it seemed like an excuse to brag while simultaneously being withholding about pertinent information


One of the tracks went woom pish woom pish


another of the tracks went HUMANOID


and another was one that went kkkkk chika chika WOHMB badadadada



yeah, I was being a massive cunt :( unfortunately for myself, I'm sure it's not something I'll be able to shake from the memory of watmm.


also, how the fuck does anyone describe Autechre track? seriously? i think the best ever description is woom pish.


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Over the moon.


I'll always respect Autechre, not only for their music but also for their attitude towards just getting their head down and releasing tunes for their fanbase.



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also, how the fuck does anyone describe Autechre track? seriously? i think the best ever description is woom pish.



a good start would be perhaps comparing it to other material they've released. Did it sound like any songs on Move of ten? Did it sound like anything off oversteps? If you can specify any track names the material sounded like that would be nice

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also, how the fuck does anyone describe Autechre track? seriously? i think the best ever description is woom pish.



a good start would be perhaps comparing it to other material they've released. Did it sound like any songs on Move of ten? Did it sound like anything off oversteps? If you can specify any track names the material sounded like that would be nice


This is gonna sound really lame, but I can't compare it to previous material. To me, it's all new. the stuff I heard was extremely 'electro' sounding. in a word, (_o_)

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it probably was just old school electro being played then and not new ae material? or ae DJ edits/mixes of stuff.


are you familiar with any old school electro, osc?


were you told whether it was new ae material or just a DJ set?

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if it's autechre doing their own version of electro it could be quite awesome. I thought the opening track on Move of ten sounded like some kind of autechrey glitched out version of DJ stingray or Drexciya , hopefully we get more of that on the new album

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if it's autechre doing their own version of electro it could be quite awesome. I thought the opening track on Move of ten sounded like some kind of autechrey glitched out version of DJ stingray or Drexciya , hopefully we get more of that on the new album


This. One of my faves of 2010techre. Such a sweet take on that aesthetic.

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it probably was just old school electro being played then and not new ae material? or ae DJ edits/mixes of stuff.


are you familiar with any old school electro, osc?


were you told whether it was new ae material or just a DJ set?

fuck off sirch, you're just as terrible as squarepusher



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it probably was just old school electro being played then and not new ae material? or ae DJ edits/mixes of stuff.


are you familiar with any old school electro, osc?


were you told whether it was new ae material or just a DJ set?

fuck off sirch, you're just as terrible as squarepusher





lol, so I take it it was probably just a DJ set then...



well, anyway i'm looking forward to hearing the new album either way. it's gonna be good.


an ae electro album would be pretty awesome. though I very doubt that's what it'll be.

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I don't even care what it is, I just want to see pitchfork give it a 7.3 and write that "there is still water in teh autechre well"


(this is sarcasm, sirch :flower: )

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I don't even care what it is, I just want to see pitchfork give it a 7.3 and write that "there is still water in teh autechre well"


(this is sarcasm, sirch :flower: )


thanks, lol. but i'm a sarcastic motherfucker, too, though. you don't need to tell me every time you're being sarky, apart from that one time yesterday. I can usually tell.


also, what's with the flowers? you better not be gay for me bigboy.

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I just hope they turned off that fucking Enya reverb.


AE would be nothing without their mastery of all that is reverb. they had just never really used it on such Enya-sounding pads until Oversteps.


Would be nothing without reverb? That's a pretty big exaggeration, they have a lot more to offer than that. But, yeah, the Oversteps reverb was way too copious and cheesy. Even cheesier than Amber's.



i didn't say that all they have to offer is reverb, but more importantly i wasn't being entirely serious. their use of reverb is, imo, ace. however they have many talents. obviously.


they did overdo it a bit perhaps on Oversteps but with such cheesy sounding synths something has to shoehorn them into the rest of the mix....reverb works.

i love teh Oevrspets btw. and Amber and lots of AE. just saying.

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One of the things I rale-y like about MoT and O'ersteps is the emphasis on all the dissonant "accidental" chords formed by ridiculously long reverb trails/ sustains. As at the end of Etchogon.

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One of the things I rale-y like about MoT and O'ersteps is the emphasis on all the dissonant "accidental" chords formed by ridiculously long reverb trails/ sustains. As at the end of Etchogon.


lol this is probably the most idm comment I have read on watmm.



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The only place they ever overdo it with reverb is see on see IMO. It like epic hall-dooms day-forever young-Chuck Norris-kill me slowly 17 minute long trail preset. Just too much!

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