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right after i had seen the film i read this post on imdb that i sort of agree with to some extent




For starters this film moves at the pace of constipation. I can’t ever remember seeing a film that develops at such a horribly boring pace. To make matters worse, the repetition is painful. Harry Caul’s paranoid nature is repeatedly beaten into our heads like we viewer’s are far too stupid to ever recognize paranoia. Beyond the repeated establishment of his paranoia - the bulk of the film’s first 70 minutes is spent watching Harry Caul turn various knobs in effort to dial in clearer dialog on his surveillance tapes, rewinding the tapes over and over again, while listening to the same bits of the conversation over and over again. We get it Coppola,……we heard the conversation the first 400 times Hackman played it! If this movie was edited at a pace that didn’t put people to sleep, it would have been about 30-40 minutes long and had completely equal impact without losing any relevance.

Then there is the foolish contradiction within Hackman’s character. He was so paranoid that no one knew where he lived and he wouldn’t even give out his phone number. Even his girlfriend (that he supposedly loved) had no clue where he lived, what his phone number was or even what he did for a living. Yet Hackman had no problem letting his one night stand into his world,…..letting her sleep over in his surveillance lair, among his top secret homemade equipment and precious surveillance tapes?!?!?!? He won’t let anyone in his apartment with his jazz records and saxophone, but he’ll consent to a party in his top secret work space?!?!?! A party with guests that are made up of his snooping competition and various people he doesn’t even know?!?!?! He won’t tell the woman he loves where he lives, what his phone number is or what he does for a living – yet he will let a woman he just met alone with his precious surveillance tapes and homemade, top secret surveillance equipment while he sleeps?!?!?! Then in the end of the movie Hackman destroys his apartment while looking for a planted bug,…doing tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage in a rented apartment. How about renting a new apartment (he had a landlord that violates his privacy anyway)?!?!?! Or better yet, how about NOT having any incriminating conversations in the apartment?!?!?! No one knows where he lived and no one had his phone number – how hard would of it been to save the incriminating conversations for when he was outside his apartment walls?!?!?!


I know this hurts many of you that had some egomaniacal film professor brainwash you into believing this is a “thinking man’s masterpiece”,…..but wake up and see this movie for what it is.




i don't agree with everything he says, the pace didn't bother me one bit, though the repetition and contradictions in hackmans character got sort of annoying. still, i'd probably score it a bit higher now that i've had some time to think about it. guess my expectations were just too high. was expecting something on the same level as network for some reason.

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Then there is the foolish contradiction within Hackman’s character. He was so paranoid that no one knew where he lived and he wouldn’t even give out his phone number. Even his girlfriend (that he supposedly loved) had no clue where he lived, what his phone number was or even what he did for a living. Yet Hackman had no problem letting his one night stand into his world,…..letting her sleep over in his surveillance lair, among his top secret homemade equipment and precious surveillance tapes?!?!?!? He won’t let anyone in his apartment with his jazz records and saxophone, but he’ll consent to a party in his top secret work space?!?!?! A party with guests that are made up of his snooping competition and various people he doesn’t even know?!?!?! He won’t tell the woman he loves where he lives, what his phone number is or what he does for a living – yet he will let a woman he just met alone with his precious surveillance tapes and homemade, top secret surveillance equipment while he sleeps?!?!?! Then in the end of the movie Hackman destroys his apartment while looking for a planted bug,…doing tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage in a rented apartment. How about renting a new apartment (he had a landlord that violates his privacy anyway)?!?!?! Or better yet, how about NOT having any incriminating conversations in the apartment?!?!?! No one knows where he lived and no one had his phone number – how hard would of it been to save the incriminating conversations for when he was outside his apartment walls?!?!?!



spot on!

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I stopped reading after you complained about The Conversation being a slow movie. Fuck you get off my world.


the pace didn't bother me one bit



i love slow paced films, the white ribbon for example is one of the best films i've seen recently and it's slow as fuck. also world on a wire. but ok, i'll "just go watch transformers or something instead".


anyway wtf is up with not being able to multiquote on watmm anymore?

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Guest RadarJammer

premium rush - shit movie y'all


aww was kinda hoping that was gonna be a film that looked awful but on dvd (or a plane) was actually fun

i thought it was really fun, i can't think of anything about it that was shit though it wasn't amazing in any way either

it looks like an iphone commercial, or a google AR glasses visualisation. and the whole plot is just weak. + the dialogue sounds like it was nicked from disney channel. i guess it is watchable, but notmuch more than that. even michael shannon couldn't make it work with his scaring as shit coldness and sociopathy, it only makes him look like a 90s bad guy tv cop.


those things are kind of what charmed me about this movie, its refreshing when a movie doesn't promise anything or beg for any expectations. a slice of life that doesn't start or end with a bang and you don't have to think about after watching. that makes it a good movie to watch while waiting for a friend to show up or something


some movies are designed to be more like a hand job than a blow job

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Frailty - Talk about a good movie being ruined by the ending. It was all excellent 'till that motherfucking ending, i usually don't complain about plot holes or nonsense twists but oh boy that was stupid.


9/10 - before the ending 2/10 for the ending

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Just finished watching Inception for the first time about an hour ago. The movie got better halfway through.

I was expecting some run-of-the-mill shoot-em-up action flick, but this was one of the most cleverly done action films I've seen since The Matrix. Not only was there intense action, but it was a mindfuck. I like movies like I like music and games - ones that bend your imagination. I'll give it the obligatory rating of 9/10.

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Dredd - lol/10


That movie didn't make any sense and looked really cheap.


explanation: dredd and his apprentice were locked in a building complex run by an arch criminal while trying to investigate the triple murder. they successfully fought they way out and defeated the arch criminal.

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Dredd - lol/10


That movie didn't make any sense and looked really cheap.


explanation: dredd and his apprentice were locked in a building complex run by an arch criminal while trying to investigate the triple murder. they successfully fought they way out and defeated the arch criminal.


Yeah, but they capture Kay because they need to find out who threw those 3 guys off the balcony... and they're in a building complex that is controlled by Ma Ma... I don't know about you, but it seems fairly obvious who threw those three guys off the balcony.

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right, that was pretty obvious from the beginning, so what part didn't make sense ?


THAT part.

It seemed kinda pointless bringing him with them. Also, Kay tried killing the judges multiple times so they should have just executed him. Dredd says that if anyone tries to kill a Judge it is punishable by death.


I did like the slo-mo scenes though.

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right, that was pretty obvious from the beginning, so what part didn't make sense ?

THAT part.

It seemed kinda pointless bringing him with them. Also, Kay tried killing the judges multiple times so they should have just executed him. Dredd says that if anyone tries to kill a Judge it is punishable by death.


I did like the slo-mo scenes though.

probably should put that stuff in spoilers..


i actually don't remember the part in which they decide to bring kay with them, wasn't it after the lockdown which indicated that he is important ?


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