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Mama (2013) - 3/10

I give it 3/10 because of one good jump scare.

watch this MAMA instead:




Already have. I like it



I think you needed a loud system to get the most out of the scares as a lot of it worked at the cinema. The end kinda loses its impact and tries to carry the rest of the film with a typical Del Torro tragic romantic ending which was better than a lot of other Hollywood fodder.



But they showed you Mama right away which made the actual reveal of her fucked up looks not so scary.

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[youtubehd]FgHbIeSmfsI[/youtubehd] lol

ridiculous. I was just trying to get someone else to watch Dollman with me a couple a months ago, we made it about halfway through

holy shit i forgot all about this. i'm definitely watching dollman this weekend. flol

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

the campaign

few laughs but long passages of no laughs. i think the problem is zach g's fey character is quite shallow in terms of laughs. and will ferrell was almost the straight man. should have been better, and the end - what a disaster, we'll teach those koch brothers a lesson by linking them to a fugitive! double meh/10. i haven't watched the trailer but i bet the best bits are all in it.


anyone see before midnight yet? I've got tickets for Monday so I can rewatch the first 2 this weekend.

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die hard fiveeiht2hju2o46m.---.,,




in the original die hard, bruce steps on some glass and is all ow ow ow


in this one, bruce is in two major car accidents and is thrown through glass windows countless times and is all "ughh im on vacation!! jeez!"


i don't know what this movie was about

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Guest RadarJammer


oz the great and powerful - joyless, poorly acted shit

just turned it off, couldn't bear it, felt like i was watching some late night show comedy sketch in honor of oz or some shit like that...


once I realized I was watching the stupidest thing i'll probably ever see in my whole life it became a lot of fun


it thrilled and amazed me that on a $215,000,000 movie nobody could manage to get James Franco to look like he was realistically picking up a CGI doll

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i'm still going to watch it just to get a glimpse of any good new sam raimi visuals. After all the super hero movies that have come out since Spider-man 2, i haven't seen one with action scenes as visually inventive.

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Portia De Rossi looks like she got some face work done. Maybe some botox in the lips and an eye lift (mean to post in the arrested development thread, whoops)

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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oz the great and powerful - joyless, poorly acted shite


oh good, i was going to watch this tonight, and i forgot. I get that it's going to be terrible and i'm never afraid to skim, so it'll be alright.

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that movie was obviously as scam to cream money for the producers. I cannot see how more than a third of the $215 million budget would have been needed to create it. Then there's sam raimi. He cannot direct actors, they always come out not knowing what their motivations are so don't emit any emotion beyond wooden line delivering. Well that and he hires munchkins who's level will never reach higher than that of lead in an high school play./out of 10


oh and the cG, don't get me started on the low rendering of the cG omg.


They could have made the next installment of John Carter of Mars for that money. Oh the humanity !

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At least there was some semblance of acting in John Carter. The actors in Oz look like they are staring into nothingness. Which they were.


All movement behind the actors looks so fake and like late 90's cgi. I might try to finish it but fuck this film is horrible.


Raimi should only be allowed to make horror films. We all know this.


I made a promise to myself and the universe to punch Tim Burton in the face after seeing his Willy Wonka raping. Luckily I could not a give a shit about the Oz series.


Although if Raimi makes another cheesey kids movie, he will be my next addition to the director punching fatwah.


the list thus far includes Tim Burton, Mick Garris and George Lucas.

Edited by Atop
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you'd have to kick lucas, he's a bit low for punching.

Also, in case you didn't notice from every other time i've brought it up. I'm very pro John Carter.

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Guest No Pomo

Been on a streak of some good films:

Robert Altman's Brewster McCloud (1970)
Carlos Reygada's Battle in Heaven (2005)
Wayne Wang and Paul Auster's Smoke (1995)
William Friedkin's Sorcerer (1977)

Enjoyed all 4 of thoese quite a bit, Smoke and Brewster McCloud the most though, and in some ways I find Reygada's a little unethic/exploitative and it tarnishes the enjoyment of his work.

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At least they made a lot of money, those poor devils.



I am going to make a comedy about three friends who are heroin addicts and decide to get their lives in order called "The Withdrawal".


The funniest part will be when they are about to give in for the fourth time, scoring more dope, find out they have no money to pay the dealer with and then one of the characters offers up his pet shitzu for drugs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Robot and Frank - good light hearted fun that rolls along at a nice steady pace. Frank Langella plays the perfect grumpy old man bundled with the Hal esque deadpan robot which holds the film together. Avoid watching the trailer as it kinda spoils some bits. perfect daytime hangover film/10


Into the Wild - very stylish and well shot biopic directed by Sean Penn. Gets a little long winded at times but the film really has a genuine depth, warmth and charm. indie gem/10.

Been on a streak of some good films:

Robert Altman's Brewster McCloud (1970)
Carlos Reygada's Battle in Heaven (2005)
Wayne Wang and Paul Auster's Smoke (1995)
William Friedkin's Sorcerer (1977)

Enjoyed all 4 of thoese quite a bit, Smoke and Brewster McCloud the most though, and in some ways I find Reygada's a little unethic/exploitative and it tarnishes the enjoyment of his work.



Doesn't Sorcerer have a Tangerine Dream soundtrack?


gonna hunt that one down ;)

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I made a promise to myself and the universe to punch Tim Burton in the face after seeing his Willy Wonka raping. Luckily I could not a give a shit about the Oz series.



why did you watch the movie? did you think it would be good? tim burton has never been a good director, so why do you blame him for doing what he inevitably has to do- make a shit film.


i personally like george lucas a lot. he created a film that i don't like but made it successful. i think the worst decision he's made thus far has been to sell star wars to disney, but making shit films and getting a bunch of people to go watch them is genius. i can't imagine any director not envying him.

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The more I look into Lucas and his story the more I feel disappointed. He made an amazing film THX1138 but then made the Star Wars films which messed him up. Why couldn't he have continued to make films like THX1138? Could have been amazing.

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The more I look into Lucas and his story the more I feel disappointed. He made an amazing film THX1138 but then made the Star Wars films which messed him up. Why couldn't he have continued to make films like THX1138? Could have been amazing.


because those kind of movies don't make as much money as star wars. and i think star wars was something he wanted to do. i know he wanted david lynch to direct 'return of the jedi' but lynch just couldn't get it and told him he should direct it himself, but lucas doesn't like directing. similarly, he didn't want to direct indiana jones even though he created that character.


and even though i've never been a fan of star wars, i don't think he messed it up. he created it. he can (or could) do anything with it, because he created that universe.

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