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Would anyone mind suggesting a good uplifting film? Nothing too cheesy more of a down to earth sort of film.


Big Booty Bitches 3 is widely regarded as having avoided the mysogynistic nihilism of the rest of the Big Booty series, while still maintaining the focus on characterisation and attention to detail that makes the franchise so widely loved. The locker room scene in particular is often cited as perhaps the most uplifting ten minutes in modern internet pornography. It can slip into cheese at times, although Roger Ebert described the production as a whole as 'a tour-de-force, defying cliche while drawing on the best aspects of German Expressionism and the brief British folk-horror boom of the 1970s... a vast improvement upon Big Booty Bitches 2: Homecumming Frenzy, and easily a contender for my all-time top 10'.



Most excellent that sounds like it will be quite uplifting( for my cock ).

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Gravity. I really liked it. I agree though that the score was kind of cheesy, mainly towards the end. but Sandra Bullock was unexpectedly great, I've always liked strong female characters.

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i'll make sure to never check that out.




lol but no that sounds interesting i'll check it out. although i have a feeling you're being a little contrarian picking the ultra obscure "i saw this in a fever dream when i was ten" german film.



actually it came out when I was 17 (yes I'm an old codger). You may be right in that I saw it during those impressionable teenage years, but I did watch it more than once. I honestly didn't like the Pianist very much at all - found it very dull. I acknowledge that Polanski has made some strong flicks, and I don't let his scandal intrude on my appreciation of his films. I just found the Pianist very by-the-numbers. Of course the outcome of the holocaust is well known and in that sense you don't necessarily expect any surprises, but I don't think it helped that they focused on (from what I can recall) a passive and plain protagonist (yeah yeah, there's some "that could have been me" benefit of focusing on a non-heroic character but...). If I had to choose I think I'd pick Schindler's List over the Pianist, simply for Ralph Feinnes portrait of evil. Can't remember anything similarly arresting in the Pianist.


Europa Europa does have some arguably mediocre acting at parts (mostly from the Tom of Finland poster-boy protagonist), and it is "artsy", but I found it to be a fresh and real portrait of the sort of amorality and survival instinct of youth. Also it's not telling the predictable holocaust story.

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Would anyone mind suggesting a good uplifting film? Nothing too cheesy more of a down to earth sort of film.


I was browsing through my assorted works, and most of the stuff I have is pretty serious. Anyway, I enjoyed Silver Linings Playbook earlier this year. I'd give it an 8/10. It's gots some hollywood cheese in it, but it's fairly honest (and surprisingly fun!) portrayal of mental disease, and I just fucking love Bradley Cooper in it





Also, Wonder Boys is a fun movie. Has some real great characters in it!

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This is a real odd one...I went in with low expectations and it instantly began to prove me wrong - lovely opening sequence, music by Philip Glass, decent pacing...but then it starts becoming one of the most inconsistent films i've ever seen . Some scenes would be shot beautifully, full of mood and a focused style, then it would suddenly cut to another scene which felt like it belonged in a late night 'straight to TV' movie.

Lot of really cool things going for it, but just too inconsistent and possibly over convoluted for it's own good....nice to see a film from the 90s' trying to do something different in the mainstream horror movie franchise though

worth a watch

great score!

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Saw Captain Phillips yesterday. I thought they did a good job of portraying the situations from the perspective of both the Somali pirates and captain Phillips and his crew. I admire the fact that the pirates are portrayed in a very human manner, making it clear that they resort to piracy just to making a living, showing how desperate their situation is back home. So I'm glad it didn't turn out to be some generic, run-of-the-mill, good guys vs. bad guys shoot-em-up.
However, as with most films based on real life events, I think there was some deviation from what actually happened back in April 2009 for cinematic dramatization, though the way in which the standoff was resolved remained accurate. Also, I would've liked to have seen more of what was going on with the village elders back in Somalia, from whom the pirates were taking orders.

That being said, my obligatory film review rating for Captain Philips: 8/10

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Yeah so never heard of this film saw it on netflix.

Holy crap some of it is pretty fucked up and scary watching it in bed on your phone in the dark. Nice concept of like 5 films in one.



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Guest bitroast

Recently watched Muholland Drive just last Wednesday at the cinema. It was pretty great except the seats were really becoming uncomfortable and as the 2nd hour approached I was wishing I could pause it and have a psychedelic bong rip and stretch the legs or something. I actually really enjoyed the movie, without really understanding the ending at all. I liked not understanding it and just getting sucked into the dreamy freaky soapy ways of the film.


I will definitely not be watching Inland Empire at the cinema, mind you. 2+ hours was a struggle on the butt on those mediocre seats, I can't even imagine what might happen with a three hour film. Home viewing for sure..

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Pffft what does lynch know, i never got his films anyway :) 90% of the films i have watched have been on my phone. (Maybe thats why i hate most movies i watch?)



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on your phone






Every movie should be watched on your home theater in laserdisc format. Stop using modern technology.




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