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Guest Rambo

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I had prawns for the 1st time and i dont think they agree with me. Already been on the toilet about 5 times and feel like im gonna puke any time now. Thing is i havent had any liquids for about 8 hours (have had prawns and other food since then). So, doctors, should i be getting water down me even though im going to be sick?


Like could i have a problem puking food up if i havent drank enough liquids for hours? I'm imagining a bunch of dry food in my stomach.






edit. this is probably time sensitive.

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I knew a wonderful ladyboy from Puking once.


Are you sure it's not norovirus? A lot of it about. Typically both ends.


Yes, you should drink water.


Edit: Also completely baffled that a man of sophistication such as yourself has tried prawns for the first time?


Edit 2: Maybe it was an accident prawn?

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Genuine food poisoning will usually have a long incubation period (about 6 hours minimum for some seafood ones, but typically longer).


Probably just your stomach not agreeing with it, I sometimes get the same with white fish like cod, maybe combined with the cold/flu bug that is going about at the moment, that is hitting people's guts as well.

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does anyone know if you can get anaphylactic shock hours after eating something youre allergic to?


This lumpy tongue thing has got me thinking

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Yeah I would try to get it out. I'm always one to try not to vomit but you probably should. I had food poisoning last year* - felt nauseated for hours (I drove home from work early during the first hour), drank water, had diarrhea and just tried to rest for a bit. About 2-2.5 hours after I first felt sick I ran to my toilet - my body wanted me to puke. Not a I-ate-too-much puke but a DO-NOT-WANT vomit. I wanted to stave it off but my body said otherwise. It was a truly gut-wrenching but quick session though once it was out of me I felt instantly relieved. Likewise the one time I almost puked from drinking too much I should of - instead I sat half-awake in misery over a toilet bowl for 5-6 hours.


Drink water, especially if you diarrhea among your multiple toilet visits, it's important to stay hydrated. If you've really never had them it could be an allergy and I'd go to the ER if that's a possibility - they could test you too. Never had to deal with it personally but that seems to be the be the best course of action.



Keep us posted Rambo.

*That was from eating local packaged hummus wrap that was at my work's cafeteria. I also had a 7-11 microwave burrito that morning - pretty sure it was the hummus wrap but in order to support local business I blamed the 7-11 burrito.
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ive been feeling a bit better for roughly 45 mins so a deliberate purge would be masochistic at this point. Im not counting my chickens though.

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please everyone just stop saying the word purge. Everyone is desperate for me to be sick. I can feel it. I saw your thread a few minutes ago mat. You deliberately uploaded a song that you described as being uncomfortable. I know what you are doing, mat.

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the feeling of when you need to be sick is another good argument as to why hell doesn't exist. It's simply because when you are feeling sick, it is possible to feel so bad that you actually think there is no-one who has ever lived that would deserve to feel that bad for eternity and im guessing hell would theoretically be much worse than feeling the sickest you have ever felt.



edit. what im saying is i really hate feeling like im going to be sick

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i hate the feeling when i'm nauseous and any sort of poke or prod at my abdomen makes me feel ill, so i lie on my left side and stay perfectly still and hope for the best. works when i'm hungover but not sure how it would work with food-related sickness.

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on topic, I've been in Indonesia for the past month and have had pissing-out-the-ass diarrhea for TWO WEEKS. I think it was initially some bad food but then it morphed into irritable bowel syndrome (I guess...something I've had in the past). No other way to explain diarrhea lasting for this long. I've gone to the ER and gotten IVs for fluids, plus some different meds that managed to "stanch the flow", but it comes back whenever I go off them (no antibiotics yet, just stuff that's essentially clay, meant to slow you down and absorb bugs).


It's such pure liquid and so uncontrollable, that I actually managed to shit the hotel bed in my sleep, a new low for me.


Huzzah for bowel anarchy!

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on topic, I've been in Indonesia for the past month and have had pissing-out-the-ass diarrhea for TWO WEEKS. I think it was initially some bad food but then it morphed into irritable bowel syndrome (I guess...something I've had in the past). No other way to explain diarrhea lasting for this long. I've gone to the ER and gotten IVs for fluids, plus some different meds that managed to "stanch the flow", but it comes back whenever I go off them (no antibiotics yet, just stuff that's essentially clay, meant to slow you down and absorb bugs).


It's such pure liquid and so uncontrollable, that I actually managed to shit the hotel bed in my sleep, a new low for me.


Huzzah for bowel anarchy!


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So i survived the night. Dont quite feel a 100% but am incredibly greatful that it didnt escalate into me shouting food at the toilet. Definitely the most sick i've felt without actually being sick.

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