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True Detective (SPOILERS)


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Loving this so far.


I don't see the Breaking Bad connection though. Feels more like a mix between Justified and The Wire to me. I mean Rust is practically McNulty v2: the fucked up, drunk, rebellious, obsessive and dedicated detective.





It's deffo


The Wire 2: Pig in the country.


The Wire: McNulty Does Dallas




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Loving this so far.


I don't see the Breaking Bad connection though. Feels more like a mix between Justified and The Wire to me. I mean Rust is practically McNulty v2: the fucked up, drunk, rebellious, obsessive and dedicated detective.





It's deffo


The Wire 2: Pig in the country.


The Wire: McNulty Does Dallas







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Guest Atom Dowry Firth



Loving this so far.


I don't see the Breaking Bad connection though. Feels more like a mix between Justified and The Wire to me. I mean Rust is practically McNulty v2: the fucked up, drunk, rebellious, obsessive and dedicated detective.





It's deffo


The Wire 2: Pig in the country.


The Wire: McNulty Does Dallas









Thread has also inspired me to give this a go

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This show sounds really interesting! Will check it out.


Matthew McConagwhatev pisses me off. Because he started to turn into a good actor at about the same time he got a horrible facelift. So I have to try and see past his weird glossy stretched alien face to see the acting. Though I guess his face is probably settling in by now and looking more normal. I find the disconnect created by plastic surgery ("do I know this person?") really disturbs me.

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It bother me as well Lumpster but I cannot tell in this show. Had no idea he had work done and I am pretty observant. I look at fucked rich, stretch faced women all day long at my job, a high end grocery store in richest part of Dallas.

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I had bought it a while ago but never read it, halfway through it right now and it is a wild mix of tales. I have feeling we are about to go head long into a cult dedicated to the stories. I feel an Eyes Wide Shut/Wicker Man scene comin on. Our lead into act 2 in the latest episode has the possible story lines blazing in my head. Much like act two in the King in Yellow play within the collection of short stories by Chambers. This episode was meant to drive us a little mad by not knowing what the fuck is going on. Lots of clues in this episode though.




There is a crazy Bohemain Grove inspired cult in Southern Louisiana.


Marty's daughter has been molested by this elitist pagan cult?


Has Cohle gotten too close to their activities?


What is up with Cohle's new girlfriend? Will she die a horrible death?


Why did Cohle lose his marbles and stop coppin?


Does he meet the Yellow King? Did he get too close to the activities of the cult?


Are the cops that are interviewing Cohle and Marty a part of the cult?



I feel like they were trying way hard to make us think Cohle is in on the murders, specifically trying to put Marty against Cohle. The investigating cops seem weird and like they are enforcers for the cult, sent there to frame Cohle. I am pretty sure Rust ain't a cold blooded murderer. The town evangelical freak, Tuttle, is involved in some way. I love this goddamn show.



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shockingly good. watched all 5 yesterday.


the visuals are utterly astounding, the characters are generally pretty likeable by the 5th episode


the weird thing is that I can't stop thinking about it now, and I think I really like it more than any show I've seen yet. the cinematography is impeccable.

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thumbs up from me, just about to bang on episode 5. the first 3 episodes were a great slow burning opener, but i felt like it really opened up and got tense and interesting in ep 4.

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Watched three episodes in a row today, great stuff.


There's a real film-like quality to the cinematography and pacing as well. Seems surreal but completely realistic, Louisiana makes for a great backdrop (much less goofy as a setting than say, in True Blood)


Very much enjoying this show. Some nice soundtrack bits in it here and there too.


Yeah the soundtrack is great.

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Loving about every bit of this, someone in this thread mentioned almost having an anxiety attack watching the closing scenes of episode 4, had the same thing, it was so intense and everything is so bleak. Wonderful!

Also really like the opening track and found out that the band that it's by is playing near me in a few months, jay!

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just a question, im a little annoyed at the 'tension' being done through the flash foward interview segments. Is this going anywhere interesting? Are we supposed to suspect the one partner of being a serial killer? Other than this I like the show a lot. That part comes off as a little contrived compared to the rest of the show so far.

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well I think there is supposed to be that tension for reasons well included into the story.





I think the interviewing detectives want to frame Cohle because they are protecting an elite group of devil worshipping fantasy nerds, who are doing a lot more than just making fantasy art out of dead bodies or turning sticks into evil dream catchers. I think it will be much like Bohemian Grove but with more killing. Another connection for this plot line would be the fantasy poet George Sterling, whom helped start the Bohemian Club and was a contemporary of Chambers, author of 'The King in Yellow'. I think they knew each other.


This grove will be in the swamp.



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Watched all 5 episodes instead of doing schoolwork. Fucking great. Is Marty's daughter throwing the other's crown up into the tree foreshadowing?

I could watch McConaughey give monologues all day. He was great in Dazed and Confused, been kind of hit and miss ever since.

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I am amazed at the writing in this show. Makes it feel worth the time spent reading metaphysical discourses written by obscure authors. Nic Pizzolatto has done a lot of the same reading apparently and it is so satisfying for this to be as huge as it is. Hopefully it raises some IQ's.


I have heard critics are shitting on a lot of the "philosophy" Rust reveals during his interview. I am pretty sure they have not a clue what he is speaking about. Eternity versus linear time. The evolution of the human mind. I love it so much! I am with you chen, Matthew owns these scenes so hard.

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

I am amazed at the writing in this show. Makes it feel worth the time spent reading metaphysical discourses written by obscure authors. Nic Pizzolatto has done a lot of the same reading apparently and it is so satisfying for this to be as huge as it is. Hopefully it raises some IQ's.


I have heard critics are shitting on a lot of the "philosophy" Rust reveals during his interview. I am pretty sure they have not a clue what he is speaking about. Eternity versus linear time. The evolution of the human mind. I love it so much! I am with you chen, Matthew owns these scenes so hard.


Yeah some of his monologues are really great, a lot of sampling potential in this show

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I dunno about the actual content of the philosophy, being as I'm not much of a philosopher, but I feel like much of it is surface interpretation of a deeper paradigm?

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