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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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On a somewhat related note. My GF is a citizen of Germany and Uzbekistan, so just as a contingency plan we were looking into the price of living in Germany. Ya know, in case the TUMPZ makes it into office and/or it just gets too stupid here.... So we started looking, and HOLY FUCK living in Germany is cheaper than the USA by far. Even in Berlin or Munich or a large city. (my german is fairly decent and getting better too)


What in the fuck is wrong with the cost of living in this country? I can barely get a 1/bd 1/bth apartment w/ less than 800sqft in Seattle for less than 1,200. That is pushing it too, paying 1400+ a month is pretty common in the city. The minimum wage in Germany is actually livable... I'm flabbergasted. I know there are other pitfalls of living in the EU, but going back to baking, coffee roasting and managing bake-shops would actually make me a living out there, unlike here.




BTW : Delet and Usagi really hate Mexicans... :emotawesomepm9: must be an Aussie thing. :wink:

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Immigrants coming to the US and working their way up from scratch is nothing new. I had a girlfriend who's father was from Indonesia with a degree in Nuclear Medicine, but his degree was not recognized here, so he drove a fucking cab for years, and is now a hospital administrator with a six figure salary. That's the American dream, not being racially profiled, and violating the rights of minors.


There are tens of millions of illegal immigrant invaders in the US, if you then count their children the numbers stack up to vast numbers that both destroy the ability of locals to be paid fairly and the tax system to cope with additional healthcare and education infrastructure etcetera (can you in anyway deny that these are not under stress)


little stories mean nothing in the scheme of things, the bigger picture is a bugger and all of these people that did this are CRIMINALS for country hopping, the ones that used legal means suffer whilst these CRIMINALS are celebrated. So you are harbouring and apologizing for crims whilst hating on those locals that have been displaced from work to provide for the scab labour.


get withit or perish ..



This is the narrative that preys on the fear. Of course, discrimination of immigrants (both legal and illegal) is a proud Western tradition among some. From the Chinese and Japanese who helped build the railroads, to the Poles, Jews, Hungarians, Ukrainians and others who fled Europe during the first half of the 20th century. Subsequently - those immigrants have been a huge force in making America a pretty decent place to live (yes, there are problems, but it's better than a lot of places).


The top estimate I could find for illegal immigrants was 20 million, from the head of the Border Patrol Officers (who wouldn't want to inflate numbers in order to make a case for increased funding, no not at all). The most widely respected numbers come from Pew research, who actually detail their methodology, and theirs works out to slightly over 11 million. In both cases they count all people, including the children. I'll compromise and take 15 million (even though I'm more inclined to trust the PEW numbers, simply because they actually detail how they got them). It should also be noted that this is the total number, not the number coming in annually, and the population has been level since 2010.


15,000,000/319,000,000 = 4.7%

So um, what invasion?


Now, the demographics show that the majority of illegal immigrants are under 44 years old (80%)*. So they are over-represented slightly in the workforce - making up 5.1% of the workforce. Imagine making them legal, getting them in on the system, and then reaping the tax benefits.




Legal immigrants total population was about 41 million as per the last census. There's no evidence to show that they have suffered from illegal immigration any more than non-immigrant households. I would wager that many immigrant households employ illegal immigrants, either directly (as nannies for example), or through services such as lawn care, maid services, etc.

So essentially, the wheel keeps on turning, this is just the latest round of "I got mine, now fuck you jack."


It should also be noted that that's not the majority opinion either:



Now back to the kid - if they really thought it was a bomb threat - they would have evacuated the school. If it's a publicity stunt, well it's shameful to use the race card like that, but hey, if Trump can do it, why not this family.

If it's not a publicity stunt, then the police fucked up by questioning him without his parents there.


As to the idea that he bought the "clomb" (clockbomb, i'm doing a delet), if he had any engineering skills at all, it wouldn't be so difficult to put together a LED display, hook up a circuit board with a little program on it and away you go. Hell my friend's daughter has built way more complicated shit than that using some arduinos and some ingenuity on the hardware side - she's only 12.

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On a somewhat related note. My GF is a citizen of Germany and Uzbekistan, so just as a contingency plan we were looking into the price of living in Germany. Ya know, in case the TUMPZ makes it into office and/or it just gets too stupid here.... So we started looking, and HOLY FUCK living in Germany is cheaper than the USA by far. Even in Berlin or Munich or a large city. (my german is fairly decent and getting better too)


Berlin is actually very cheap for a capital of a major European city, a hell of a lot cheaper than Paris or London or Dublin. Munich would be more expensive even.

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Republicans - official party of the double chin




honestly, i'm not usually judgemental of fat people

but Chris Christie disgusts me

his body is a pitch-perfect metaphor for his mind

it's a bummer that everyone forgot so soon about #bridgegate or whatever it was called

such a petty little man

should be in jail

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he's saying "thumbs up to Islam! oh wait, I live in Texas that could get me killed. nevermind"


the 'clock' looked like a suitcase bomb and the father of the child is a known agitator against what he perceives as anti-islam. The media have given this lots of airspace and obama immediately invited the kid to the white house (unlike the kid that got suspended for having an american flag t-shirt and innumerable examples like this of arbitrary illogicalness from educators against students across america) . It is clearly a psy-op guys, come on, stop being so easily manipulated and on top of that angered by the people pointing this out to you. Get angry about something real for once or else what really is the point of your existence if you're just a retweeting device for government propaganda. The same government killing muslims all over the world, holding them in bondage in guantanamo, secret prisons and the dungeons of third party countries, training and funding muslims of isis to kill other muslims and christians.


heh, /watmm :facepalm:

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