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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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people are actually doing this (some people are using their kids, sayingh stuff like oh i want to give this to my kid as a christmas gift), my favorite so far...






I'm confused. What am I seeing here? A selfie on the job? Did I miss the context? Thanks man

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Only 10 boxes of Marshmallow Only Lucky Charms will be available to the public. So, how do you get your hands on a “unicorn of the cereal world?” They can only be won via social media: The cereal manufacturer is asking fans to post a selfie of themselves holding an imaginary box of Lucky Charms (with the hashtag #Lucky10Sweepstakes) on Twitter or Instagram.




There, there's your fucking cereal you miserable piece of shit. Who past the age of 5 even eats lucky charms?


lol you're really angry about the lucky charms





I was really fucked up. Lol. I barely remember this.



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I'd hire him. That how American justice should be handled. I should be able to refuse my DUI test and then have my lawyer come blasting through glass to engage in battle with the police. Attorney Dredd style...



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I'd hire him. That how American justice should be handled. I should be able to refuse my DUI test and then have my lawyer come blasting through glass to engage in battle with the police. Attorney Dredd style...




This guy is always on tv here, hey he must be a good lawyer, he's on top of a big ol truck!



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-- meant to post this on the dank meme thread but i guess it belongs i this thread too --



so i guess this is really hapening out there, i think what they are saying is that pepe is a real person


love the blond saying "people are so vicious"


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So many aging right-wing "good ol' boys" from my state are claiming his actions are justified. Getting sick of the complacent, double-standard Dittohead mentality.

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he has been placed on "administrative leave" pending an investigation, has a history of beating black suspects, and has been banned from all schools in the district.

then, the black Resource Officer showed up, and traded punches with a male student.


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those two videos above a good examples of exactly the results you get when schools cede too much authority to parents and get "resource officers" after parents refused to discipline their kids or work with the schools to hold them accountable to anything. for example: if there is a school shooting, a gun is to a blame. supposedly, the girl in the first video was asked multiple times to leave the classroom for playing on her phone in class and she refused. she was written up and an administrator was called, asked her to leave and she refused. this is the point where the school officer was summoned, he asked her to leave, she refused.


which now makes me ask: don't you think this girl might have a discipline problem if she sees no problem with playing on her phone in class?





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I'm not denying that girl was misbehaving, but the way the cop shoved her around like some kind of animal...assholes like him are why there's so much hate towards cops these days.

My theory is that people who think more rationally and have more self-control would make good cops but often do not want to take up that job. And then there's the ones who are cocky, insecure, and overzealous to assert their authority the moment they are granted even an iota of power - y'know, the bad cops.

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^^^ the teacher was unable to remove her from the class verbally. the school administrator was unable to remove her verbally, and then the cop tried verbally and failed. he also tried to pull her out of the seat and she resisted. what do you think he could have done differently to handle the case?


i think context is very important. remember taraji henson claimed her son had been racially profiled by a cop until it was later discovered through video footage, that not only had the cop only cited him for marijuana, but he'd even given him some advice on how to not make the citation rule against him (basically, find something that says you need the marijuana for medicinal purposes and you'll be fine)


in the above case: the school seems unable to take responsibility in this girl's behavior, her parents will obviously take no responsibility in her behavior either so we leave it up to cops, who we can also conveniently blame. i like the saying "every society gets the criminals it deserves, and the law enforcement it insists on".


so the cops we have, tells us a lot about

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You're making a lot of assumptions about her parents with no facts to base that on.

Have you ever seen parents of a kid treated in this manner take responsibility for their children's behavior, and say "yeah my kid is a real handful" or something to that effect?


I think Nebraska has made a fair assumption in saying that they won't take any responsibility, just based on the trend.


I think the officer was a little harsh in his approach though.

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My theory is that people who think more rationally and have more self-control would make good cops but often do not want to take up that job.


You're probably right. Rational would probably translate to risk-averse, to some degree?

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