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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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21 hours ago

This is what happens to liberal women when they are butt fucked every day, they drink because it hurts them and they act out in fast food places all drunk  and out of control- yeah im a sicko and demented



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Maybe the apoloypse did indeed come in 2012 or whatever. It's just hilariously drawn-out and the world will just keep getting more bizarre until the human race dies out. Sort of a cosmic torture before we devolve into idiocy. 


Watching Donald speak in South Korea on al jazeera live was surreal. I remember that asshole selling steaks and shitty vodka as a kid. WTF America... 

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it still amazes me that we have arrived at a point where such a thing as "President Donald Trump" exists.

Had this exact feeling yesterday

Here's an interesting article in Politico to balance things out. Interviews of Trump voters: why they still support him. The conditions these people live in seem pretty hopeless, btw.


One point of criticism though, is that some of the interviewed people are explicitly distrustful of the journalist. And I'm tempted to believe these people won't show their dissatisfaction of Trump to some outsider. Even though I do believe them when they say they would vote for Trump again. I just don't believe them when they don't have any criticism towards Trump. Or they're just braindead because of all the drugs they're taking.

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Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk






21 hours ago

This is what happens to liberal women when they are butt fucked every day, they drink because it hurts them and they act out in fast food places all drunk  and out of control- yeah im a sicko and demented





to be fair, the taco bells' here sell French fries. =/. You can get fries, nacho cheese fries, fries supreme, etc. Oh yeah, chili cheese fries too. The people there are being fucking pricks really. Asking if she'd order tilapia etc. 




seems like she was just rlly drunk or something. Not sure where the retodded racism bit came out though.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk






21 hours ago

This is what happens to liberal women when they are butt fucked every day, they drink because it hurts them and they act out in fast food places all drunk  and out of control- yeah im a sicko and demented





lol, I've heard girls swear that anal sex makes their butts bigger.

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The people there are being fucking pricks really. Asking if she'd order tilapia etc.


not sure i agree with this. she's asking specifically for burger king fries. the employee tells it's taco bell and they sell tacos, nachos, burritos etc. she then says it's racist they're not selling her the burger king fries.


i think the other people stood up for the employee because they knew she couldn't be rude to the customer despite the fact that she was being called racist when clearly it was the customers error.

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The people there are being fucking pricks really. Asking if she'd order tilapia etc.


not sure i agree with this. she's asking specifically for burger king fries. the employee tells it's taco bell and they sell tacos, nachos, burritos etc. she then says it's racist they're not selling her the burger king fries.


i think the other people stood up for the employee because they knew she couldn't be rude to the customer despite the fact that she was being called racist when clearly it was the customers error.



I thought she said "I never come here I usually go to burger king". 


I didn't pay very close attention to it I guess, sorry. Now that I think about it, I've gotten pretty pissed off in a hurry when someone plays the race card, so even if they were being dicky then she kind of deserves it.

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I thought she said "I never come here I usually go to burger king". I thought she said "I never come here I usually go to burger king".


well in my opinion this makes it worse because it makes it sound like she expects EVERY fast food place to sell burger king fries. the employee actually points to their menu trying to give an example of the types of food taco bell sells and that's when she says "this is racism at it's finest"

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Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk






21 hours ago

This is what happens to liberal women when they are butt fucked every day, they drink because it hurts them and they act out in fast food places all drunk  and out of control- yeah im a sicko and demented





lol, I've heard girls swear that anal sex makes their butts bigger.




anal sex is cool n the gang, i've only had 1 ltr where it wasnt on the menu


is that sexist with the misnomer that "men like it cos women dont"? not when its being demanded by your other half, mid-fuck, & as a gentleman your only recourse is to oblige & serve it up


off point, but it seems one of the last sexual taboos, maybe sex as a whole is slightly taboo state-side, i mean, why all the stockings & suspenders on Halloween, with so many christians and so much porn originating in the same nation?


that probably could've been worded more articulately, but as Britain continues to lead the western world in teen pregnancies, we cant judge any1 on standards

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people like roy moore make want to never visit the south, how can the people of alabama elevate this loon to high office? come on 'bama wtf???

Because in certain circles it's normal to 'date' girls from the age of *cough*cough* 14. And with circles I mean cultures. I mean large groups of people. I mean those conservative christian evangelicals...




Hate to keep on posting all these twitterthreads, but gosh darnit, some of it is pretty darn good yall

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Wasn't even talking about the pedo stuff when i made that post, what im talking about is the ultra conservative religious homophobic racist shit.


The guy said transgender people have no rights in this country,imagine running for office and you think a portion of the population you serve have no rights,thats some dangerous shit.


The guy represents the worst of conservatives in this country and he is going to be a senator,fucking backwards.

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and we're not just talking about all the guns. that guy is mad fucked-up. he's rolling with it in a good-time kinda way though and he's not living near any major urban centres, so I guess it's alright.

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