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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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I think everyone hates America, but the overwhelming majority of people hate it for the wrong reasons.  Chances are that your ideals are very American, as most people in the Western world these days are indoctrinated to set individual freedom and social atomization as the ultimate ideals of human progress.  Not many people question it, unfortunately.

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Ah yeah, the individualism vs. collectivism thing. I think a certain amount of individualism is the foundation for freedom. Too much adjustment pressure destroys many freedoms. But the US is very religious, there is a lot of adjustment pressure in religious groups. So is individual freedom really America's core value?

I dislike America mostly for its wars, power politics and lack of social politics and how hard they make it for some of its inhibitants economically, all of which is totally unnecessary. The student loan crisis is a disgrace for such a rich country. 

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47 minutes ago, milkface said:

It definitely is.


the country was founded by freemasons.  that's all that needs to be said.

i guess it's a religious country if you consider freemasonry and general satanism to be a religion.  if that's what you mean, then yes, america is VERY religious.

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2 hours ago, drillkicker said:

the country was founded by freemasons.  that's all that needs to be said.

I think it's a little more complicated than this. Some of them were also Knights Templar. But you're onto something there with the Masons. This is one of my fav funny quotes from Gravity's Rainbow: "Ben Franklin was also a Mason, and given to cosmic forms of practical jokesterism, of which the United States of America may well have been one."

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9 hours ago, drillkicker said:


the country was founded by freemasons.  that's all that needs to be said.

i guess it's a religious country if you consider freemasonry and general satanism to be a religion.  if that's what you mean, then yes, america is VERY religious.

you've got to be kidding--what kind of essentialist bullshit is that. are you saying things can't change? is every country founded by religious leaders (i.e. every single country) by definition then a religious country? makes zero sense.

why do you even feel the need to oppose yourself to this? patriotism? pride? it's really not your fault your country is the way it is. oh well, i suppose i'm just falling for the bait

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1 hour ago, splbt said:

is every country founded by religious leaders (i.e. every single country)

Not true. Stankonia was founded by funk leaders, not religion: 


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10 hours ago, drillkicker said:


the country was founded by freemasons.  that's all that needs to be said.

i guess it's a religious country if you consider freemasonry and general satanism to be a religion.  if that's what you mean, then yes, america is VERY religious.

... pretty sure Christianity is just a bit more popular than either freemasonry or Satanism in America.  In any case, free masons are of any religion, and Christianity is the most common one, so there's that.  And then Satanism exists as a direct reaction against Christianity, so tends to be more popular in areas that are predominately Christian.  Do a quiz in the US about what freemasonry is vs what Christianity is, and I think you'll find the vast majority of people at least have some idea of Christianity is, whereas most peoples' understanding of freemasonry will be consistently incoherent.

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15 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

... pretty sure Christianity is just a bit more popular than either freemasonry or Satanism in America.  In any case, free masons are of any religion, and Christianity is the most common one, so there's that.  And then Satanism exists as a direct reaction against Christianity, so tends to be more popular in areas that are predominately Christian.  Do a quiz in the US about what freemasonry is vs what Christianity is, and I think you'll find the vast majority of people at least have some idea of Christianity is, whereas most peoples' understanding of freemasonry will be consistently incoherent.

The KKK is nominally Christian, too.  It doesn't mean anything.

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12 hours ago, drillkicker said:


the country was founded by freemasons.  that's all that needs to be said.

i guess it's a religious country if you consider freemasonry and general satanism to be a religion.  if that's what you mean, then yes, america is VERY religious.

Yes and it was also founded by racist, elitist misogynists. Things can change after 250 years you know.

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well.. china is becoming less religious everyday but that's because they're ethnic cleansing the religious people and harvesting their organs. ?‍♂️


it's interesting the religious people in america aren't raising loud objections but i guess it's because the ethnic group in question aren't christians so america doesn't care. 

lot's of people are outraged but the secular capitalists fall back on "it's complicated" because of how intertwined our economy is w/china. 

anyway.. sorry for the tangent.  i think the less religious america becomes the more pragmatic it might become but we'll see. it might be nice if we have a true separation of church and state. the fundamentalist evangelical cultists are the scary part of religion in america. 

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