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Celebrity Deaths

Herr Jan

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uh yeah... not liking lil peep and his shit music and lifestyle, and the fact he was obviously a young guy into drugs (WOW GREAT ROLE MODEL YAY! ) and the fact he was a detriment to society and culture like so many other celebrities, is "closed minded". 


Cancel your account, go join nickleback.org or whatever the fuck you're into, and stop insulting people here with that "closed minded" bullshit. Sorry we aren't into your drug addict face tattooed piece of shit self glamorizing drug abuser music.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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nah sorry I just really take exception to being called closed minded for not being into lil peep. lol. Of all fucking things. Closed minded because we're not into lil peep.  :psyduck:  :psyduck:  :psyduck:


There are real people out there with drug issues that don't capitalize off it like that lil knob gobbler. Salv pretty much hit the nail on the head on dreaded "page 28".

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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I still want to know what he went through.

It's not quite known but he had depression from some childhood trauma with his father or somethin. Y does it matter he had mental and emotional problems due to various reason like many kids these days, it was quite apparent in his posts on social media and interviews, just know it wasn't some facade he used to amplify the effect of his must. Trussss


So y'all think this is shit writing, and cheesy music?








Those are 6 of 200+ songs I have playlisted by him, ALL gold

Edited by impotentwhitecapitalist
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Whatever just trying to sway some apparently unswayable opinions. All well. I'm fine BCM, thanks tho, had a rough 2017 and lil peeps music helped me through. I'm just grateful to his work, and trying to spread the love, cause its a love with his music. Have fun guys I'm outta this gen ban ish... the rest of the music-related forums are still tight tho. ✌



Edited by impotentwhitecapitalist
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