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Help me get rid of my loud neighbors


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So you got people in serious legal trouble cause they were noisy and annoying. You're a real winner. Congrats.


Were you one of those dudes with the face tattoos? They were a lovely bunch.


Edit- forgot to add, the police had already been called before I set off the fireworks. Either that or they were like 2 minutes away in a sleepy suburb town. Either way, fuckem, I have no sympathy as we told them well over 20 times to not do that and had called the manager of the complex, the cops, and them personally multiple times. It's not like we didn't have our fare share of illegal deeds in that loft, we just didn't outwardly project our idiocy and piss off everyone around us. So yeah, meh.



whatever helps you sleep better at night

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So you got people in serious legal trouble cause they were noisy and annoying. You're a real winner. Congrats.


Were you one of those dudes with the face tattoos? They were a lovely bunch.


Edit- forgot to add, the police had already been called before I set off the fireworks. Either that or they were like 2 minutes away in a sleepy suburb town. Either way, fuckem, I have no sympathy as we told them well over 20 times to not do that and had called the manager of the complex, the cops, and them personally multiple times. It's not like we didn't have our fare share of illegal deeds in that loft, we just didn't outwardly project our idiocy and piss off everyone around us. So yeah, meh.



whatever helps you sleep better at night



yeah that's the whole point

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When it comes to loud neighbors, Ghandi can burn in hell






So you got people in serious legal trouble cause they were noisy and annoying. You're a real winner. Congrats.


Were you one of those dudes with the face tattoos? They were a lovely bunch.


Edit- forgot to add, the police had already been called before I set off the fireworks. Either that or they were like 2 minutes away in a sleepy suburb town. Either way, fuckem, I have no sympathy as we told them well over 20 times to not do that and had called the manager of the complex, the cops, and them personally multiple times. It's not like we didn't have our fare share of illegal deeds in that loft, we just didn't outwardly project our idiocy and piss off everyone around us. So yeah, meh.



whatever helps you sleep better at night



yeah that's the whole point


also: lol

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years ago I had unruly neighbors who were up all night partying... When i woke up in the morning after they had one of their parties, I'd blast Ventolin... they eventually got kicked out because of too many complaints from other neighbors.

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I'm on the top floor so I don't get anything too bad. But I work night so workers digging up the street right outside the apartment is an added bonus.

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get a dog whistle and whenever they start to argue blow it really loud, the dog will go bonkers and distract the couple thus defusing the row.

Seems like they would probably take out their anger on the dog, on top of the whistle causing it discomfort. No need to bring an innocent bystander into the situation when it probably wouldn't help the noise level at all (and instead just make it worse).

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lots of lulzy advice in this thread but honestly the best way to deal with this is to go the legal route. you need to talk to the landlord and/or the police. if they are a nuisance tenant the landlord will probably be happy to get rid of them.

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Call the police. It's a hard thing to do at first, but you have to get over that. I don't know about Berlin, but here in Antwerp we have a specific 'environmental police unit' that handles all things noise impediment. Perhaps things might change if they talk to them.


We went through something like this, but it was because of a cafe next door. 100 year old walls don't do much to stop loud music. We nearly went insane, because we put up with it and didn't dare call the police. Don't wait till depression and ultimately self-preservation kicks in.


Ofcourse the situation is very different and a noisy family isn't a cafe. A cafe can be shut down after a number of warnings. Families not so much... Some people are inherently loud and won't change that, because they can't. Perhaps moving to another place may be a better and quicker option.

people who move in next to music venues and then complain about the noise to get them shut down are literally the scum of the earth. you should be ashamed of yourself.

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thanks guys, interesting to get a variety of opinions...

we do have the "Ordnungsamt" here which is responsible for public order kind of stuff but tbh I don't like to involve them or cops, I mean those neighbours aren't really a threat or anything. they're just stupid-ass dumbfucks.

our landlord so far has been rather ignorant towards incquiries, can't count on him to do anything.


still liking the record-and-overdub idea a lot but will need some hardware for this. gotta somehow attach speakers (or better: bass-shaker transducers) to the ceiling...

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The combination of lack of sleep, anxiety and fear will make them consider moving


1. Wake them up at all hours of the night. Make them pereptually tired. This can be from setting your alarm to go off every hour, gay porn on the loudspeakers, screaming for 10 seconds at night like someone with severe autism, to making stomping sounds on the ground. Bagpipe music also works.

2. Add anxiety into the mix and make them think it is not safe to live there anymore. Talk with your roommates loudly about getting a rescue pitbull and tell your neighbours that "if some big guys with tattoos knock on the door asking for money then tell them to fuck off." Upon returning, ask them if the tattoo'ed guys came by and if they say no yell "THANK GOD" and start crying in front of them.

3. Go to the petstore and get snake sheddings and place them around the house or communal areas. When the neighbours ask, yell "OH MY GOD HE ESCAPED!??!?!?!?!"

4. Whenever they talk to you just stare at them and continue.


Really just be the bigger asshole. Be careful of taking it to extremes and don't get yourself arrested.

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The combination of lack of sleep, anxiety and fear will make them consider moving


1. Wake them up at all hours of the night. Make them pereptually tired. This can be from setting your alarm to go off every hour, gay porn on the loudspeakers, screaming for 10 seconds at night like someone with severe autism, to making stomping sounds on the ground. Bagpipe music also works.

2. Add anxiety into the mix and make them think it is not safe to live there anymore. Talk with your roommates loudly about getting a rescue pitbull and tell your neighbours that "if some big guys with tattoos knock on the door asking for money then tell them to fuck off." Upon returning, ask them if the tattoo'ed guys came by and if they say no yell "THANK GOD" and start crying in front of them.

3. Go to the petstore and get snake sheddings and place them around the house or communal areas. When the neighbours ask, yell "OH MY GOD HE ESCAPED!??!?!?!?!"

4. Whenever they talk to you just stare at them and continue.


Really just be the bigger asshole. Be careful of taking it to extremes and don't get yourself arrested.


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The combination of lack of sleep, anxiety and fear will make them consider moving


1. Wake them up at all hours of the night. Make them pereptually tired. This can be from setting your alarm to go off every hour, gay porn on the loudspeakers, screaming for 10 seconds at night like someone with severe autism, to making stomping sounds on the ground. Bagpipe music also works.

2. Add anxiety into the mix and make them think it is not safe to live there anymore. Talk with your roommates loudly about getting a rescue pitbull and tell your neighbours that "if some big guys with tattoos knock on the door asking for money then tell them to fuck off." Upon returning, ask them if the tattoo'ed guys came by and if they say no yell "THANK GOD" and start crying in front of them.

3. Go to the petstore and get snake sheddings and place them around the house or communal areas. When the neighbours ask, yell "OH MY GOD HE ESCAPED!??!?!?!?!"

4. Whenever they talk to you just stare at them and continue.


Really just be the bigger asshole. Be careful of taking it to extremes and don't get yourself arrested.

Hahaha I'm loving these. The mindfuck approach is always the most fun.

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So you got people in serious legal trouble cause they were noisy and annoying. You're a real winner. Congrats.


Were you one of those dudes with the face tattoos? They were a lovely bunch.


Edit- forgot to add, the police had already been called before I set off the fireworks. Either that or they were like 2 minutes away in a sleepy suburb town. Either way, fuckem, I have no sympathy as we told them well over 20 times to not do that and had called the manager of the complex, the cops, and them personally multiple times. It's not like we didn't have our fare share of illegal deeds in that loft, we just didn't outwardly project our idiocy and piss off everyone around us. So yeah, meh.



whatever helps you sleep better at night



yeah that's the whole point




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Move away. I don't know the laws in your country/city but you probably can't win this. I was/am in a similar situation myself.

yeah, tbh going up against a family is more difficult than going up against party neighbours.

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