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yes, it surprises me that this isn't an huge topic of discussion for society. Also, given the past productivity gains due to technological progress the fact that most workers aren't able to be only working 3-4 days per week on full time pay is ridiculous. Of course those gains have gone to the top (and so thrown away as they are just hoarded, or cause appreciation in the asset values of those things coveted by the privileged, an inflation that also wastes the gains), wages have been effectively frozen for 30 years relative to these gains, and large swathes of the population are now in part time or casual employment, earning even less still proportionally than their forebears.


Some people at the top have to be planning for what happens when we reach this tipping point that the video is eluding to, but perhaps they are putting off the public debate due to the cataclysmic effect it would have on their ability to continue with business as rip off the people usual.

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