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9 hours ago, ignatius said:



i see shit like and honestly i just like....i want them to fall off and die. not like in a mean way, it's kinda cool (but hiking up with those bikes is just lol) but it's just kinda like how a cat just wants to push anything off the edge of a table? maybe i need to go to therapy or something idk lol

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10 hours ago, auxien said:

i see shit like and honestly i just like....i want them to fall off and die. not like in a mean way, it's kinda cool (but hiking up with those bikes is just lol) but it's just kinda like how a cat just wants to push anything off the edge of a table? maybe i need to go to therapy or something idk lol

i get vertigo just watching them do shit like this. it's that fighter pilot gene they have. one mistake and he's dead. get a little too close to that inside wall and bump a shoulder.. dead. it's so insane that people see a mtn like this w/a path like that and think "go get the drone. let's do it."  these dudes are probably just as comfortable on their bikes as they are walking. 

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