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Mom makes 6 year old son take her on dates to teach him "how to treat a lady"


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You sure do love using that SJW term, delet.


Her parenting is probably benign. We might not even have the same social norms by the time he's old enough to start dating. Society could do a better job of conditioning him if enough of his peers at school think it's weird. Especially if this continues into his preteen years. The negative reinforcement from the other kids could override her initial conditioning.

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jebus delet and zeff are even more backwards and stupid than i had imagined. oh dear. watmm is hell

ahh lopez, the sense of humour free zone, hallmark of social justice warrior like tendencies, should get that checked bruv, as well as your privilege, beating on minorities like me and zeff. /sobs into all the dollars I'm making as a privileged white male (trigger warning)


Also, sjw gets used, because it's an archetype currently pervading the zeitgeist. Many on the left seem to have drifted into this neopuritanical, totalitarian, anti free speech, holier than thou and entirely deluded, state of mind. I've watched it grow to conquer all that was the alternative left mindset, who are now left stunted in their intellectual devlopment, clouded by all this inconsequential divide and conquer bullshit, like black lives matter (all lives fucking matter), third wave feminism, etc. So once where we came together to hate the true enemy of most of the population, the predatory banking cartels that own nearly everything including our politicians, now people get angry at zeff for pointing out the obvious failings of the zealous cult that is third wave feminism, which frankly if the current archetypical state that people glommed onto resided within sane limits, you should all realise how ridiculous this stuff is and ridicule it along with zeff instead of socially sanctioning him.

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computer science dept. is very close to my sociology/anthropology dept. in my uni and we basically share a cafeteria. for each post questioning feminism you make here zeff, i'm gonna bully one of yours comp-sci autistic faggots with my bros from sociology on the breaks, so be careful who you fuck with here.


holy living lol

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Pay gap? (try page 10) What pay gap? (try page 9) Yes it accounts for lifestyle choices and career choices. There is still a 7% pay gap.


Women are far more likely to be raped than men, and when men are raped, it is much more likely they are raped by other men.

In addition, women are far more likely to be victims of stalking.


While there is less of a gap in physical violence by intimate partners, women are more likely to be murdered by their partner than men (in 2014 953 women were murdered by an intimate partner vs 250 men)


Yes women teachers who sexually abuse/assault their students have gotten lighter sentences. That is being corrected, certainly at a much faster rate than the wage gap. http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/female-teachers-the-sex-offenders-no-one-suspects/


As for this: "Most of them have the privilege to marry a man and get a free ride through life, how hard can it be."

Yeah it must be swell, cooking, cleaning, getting to experience the 2 minute "fuck of a lifetime", all while living in shit hot suburb in buttfuck,nowhere. What a privilege.




Seriously, get a grip. The slightest sign of competition or equality and MRA types are all "oh boo hoo, poor white men, we didn't get the same thing our daddies got because people realized treating everyone equally is better for society".


As to the racist thing - you made a post re a family that did some stupid shit while at a traffic stop that said literally only this "fucking (n-word)".


Oh hey, by the way Zeffster, have you told your girlfriend about the women sifting through your trash to steal your ejaculate in order to impregnate themselves and claim child support?


Sigh - I wasn't going to get involved, but fuck this is asinine.

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I'm an SJW, you're an SJW, my computer's an SJW, our government is an SJW, my coffee mug is an SJW, the table I'm sitting by is an SJW, this chair is an SJW, my house is an SJW, the terrorists are SJWs, the people we know and love are SJWs, this reality is an SJW, the sky is an SJW and the universe is an SJW and if you don't agree you're an SJW and you should feel like an SJW, you SJW. How SJW do you feel right now? I'm feeling pretty SJW right now. I hope you consider your own state of SJW, since we are just entirely made up of an SJW structure. Gah, you're all such SJWs.




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computer science dept. is very close to my sociology/anthropology dept. in my uni and we basically share a cafeteria. for each post questioning feminism you make here zeff, i'm gonna bully one of yours comp-sci autistic faggots with my bros from sociology on the breaks, so be careful who you fuck with here.


holy living lol




I'm an SJW, you're an SJW, my computer's an SJW, our government is an SJW, my coffee mug is an SJW, the table I'm sitting by is an SJW, this chair is an SJW, my house is an SJW, the terrorists are SJWs, the people we know and love are SJWs, this reality is an SJW, the sky is an SJW and the universe is an SJW and if you don't agree you're an SJW and you should feel like an SJW, you SJW. How SJW do you feel right now? I'm feeling pretty SJW right now. I hope you consider your own state of SJW, since we are just entirely made up of an SJW structure. Gah, you're all such SJWs.




Two genuine lols. one from eugene even, what the fuck is going on with the world today.

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As for this: "Most of them have the privilege to marry a man and get a free ride through life, how hard can it be."

Yeah it must be swell, cooking, cleaning, getting to experience the 2 minute "fuck of a lifetime", all while living in shit hot suburb in buttfuck,nowhere. What a fucking privilege.


Sure this is what happens when you marry a piece of shit, but Western women aren't compelled to do that (anymore).

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As for this: "Most of them have the privilege to marry a man and get a free ride through life, how hard can it be."

Yeah it must be swell, cooking, cleaning, getting to experience the 2 minute "fuck of a lifetime", all while living in shit hot suburb in buttfuck,nowhere. What a fucking privilege.


Sure this is what happens when you marry a piece of shit, but Western women aren't compelled to do that (anymore).



In the minds of a lot of conservatives and MRAs, this is the role of the woman.

53% of the population in the US described their neighborhood as suburban, and 21% rural.


That's a lot of buttfuck,nowhere.

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Cum, I think


you joke but i think its closer to the truth than you think. The culture shift that happened and is continuing to happen has remove partner security for a lot of men, meaning that we used to live in small towns where we all knew each other and marriage was almost a guarantee and men didn't have to work for it they just had to be a good provider and someone in the town would pair them up with their daughter of something, now that women are liberated, empowered and free to make their own decisions, men are left with no choice but to work for the love of a woman, it just doesnt cut it anymore to be alive and male anymore. Cum filled balls will change your behavior and i guarantee a lot of red pill type of guys are frustrated about the lack of parter security for themselves and they channel this is a fucked up way. I say this cause this has been my experience to a certain extent, i've caught myself thinking "why don't they like me" but you just gotta learn to control this emotions and tell yourself its just your inner monkey trying to get laid and its frustrated as fuck if you are not getting any cause your balls get filled with cum pretty quickly but its no one fault, you were just born an animal, maybe better luck as a rock?

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and that is not justifying or excusing rape or anything like that, if you cant control your sexual desires no matter how horny you get to me you are closer to the animal kingdom than to the divide peaceful higher consciousness beings of the future that we all should be striving to be.

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Cum, I think


you joke but i think its closer to the truth than you think. The culture shift that happened and is continuing to happen has remove partner security for a lot of men, meaning that we used to live in small towns where we all knew each other and marriage was almost a guarantee and men didn't have to work for it they just had to be a good provider and someone in the town would pair them up with their daughter of something, now that women are liberated, empowered and free to make their own decisions, men are left with no choice but to work for the love of a woman, it just doesnt cut it anymore to be alive and male anymore. Cum filled balls will change your behavior and i guarantee a lot of red pill type of guys are frustrated about the lack of parter security for themselves and they channel this is a fucked up way. I say this cause this has been my experience to a certain extent, i've caught myself thinking "why don't they like me" but you just gotta learn to control this emotions and tell yourself its just your inner monkey trying to get laid and its frustrated as fuck if you are not getting any cause your balls get filled with cum pretty quickly but its no one fault, you were just born an animal, maybe better luck as a rock?

But even if they did like you, over half of all marriages end in divorce and eight out of ten of those divorces are initiated by the woman, especially in these tough economic times, where the partner she determined to be a provider for the nest, just isn't cutting it any more. And then the guy is essentially screwed in the US, with alimony, child support, spotty access to children, lying about the threat posed by the father to deny access, and on and on, and even if the father has no money at all to skim, the ex can rely on government subsidy, which has proved to be an huge incentive behind divorce. Hence men going their own way movement. And remember not everyone is a with it, thoughtful member of society when we talk about these figures and the motivations behind them, many are irrational and self serving and we can't project our own values and standards of behaviour on to them.


lul, bows the heck out of dodge before the shitstorm.

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Those are good points that should be raised alongside women's issues not as a counter argument. That is the problem, the same way women's issues are attached to trubmlr feminism, men's issues are attached to red pill, MRA's types, it sucks, this is making it harder to move forward.

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There's something vaguely Oedipal about it I guess, but she's probably just young and kinda silly.


Edit: I'm more concerned with Redpillering because it makes my brain get sad.

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Pay gap? (try page 10) What pay gap? (try page 9) Yes it accounts for lifestyle choices and career choices. There is still a 7% pay gap.


Women are far more likely to be raped than men, and when men are raped, it is much more likely they are raped by other men.

In addition, women are far more likely to be victims of stalking.


While there is less of a gap in physical violence by intimate partners, women are more likely to be murdered by their partner than men (in 2014 953 women were murdered by an intimate partner vs 250 men)


Yes women teachers who sexually abuse/assault their students have gotten lighter sentences. That is being corrected, certainly at a much faster rate than the wage gap. http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/female-teachers-the-sex-offenders-no-one-suspects/


As for this: "Most of them have the privilege to marry a man and get a free ride through life, how hard can it be."

Yeah it must be swell, cooking, cleaning, getting to experience the 2 minute "fuck of a lifetime", all while living in shit hot suburb in buttfuck,nowhere. What a privilege.




Seriously, get a grip. The slightest sign of competition or equality and MRA types are all "oh boo hoo, poor white men, we didn't get the same thing our daddies got because people realized treating everyone equally is better for society".


As to the racist thing - you made a post re a family that did some stupid shit while at a traffic stop that said literally only this "fucking (n-word)".


Oh hey, by the way Zeffster, have you told your girlfriend about the women sifting through your trash to steal your ejaculate in order to impregnate themselves and claim child support?


Sigh - I wasn't going to get involved, but fuck this is asinine.


Very good link, the wage gap stats you provide at least attempt to take into account other factors and do indeed show gaps (much smaller than 30%) in numerous professions. But this study still fails to include many many factors which determine earnings, for instance:


-Years worked consecutively - if a person leaves the workforce for 10 years they would earn far less going back but be grouped in the same age range as their husband

-Negotiating skill - anecdotal but men tend to negotiate more effectively for higher wages, this is why the feminist reddit CEO then notably banned all wage negotiation recently, of any kind for new hires to help eliminate part of the wage gap (rather than just paying women equally, ironically)

-Likelihood of voluntarily working overtime (paid ur unpaid) or generally staying in extra late


Furthermore a lot of these occupations listed in the "Statistical Tables" section are pretty vague.


"Chemical engineers", "Biological scientists", "Medical scientists", "Physicians and surgeons"


These are not specific job titles with very rigid salary guidelines, they are areas of vast specification and the possibility hasn't been outruled that women tend to enter specifications of these professions into areas that tend to pay less, by choice. This concept can be demonstrated by simply looking at which columns have data presented for them and realizing that some of the highest paid sub-categories are blank meaning not enough women worked in them to gain statistically significant data. So this lack of representation in the higher paid fields, by choice, and an over-representation in the lower paid fields, by choice, results in skewed aggregate data


Yes women are more likely to be raped by someone of the opposite sex but I don't see how this proves anything other than the fact that women are more likely to be raped by someone of the opposite sex


Women are more likely to be murdered by their partner, but men and women are equally as likely to experience domestic partner abuse in general, it just happens that men are more physically capable of accidentally murdering people because men are stronger than women on average.


Men are more likely to have their claims that their wife domestically abused him to be completely ignored by both the legal system and society as a whole.




Yeah it must be swell, cooking, cleaning, getting to experience the 2 minute "fuck of a lifetime", all while living in shit hot suburb in buttfuck,nowhere. What a privilege.


Like someone else said, this is 2015, this is not how things tend to work anymore. I could equally say "Yeah it must be swell, working all day long then getting to experience the 2 minute fuck of a lifetime, all while living in shit hot suburb in buttfuck, nowhere" why is this some gendered issue? Some people don't have amazing lives, why is it a gendered issue if a man doesn't provide as nice of a life as a woman wants? She can leave at any time and women tend to initiate the vast majority of divorces and have massive ingrained advantages in acquiring wealth after divorce so she sure as fuck has an advantage there.


-Yeah women are more likely to be killed by their spouse, but men are more likely to be killed in general, everywhere

-Men are more likely to be victims of assault

-Men are more likely to die or be injured in the workplace

-Men are more likely to commit suicide

-Men are more likely to have their spouse divorce them

-Men are more likely to be cheated on by their spouse

-According to some studies, men are more likely to be raped in general when including prison rape. Yes this is perpetrated by men though


Anyway let's pretend everything you said is undeniably 100% true with no caveats and "Well hold on"'s. This still doesn't prove women are oppressed or that their lives are worse than men. You need to show how great the lives of men are first and a lack of drawbacks for being a man which hasn't been done


You can't just build up some big list of disadvantages women face and expect it to be proof of female oppression and male privilege. You're not even looking at the disadvantages men face at all to make this assertion



As for this: "Most of them have the privilege to marry a man and get a free ride through life, how hard can it be."

Yeah it must be swell, cooking, cleaning, getting to experience the 2 minute "fuck of a lifetime", all while living in shit hot suburb in buttfuck,nowhere. What a fucking privilege.


Sure this is what happens when you marry a piece of shit, but Western women aren't compelled to do that (anymore).



In the minds of a lot of conservatives and MRAs, this is the role of the woman.

53% of the population in the US described their neighborhood as suburban, and 21% rural.


That's a lot of buttfuck,nowhere.



Stop lumping in conservatives with MRA


I am an MRA but not even remotely conservative, just looking for the fact


I don't believe in any socially enforced gender roles which is why I took offense at the incident in the OP. Paint MRAs with a bad brush if you want though

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The divorce rate is not 50%



XXX - I don't want legislative change - I want societal change - and it seems as if we're moving in that direction, but then you get idiot movements like the MRA (and yes tumblr feminism) who exaggerate their respective sides of the story, play on populist fears, and slow down societal growth.


The wage gap for married women is especially detrimental when you put it in the context of the working family where ever higher numbers of mothers say the would rather work full time. Of course, with the shitty social services provided by American companies, it's no surprise that they don't - day care is expensive as fuck, and with the wage gap that exists for mothers, it's often more economical to stay at home.


Well thank fuck I live in a progressive country like Canada - oh wait, our wage gap is even worse than in the US.



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Cum, I think

you joke but i think its closer to the truth than you think. The culture shift that happened and is continuing to happen has remove partner security for a lot of men, meaning that we used to live in small towns where we all knew each other and marriage was almost a guarantee and men didn't have to work for it they just had to be a good provider and someone in the town would pair them up with their daughter of something, now that women are liberated, empowered and free to make their own decisions, men are left with no choice but to work for the love of a woman, it just doesnt cut it anymore to be alive and male anymore. Cum filled balls will change your behavior and i guarantee a lot of red pill type of guys are frustrated about the lack of parter security for themselves and they channel this is a fucked up way. I say this cause this has been my experience to a certain extent, i've caught myself thinking "why don't they like me" but you just gotta learn to control this emotions and tell yourself its just your inner monkey trying to get laid and its frustrated as fuck if you are not getting any cause your balls get filled with cum pretty quickly but its no one fault, you were just born an animal, maybe better luck as a rock?

But even if they did like you, over half of all marriages end in divorce and eight out of ten of those divorces are initiated by the woman, especially in these tough economic times, where the partner she determined to be a provider for the nest, just isn't cutting it any more. And then the guy is essentially screwed in the US, with alimony, child support, spotty access to children, lying about the threat posed by the father to deny access, and on and on, and even if the father has no money at all to skim, the ex can rely on government subsidy, which has proved to be an huge incentive behind divorce. Hence men going their own way movement. And remember not everyone is a with it, thoughtful member of society when we talk about these figures and the motivations behind them, many are irrational and self serving and we can't project our own values and standards of behaviour on to them.


lul, bows the heck out of dodge before the shitstorm.



Pretty pathetic that realistically yeah you do have to dodge before a shitstorm. Nobody realizes the obvious truth anymore, anything that can be even remotely misconstrued as anti-women's-privileges is called misogynistic and anti-woman. Ridiculous


Also as a random side note, I find it hilarious how often you write a lot more bluntly than me but you don't have hoards of people attacking you.


It's saddening when people who otherwise seem pretty cool and intelligent seem to just outright deny the obvious truth.




If men want the lifestyle acquired by profession X they have to go into profession X

If women want the lifestyle acquired by profession X, they can either marry a man in profession X, or go into profession X


I'd literally say this is the entire cause of any remaining wage gap. And is a major female privilege


Notice how in more oppressive, socioeconomically poor countries the wage gap lowers - because EVERYONE, not just men, are FORCED into a situation where they must maximize for earnings. Whereas in very very rich countries like the US and western Europe, everyone's so rich that fewer people are forced to maximize for earnings alone, and invariably the remaining focus on earning rests onto the shoulders of men not the shoulders of women, because if the man expected his wife to earn money to support both of them she would leave him, and if the woman expected her husband to earn money to support both of them, well that's just the status quo

My big question with the howling is: what do you want? Are you frustrated from a sexual strategy standpoint? Do you want legislative sea change? There are plenty of valid points that come out of all this but I can't tell what anybody wants out of it.


I want social change and adherence to the facts. I want to be able to speak out and question claims, often massive sweeping claims and explanations, without being attacked and ostracized by the world, online, and academic community as a whole.


I want to revisit the possibility that maybe women aren't oppressed and horrible disadvantaged and hated by the western world because they're obviously now

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The divorce rate is not 50%



XXX - I don't want legislative change - I want societal change - and it seems as if we're moving in that direction, but then you get idiot movements like the MRA (and yes tumblr feminism) who exaggerate their respective sides of the story, play on populist fears, and slow down societal growth.


The wage gap for married women is especially detrimental when you put it in the context of the working family where ever higher numbers of mothers say the would rather work full time. Of course, with the shitty social services provided by American companies, it's no surprise that they don't - day care is expensive as fuck, and with the wage gap that exists for mothers, it's often more economical to stay at home.


Well thank fuck I live in a progressive country like Canada - oh wait, our wage gap is even worse than in the US.




I implore you to consider the possibility that a wage gap is not indicative of discrimination against women.


I personally am just not convinced that this is best explanation let alone the only one that should be acceptable to consider without being attacked


Other countries have experienced the same thing - there is a massive wage gap still in Sweden et al., yet they are feminist egalitarian gender rights paradises


Maybe wage gaps are indicative of women being empowered to make the choices they want, and those choices just so happy to not be maximizing for dollars earned?


Just consider it

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Remind me to never set foot in a watmm gender/political/imigration/gun control thread ever again. I lose all hope for mankind. Every time.

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I don't see the logic in expecting no wage gap. That assumes the priorities of men and women are literally identical, it's ridiculous to expect


There's a wage gap between asians and white people too, are white people discriminated against? Literally answer this question please but I know nobody will



Discrimination is not the only reasonable explanation for a wage gap, despite it being the only politically correct and socially acceptable one to suggest right now. I want this whole political correctness in favor of feminism mentality to DIE please. Let us discuss rather than be attacked for suggesting anything contrary to the narrative of female oppression.

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Mom makes 6 year old son take her on dates to teach him "how to treat a lady"







Once a month my 6 year old son takes me out on a dinner date. He opens doors for me, pulls out my chair, talks about his day & asks me how mine was, pays the bill with money he earned by doing chores, and even tips the waiter/waitress. By doing this I am teaching him how to treat a lady & how to take her on a proper date. How to show that he respects the woman he loves (right now that would be mommy). We put our phone and iPad away (except to take this photo) and sit and talk to each other about our days, things we want to do, etc. I'm teaching him proper table manners and that it's rude to sit on your phone on a date with your mom or with anyone else. He learns the value of money and how to manage it. He learns how to do math as we add up what we want and make sure we have 15% of it to leave for a tip. Yes he is young but I believe this is something he should learn now. It's never too early to teach your child how to properly respect others, especially women. As a woman who has been abused & treated like crap in the past, it's extremely important to me that I teach my son how to show respect. Too many men these days have no idea how to treat women or how to take them on a nice date. It's nice to know my son won't be one of them. ❤



Yes, have to teach boys early that it's their job to provide money for women and pull out chairs for them, as if women aren't perfectly capable of doing that themselves. /s


Anyone else disgusted? It's pretty sexually twisted, I'd almost consider her a sexual abuser. She's probably going to make him have weird mommy issues in the future because of this. I mean what the fuck

Dollars to doughnuts says she's a single mom, making sure he doesn't turn out like Daddy did.

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Dollars to doughnuts says she's a single mom, making sure he doesn't turn out like Daddy did.



Yeah she is, she was actually on that show "16 and pregnant" and is currently a narcissistic single mother who does indeed want this kid to not end up like her ex

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Everyone really needs to stop using labels in general, on both sides. "MRA" has negative connotations, so does "feminist" at this point.


Oh and women are not fucking oppressed stop misusing the term and attacking me when I suggest this

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