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elseq 1-5


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i listen to most of my music via earphones while commuting to / from work.


for what it's worth, i found the soundspace of elseq to be far too brutal to listen to thru earphones.


it's something about either the mixing / mastering, or more likely, the software they are using to generate these tracks. you can tell their current setup was originally designed for live performance, because it has that real dry / up front / in your face sound ( like all of the AE_LIVE soundboards they released ) which is ideal in a live venue.


luckily, i found an iOS music player that has a crossfeed function: Neutron (also available for Android). i turn the crossfeed on when listening to elseq & it really helped smooth out some of that brittle, ultra high frequency sound.


i like this abstract stuff they are doing lately but i am REALLY burned out on the AE_LIVE / elseq sound at this point. i would love to see AE get back to using hardware along with their crazy sequencing  /event generating setup because i think it could majorly benefit from a richer soundscape (see the Oversteps tour recordings as an example).


people who listen thru speakers might disagree, but try listening to this stuff thru headphones & earphones. i've found it really fatiguing in a way that most other music is not, and i've never been one to be bothered by prolonged headphone listening (in fact, i much prefer it to listening thru speakers).



I've actually listened to this pretty much exclusively through headphones (Beyer DT250's), and I don't feel the same way! I find this release more approachable as a headphone album than, say, something like Untilted which never sat quite right with me via headphones.


I guess the true test of how non-fatiguing I find this is that I've actually done the full 4 plus hours a couple of times and come out the other end... hungry for more.

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Does anyone else think that 7th slip sounds like how it feels to become aware of one's own breathing while on acid?

Idk what you're talking about with the breathing, but now that I listen to 7th slip looking for acid-like qualities it sure reminds me of what it's like when your thoughts literally echo through your head on acid along with that weird timestretch feeling where you hear a low hum as a response to stuff.  idk how to explain











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spaces how V is psychedelic, the auditory manifestation of the eternal waiting room that awaits us all in death, wishing we shouted out "Hey, wait for me" as the last of your convoy left the room before the door locked, instead of keeping quiet to avoid being an inconvenience to them for asking for the right to avoid eternal waiting by joining them in social bonding.  


Interspersed with screams and yells, is the waiting room the same cosmic jail Dave found himself in, his older wrinklier self, the noises being their own unique way of asking the prison guard to let them out?  Does the guard himself want to get out even more than them, and their mere existence requires his guarding?  Should he be begging them to let him leave?

Edited by Zeffolia
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Guest bitroast

Decided to buy a TDR print too late. Sold out on both sites. Guessing that's it, my loss, unless anyone knows a place to get one that I don't?


comfort yourself in the knowledge that if the prints were still available for purchase, there's the possibility your brain would've said 'Actually.. maybe not today' and closed the window :^) 

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Guest WNS000

Will buy elseq 1 soon. Finally decided it is worth it. Amazing stuff from start to finish.


Not sure about the rest yet but the parts 4 and 5 are serious candidates. 2 and 3 highly unlikely at this moment.

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Guest WNS000

thanks, we were all wondering about that.


This thread is about opinions on elseq regardless your personal particular interests. Everybody have posted their opinions and feelings on the release and I am no exception and there is no reason I should be. Should you need more explanation of how public forums work, feel free to ask me. You are welcome.

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thanks, we were all wondering about that.


This thread is about opinions on elseq regardless your personal particular interests. Everybody have posted their opinions and feelings on the release and I am no exception and there is no reason I should be. Should you need more explanation of how public forums work, feel free to ask me. You are welcome.


Thanks we were all wondering about that ;)

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