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the watmm GAS thread


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30 minutes ago, yekker said:

If you guys were to take some pills for your gassyness, do you think you'd be able to make consistently good albums with just a few pieces of gear?

Aphex made Druqks with nothing but an 808 and a 303, so I guess it’s possible 

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Just backed this


The Gong and Halloween vids are especially impressive. The textures are so organic yet dynamic, it should bd an incredible techno synth for a huge Gabor Lazar / Rrose / Egyptrixx fanboy like me. I bet it can also go effortlessly into Barker’s territories. And so much more.

What an amazing time to make electronic music !

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12 hours ago, yekker said:

If you guys were to take some pills for your gassyness, do you think you'd be able to make consistently good albums with just a few pieces of gear?



Yes. I’ve made some pretty good tracks with only one synth, sometimes with only 2-3 channels. All you need is good enough synth, that speaks to you, that you feel as a psychological object, that you like to interact with. In that regard monomachine is no.1 to me.

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13 hours ago, auxien said:

Aphex made Druqks with nothing but an 808 and a 303, so I guess it’s possible 

He made it with trackers, prepared pianos and goodness knows what else.

It's also by far his weakest album, though, so the point still stands.

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14 hours ago, yekker said:

If you guys were to take some pills for your gassyness, do you think you'd be able to make consistently good albums with just a few pieces of gear?



I've made some of my (imo) best stuff using cheap (or free) gear/software. I buy synths because they're fun to mess around with. 

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1 hour ago, rhmilo said:

He made it with trackers, prepared pianos and goodness knows what else.

It's also by far his weakest album, though, so the point still stands.

lol it would be someone who thought it was his weakest album who didn't get that it was a joke. 

not a great joke, granted, but still. :duckhunt: 

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7 hours ago, auxien said:

lol it would be someone who thought it was his weakest album who didn't get that it was a joke. 

not a great joke, granted, but still. :duckhunt: 

Yes. It turns out I can take three levels of meta in a joke just fine, but four or more becomes a problem. This was seven: way, way outta my league.

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@Stickfigger eheh, I still don't regret selling it though.

I'm still gobsmacked by what I can get out of Bazille though (yeah I know, blasphemy), this synth is so rewarding. It took me a while, but the thing is insanely deep, and now I have a wonderful, lush yet weird and temperamental sound palette at my disposal, and Baz provides 99% of it (Hive 2 is a stunning little beats too, I've been getting some properly amazing drums out of it lately).

And thanks to it I've never been that productive / inspired. Feels goooooood.

I can't wait to have Plasmonic thrown in the equation, it will handle all these dissonant metallic drone / stabs I love so much effortlessly I bet (according to the vids at least).

A Serge modular (maybe going for Eurorack ones, don't know yet) is the only hardware I'm craving for really, that could add something super fun to my set-up. The tone is to die for (as time goes by, I'm more inspired by the sheer sonics rather than the features), and it must be delightful to live-code the shit out of it ? Might sell my boutiques to fund it. Still have a couple of EPs to finish before though.

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I really, REALLY want one of these for the old Wavestation SR, but € 230 is not even close to an option right now.


He's just using it for the same old analog synth waveforms and playing soem stereotypical 80s chords, but there's so much potential here.



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I had a short instance of GAS for a roland mc 101, but then noticed that playing liveacts with that thing will not work, because of the scenes limitation. So fuck that, just bought a Elektron M:S instead as sampler for my beats. :catrage:

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YT recommended me a bunch of modular videos today and I actually tried to watch them and 2as just like fuckthisfuckthisfuckthis

Loving the inappropriate things the Bastl Thyme I picked up in Dec does to my little PO posse.

Trying to understand SC pattern sequencing for like the 5th time. Wish me luck. I hope it clicks because I can hardly fucking stand using other sequencers anymore and I can't be arsed with developing genuine musicianship.

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I think my modular experiments are coming to an end. I decided at some point last year that I should either keep expanding in order to be able to make full tracks in a modular environment, or downsize to maintain a concise, single voice and/or effects/filter rack. I decided on the second option. It's about half the size of what it was at its peak and now I'm considering downsizing even more, maybe even to just my Intellijel palette case. Dealing with MIDI to CV has been the bane of my existence the whole time as well, and I'm getting a bit sick of it tbh. 

I think I'm just generally more inspired by the potential to exploit fixed architecture synths.

(I still want the Wavestate, but I've cooled off a little)

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Yeah that's why I'm holding off for a while. I have a feeling that with a synth that deep, even with its extended interface compared to its predecessor, I'd probably end up relying on presets and/or my own patches wouldn't be very complex.

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On 2/6/2020 at 8:13 PM, sweepstakes said:

Trying to understand SC pattern sequencing for like the 5th time. Wish me luck. I hope it clicks because I can hardly fucking stand using other sequencers anymore and I can't be arsed with developing genuine musicianship.

I think it's finally starting to click this time. The P-syntax is a lot more verbose than Tidal, but I'm finding it easier to wrap my head around. Also abstracting, cross-referencing, and redefining streams live is much cleaner than I remember Tidal being. Already making some half-decent primitive techno. The source code is also much clearer so I can study those to make some of my own streamers (for e.g. reversing streams).

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On 2/6/2020 at 7:35 PM, Stickfigger said:

Copped a Hydrasynth module ... selling some other stuff to fund


On 2/7/2020 at 1:47 AM, Stickfigger said:

Wavestate2 with a screen 4x the size and i'll be down.

does one need both? obviously different machines but i'd think there's a lot of overlap in terms of sound and use-case between them



this isn't fuckin' gearslutz mang


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On 2/12/2020 at 10:29 PM, modey said:

I'm starting to miss having a fkn OP-1, argh. I sold it two years ago for around half the price of what they are now ? 

Its kinda the ultimate portable synth.

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2 hours ago, acid1 said:

Its kinda the ultimate portable synth.

The only thing I don't like about them is you have to be good with a keyboard because of its lack of step sequencer; I've never actually used one though.

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It's got sequencers and an arpeggiator. Not quite a TR/Elektron style sequencer, but you can definitely make auto-playing patterns with it. That said, it's basically temporary pattern storage rather than something where you can store hundreds of patterns. 

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