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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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the world needs a couple of shocks like this (also brexit, maybe le pen getting in in france) to get back on the right path. i actually think trump winning can be a good thing.

He's one of the few non-nwo-elite-reptile-illuminati-connected Presidents in fucking ages.


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ideal scenario: orangeman spends a year in office failing to put most of his ridiculous/aggressive/idiotic platform policies into practice when faced with the realities of politics/negotiation/power-balancing, quickly disenfranchises his former support base and gets assassinated by someone in the lunatic fringes, thus wrecking his administration and discrediting the people that put it in place both.


course then someone would have to take over... but this scenario is based on the assumption that the Republicans'd be able to muster someone better. (a big assumption, then.)

None of this changes the frightening fact that the majority of American people voted for a total fucking psycho who ran a campaign of hate with blatant racism at its core. Nothing can change that. That is the worst thing of all.


somebody please compile all the "there's no way Hillary doesn't win" posts in this thread

I know I said it a half dozen times. Comey is a fuck, and obviously the polls were way off. Hidden white idiot majority came out to throw their weight around.
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The only silver lining I see is that Trump is old and unhealthy and will hopefully die soon. And that's not me being bitter about who won, that's my honest rational assessment of a shitty small-minded man who is in way over his head with what may be the most difficult job in the world.

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current mood



yep. already back to work. everyone at my job - which interestingly enough is mostly crude but likable working-class dudes - are pissed and/or flabbergasted. but they are keeping to their routines. we have bills to pay and families to take care of.

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the world needs a couple of shocks like this (also brexit, maybe le pen getting in in france) to get back on the right path. i actually think trump winning can be a good thing.

only time will tell



As I said earlier, a lot of actual qualified and smart people in government jobs have their work cut out for them. Same for all the moderate establishment legislators of both parties.


The unknown is the big fear. Trump could easily mellow out and turn out benign. He could also easily appoint nutjobs. We have no idea because he lies, throws tantrums and literally pulled a 180 on every ideology he espoused for decades just a few years ago.


I'll say this. My goal is to be stoic. I dealt with unasked for complaints and rants about Obama from relatives for 8 years. I will not sink down to the same level and berate people IRL for no reason because a guy I can't stand got elected. 

Edited by joshuatx
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In my part of town (the burbs of Detroit), I've seen a shit ton more Trump signs up the past week.

Like I said last week. I'll believe the polls on Nov. 9th. 


uhm...yea. Buckle-up kids.

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I'll say this. My goal is to be stoic. I dealt with unasked for complaints and rants about Obama from relatives for 8 years. I will not sink down to the same level and berate people IRL for no reason because a guy I can't stand got elected. 




meanwhile your less disciplined countrymen are all



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tbqh Hillary sucked innit. The feminists see this as an anti-woman thing but truly, she's an asshole. Should have let Bernie do this.




If Americans had a problem with a female President, I don't they were ready for a Jewish one either.

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Can you fire a president or force him/her to leave?


A President can be impeached, not sure what the process is though.



The unknown is the big fear. Trump could easily mellow out and turn out benign. He could also easily appoint nutjobs. We have no idea because he lies, throws tantrums and literally pulled a 180 on every ideology he espoused for decades just a few years ago.


You sum it up pretty nicely.

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tbqh Hillary sucked innit. The feminists see this as an anti-woman thing but truly, she's an asshole. Should have let Bernie do this.




If Americans had a problem with a female President, I don't they were ready for a Jewish one either.

yeh... maybe? dunno, but having viewed this from afar, it seemed like there was a strong vibe with the Bern.. then the Democratic Party bullied him out. That guardian article puts it nicely. Hillary was nothing to root for. The results speaks for itself.

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tbqh Hillary sucked innit. The feminists see this as an anti-woman thing but truly, she's an asshole. Should have let Bernie do this.




If Americans had a problem with a female President, I don't they were ready for a Jewish one either.

pretty sure that she didn't lose because she was a female

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