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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I’m ready for a large scale protest pretty much just based on how much of a douche he was to our allies. Let’s make the women’s march look like a backyard bbq tbqh

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so are they just meeting so they can exploit cheap north korean slave labour together or what?


am I just being cynical that I don't think there can be a genuinely good reason for the sudden 180 from them both?

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so are they just meeting so they can exploit cheap north korean slave labour together or what?


am I just being cynical that I don't think there can be a genuinely good reason for the sudden 180 from them both?



an angle i hadn't thought of.. but i'm guessing south korea would have something to say about all that.  

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Meet the guys who tape Trump's papers back together The president's unofficial 'filing system' involves tearing up documents into pieces, even when they're supposed to be preserved




Under the Presidential Records Act, the White House must preserve all memos, letters, emails and papers that the president touches, sending them to the National Archives for safekeeping as historical records.


But White House aides realized early on that they were unable to stop Trump from ripping up paper after he was done with it and throwing it in the trash or on the floor, according to people familiar with the practice. Instead, they chose to clean it up for him, in order to make sure that the president wasn’t violating the law.


“We got Scotch tape, the clear kind,” Lartey recalled in an interview. “You found pieces and taped them back together and then you gave it back to the supervisor.” The restored papers would then be sent to the National Archives to be properly filed away.


“I had a letter from Schumer — he tore it up,” he said. “It was the craziest thing ever. He ripped papers into tiny pieces.”


Lartey did not work alone. He said his entire department was dedicated to the task of taping paper back together in the opening months of the Trump administration. 
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