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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Supreme Court Justice Kennedy, who was often the swing vote of the conservative vs liberal leaning justices, just announced he's stepping down. Trump's surely going to nominate an even more conservative judge than Gorsuch. Fucking hell.


Yeah it sucks. 81 is damn old though, I don't blame him. The blocking of Garland proved the GOP is just as willing to wipe their ass with the constitution as they are to idolize it falsely.




RBG isn't bitching out like this. i wish kennedy would hold on longer but oh well. swing vote gonna swing. 

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Space Force!!1

If any of y’all want to apply for asylum status, get on it quick. Wait times are long up here. We won’t separate you from your family at the border tho, so there’s that.

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pretty good interview with former republican Steve Schmidt:





We're seeing at this moment a president of the United States do five things. He is using mass rallies that are fueled by constant lying to incite fervor and devotion in his political base. The second thing we see him do is to affix blame for every problem in the world. Many of them are complex, not so different from the issues faced at the end of Agrarian age and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We see him attack minority populations with words like "invade" and "infest." The third thing he does is a create a shared sense of victimization caused by the scapegoated populations. This is the high act of Trumpism: From Trump to Sean Hannity to Laura Ingraham, everyone is a victim. The fourth thing he does is he alleges conspiracy by nefarious and unseen hidden forces – the "deep state." And the fifth thing is the assertion that "I am the law, that I am above it." He just said immigrants don't get a hearing; they don't get a court representation.


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Space Force!!1

If any of y’all want to apply for asylum status, get on it quick. Wait times are long up here. We won’t separate you from your family at the border tho, so there’s that.




That's a plus for me, though.

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Countdown to the overturn of Roe v. Wade begins now.



Abortion will probably be illegal in at least half of US states by next summer and the'yll jsut be dying for someone to challenge it so that the Supreme court can formally reverse their decision. Thanks for not being able to at least wait a few more months until after the mid-terms to retire, Kennedy!

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may they all have a stroke. 


edit: i expect more shootings though. there are plenty of people out there who are frustrated and see no other way to participate or make some king of impact. 


regardless.. the Adam Curtis documentaries about all this will be great. i expect there will be NTS sessions tracks in the sound track. 

Edited by ignatius
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These days I'm itching to know what kind of affiliations these shooters have though...not to trivialize the tragedy of it all.


Even it's unrelated the rhetoric against journalists is insane. Along with Milo Dipshitopuolos a few days ago a NRA spokesperson said journalists should be curb-stomped.



And the right wing are literally blaming the left for this shooting. There hasn't been enough blowback to the fact that Pizzagate hysteria lead to a mass shooting attempt. It's still absurd that Trump got away with dismissing actual fucking outspoken Nazis beating up people as "good people on both sides." 


Goebells would be impressed at this shit Hannity and his peers is pulling off. It's agit-prop 101.

Edited by joshuatx
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The US has been moving so far right the last decade or two, that it's really no surprise that people can be openly racist or fascist and it doesn't even register anymore. If Reagan would run for president now, he would be called a far-left candidate by the state media (Fox News). It's garbage and I have little faith that the US can pull out from becoming a legit fascist state (more than it is already). 

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These days I'm itching to know what kind of affiliations these shooters have though...not to trivialize the tragedy of it all.


Even it's unrelated the rhetoric against journalists is insane. Along with Milo Dipshitopuolos a few days ago a NRA spokesperson said journalists should be curb-stomped.



And the right wing are literally blaming the left for this shooting. There hasn't been enough blowback to the fact that Pizzagate hysteria lead to a mass shooting attempt. It's still absurd that Trump got away with dismissing actual fucking outspoken Nazis beating up people as "good people on both sides." 


Goebells would be impressed at this shit Hannity and his peers is pulling off. It's agit-prop 101.


I've been trying and usually succeeding in ignoring those types of shit-stirrers on the right: Milo, Coulter, NRA's Loesch, Hannity, etc. They're all in some alternate world of bullshit where even the people who sorta agree with them know they're the worst version of a human clickbait-making machine, and they're literally designing their positions, statements, and 'beliefs' to set off their detractors, particularly those on the left...we all probably know this of course, but in my mind at least, even acknowledging them in a second or third hand form of articles taking them down/etc. is a form of 'support' in a way. Trump himself is a lesser, weaker version of this of course, and he cannot be ignored unfortunately...but the rest of them? I ignore them as much as I possibly can.


Certainly not saying everyone has to do that, but goddamn it feels good to just occasionally hear a clip of one of them on a late night show or something and go 'oh, I almost forgot about Milo, he's even dumber, lol' and then try and forget about them again. :)

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may they all have a stroke. 


edit: i expect more shootings though. there are plenty of people out there who are frustrated and see no other way to participate or make some king of impact. 


regardless.. the Adam Curtis documentaries about all this will be great. i expect there will be NTS sessions tracks in the sound track. 




Adam Curtis: why South Park is the best documentary of them all




pretty good interview with former republican Steve Schmidt:





We're seeing at this moment a president of the United States do five things. He is using mass rallies that are fueled by constant lying to incite fervor and devotion in his political base. The second thing we see him do is to affix blame for every problem in the world. Many of them are complex, not so different from the issues faced at the end of Agrarian age and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We see him attack minority populations with words like "invade" and "infest." The third thing he does is a create a shared sense of victimization caused by the scapegoated populations. This is the high act of Trumpism: From Trump to Sean Hannity to Laura Ingraham, everyone is a victim. The fourth thing he does is he alleges conspiracy by nefarious and unseen hidden forces – the "deep state." And the fifth thing is the assertion that "I am the law, that I am above it." He just said immigrants don't get a hearing; they don't get a court representation.




it's pretty fucking scary. 

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may they all have a stroke. 


edit: i expect more shootings though. there are plenty of people out there who are frustrated and see no other way to participate or make some king of impact. 


regardless.. the Adam Curtis documentaries about all this will be great. i expect there will be NTS sessions tracks in the sound track. 




Adam Curtis: why South Park is the best documentary of them all




pretty good interview with former republican Steve Schmidt:





We're seeing at this moment a president of the United States do five things. He is using mass rallies that are fueled by constant lying to incite fervor and devotion in his political base. The second thing we see him do is to affix blame for every problem in the world. Many of them are complex, not so different from the issues faced at the end of Agrarian age and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. We see him attack minority populations with words like "invade" and "infest." The third thing he does is a create a shared sense of victimization caused by the scapegoated populations. This is the high act of Trumpism: From Trump to Sean Hannity to Laura Ingraham, everyone is a victim. The fourth thing he does is he alleges conspiracy by nefarious and unseen hidden forces – the "deep state." And the fifth thing is the assertion that "I am the law, that I am above it." He just said immigrants don't get a hearing; they don't get a court representation.




it's pretty fucking scary. 



George Will quit too. Now granted, I find these moves to be significant even though the Right will say they were already RINOs or "establishment" and the far left will point out they were part of the gradual decline of the GOP. Nonetheless I find their tone striking. George Will - this iconoclast conservative writer - literally is urging people to vote straight ticket Democrat. That's a huge deal. They aren't merely saying they no longer feel part of the party's platforms, they are actually calling out Trump and the party an authoritarian menace. We need far more to quit the party though - too many are fucking complacent to this mess.

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The US has been moving so far right the last decade or two, that it's really no surprise that people can be openly racist or fascist and it doesn't even register anymore. If Reagan would run for president now, he would be called a far-left candidate by the state media (Fox News). It's garbage and I have little faith that the US can pull out from becoming a legit fascist state (more than it is already). 

is so weird, you hear this narrative and if u go into the right circles u hear the exact opposite narrative 


I think the problem more than anything is the increasing polarization and especially the lack of proper dialogue between the two sides, wherever the pathology will rise on the right or the left is kinda irrelevant.. point is the pathology should b prevented and as far as I understand it the only way to do that is trough dialogue

Edited by MIXL2
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Apparently you can just call the president without even trying very hard. On Air Force One. Lol.




Really wish the guy had gotten Trump to really say some shit though, oh well. Next time.



stuttering john of all people. fucking epic. 

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Apparently you can just call the president without even trying very hard. On Air Force One. Lol.




Really wish the guy had gotten Trump to really say some shit though, oh well. Next time.



stuttering john of all people. fucking epic. 


baba booey

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The US has been moving so far right the last decade or two, that it's really no surprise that people can be openly racist or fascist and it doesn't even register anymore. If Reagan would run for president now, he would be called a far-left candidate by the state media (Fox News). It's garbage and I have little faith that the US can pull out from becoming a legit fascist state (more than it is already). 

is so weird, you hear this narrative and if u go into the right circles u hear the exact opposite narrative 


I think the problem more than anything is the increasing polarization and especially the lack of proper dialogue between the two sides, wherever the pathology will rise on the right or the left is kinda irrelevant.. point is the pathology should b prevented and as far as I understand it the only way to do that is trough dialogue



How can you have a fruitful dialogue when one party simply denies reality, facts and victimizes themselves? And the polarization has come from the right wing. No compromises is a badge of honor to them. Incendiary rhetoric is also from the right. Ignoring facts is from the right. This whole us vs. them mentality stems from the right. That's how they work. 


Thinking that only dialogue will solve the polarization is a typical "liberal" or centrist notion. Most liberals are happy with the status quo (because they are rarely affected by the injustices in society), and the Overton window has moved further right, thus also shifting these "liberals" right-ward. Just have a look at what the "liberal" papers like the WaPo or NYT have been writing since Trump won. Searing hot take op-eds where they condemn the left for being too harsh on the Trump supporters, writing human interest stories about racists and nazis because of balance, I guess? 


Ostracize, do not give platforms to racists, fascists or bigots. By having a dialogue with these people, you are essentially accepting their positions as equal to whatever liberal positions you are supporting, you know like the radical notion of equal human rights versus wanting certain people (hint: they are not white, straight or men) to have less rights than others. How are these things still up for debate in the year 2018? 

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The US has been moving so far right the last decade or two, that it's really no surprise that people can be openly racist or fascist and it doesn't even register anymore. If Reagan would run for president now, he would be called a far-left candidate by the state media (Fox News). It's garbage and I have little faith that the US can pull out from becoming a legit fascist state (more than it is already).

is so weird, you hear this narrative and if u go into the right circles u hear the exact opposite narrative


I think the problem more than anything is the increasing polarization and especially the lack of proper dialogue between the two sides, wherever the pathology will rise on the right or the left is kinda irrelevant.. point is the pathology should b prevented and as far as I understand it the only way to do that is trough dialogue

How can you have a fruitful dialogue when one party simply denies reality, facts and victimizes themselves? And the polarization has come from the right wing. No compromises is a badge of honor to them. Incendiary rhetoric is also from the right. Ignoring facts is from the right. This whole us vs. them mentality stems from the right. That's how they work.


Thinking that only dialogue will solve the polarization is a typical "liberal" or centrist notion. Most liberals are happy with the status quo (because they are rarely affected by the injustices in society), and the Overton window has moved further right, thus also shifting these "liberals" right-ward. Just have a look at what the "liberal" papers like the WaPo or NYT have been writing since Trump won. Searing hot take op-eds where they condemn the left for being too harsh on the Trump supporters, writing human interest stories about racists and nazis because of balance, I guess?


Ostracize, do not give platforms to racists, fascists or bigots. By having a dialogue with these people, you are essentially accepting their positions as equal to whatever liberal positions you are supporting, you know like the radical notion of equal human rights versus wanting certain people (hint: they are not white, straight or men) to have less rights than others. How are these things still up for debate in the year 2018?

the alternative to dialogue is violence.


you can blame the right all you want (or the left since that's all the right does) but one side can't simply "win" over the other cuz u gotta live with the other side.. ur best bet is to make peace, unless your aim is not peace (and from what I have seen there's a growing amount of people on both sides who don't want peace )


it is irrelevant again who started the us vs them shit, point is don't egage in it yourself.. (imo)

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