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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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what to expect from the most militant country in the world. this country was founded on basis of eradication of other cultures. american culture is racist to the core, militant and semi-fascist and selfcongratulatory about it in an exasperatingly nonreflective way. it's the only western country that views war as a normal and appropriate mean of politics. even the french government at least tries to appear moral, not the american. fortunately a lot of americans are well educated and selfaware about this shithole of a nation they live in. i wish all those reasonable and smart americans and the rest of the world a future free of american terrorism


How is the US any different than Dutch, British, or French imperialism? Not disagreeing with you necessarily, just failing to see how the US is any different than the main colonizers throughout history other than the US being more relevant (generationally).


Personally I figure it's the same shit, with the exception that our generation is witnessing the US do its thing now, with our access to information being at a species high. 


The formula seems similar - proxy wars, invigorate and mobilize the masses through politics/religion (oft the same shit tbh), etc. Other than us being here to witness it, plus technological advancements of course, what is different than that which has already occurred in human history?

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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what to expect from the most militant country in the world. this country was founded on basis of eradication of other cultures. american culture is racist to the core, militant and semi-fascist and selfcongratulatory about it in an exasperatingly nonreflective way. it's the only western country that views war as a normal and appropriate mean of politics. even the french government at least tries to appear moral, not the american. fortunately a lot of americans are well educated and selfaware about this shithole of a nation they live in. i wish all those reasonable and smart americans and the rest of the world a future free of american terrorism


How is the US any different than Dutch, British, or French imperialism? Not disagreeing with you necessarily, just failing to see how the US is any different than the main colonizers throughout history other than the US being more relevant (generationally).


Personally I figure it's the same shit, with the exception that our generation is witnessing the US do its thing now, with our access to information being at a species high. 


the wars that happened in europe, namely first and second world war, sensitized european countries for war at least to an extend because a lot of europeans died in these wars but only few americans. i mean germany and france and the UK still help carrying on american wars in several ways. but the forces in these countries that don't want that any longer and that are actually politically relevant are stronger than in the US as far as I can see but I might be mistaken

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I'm reaching farther back in history but I definitely see your point.


The US is strong-arming right now through economic and military might, IMO, where most of the developed world is kind of "been there done that, ready to move on". 

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Trumps "over here" next week - visiting Blenheim Palace which is just up the road from me.  There will be protests no doubt, plenty of students / greenpeace / equality groups.


The biggest (silliest?) protest i have seen so far planned is the Baby blimp...  It has been given the all clear to fly over London! Haha, gotta love democracy.



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what to expect from the most militant country in the world. this country was founded on basis of eradication of other cultures. american culture is racist to the core, militant and semi-fascist and selfcongratulatory about it in an exasperatingly nonreflective way. it's the only western country that views war as a normal and appropriate mean of politics. even the french government at least tries to appear moral, not the american. fortunately a lot of americans are well educated and selfaware about this shithole of a nation they live in. i wish all those reasonable and smart americans and the rest of the world a future free of american terrorism


there definitely are strains of mentality passed down from dark and ugly generations of the past. i see a mechanism in which children are raised by parents who are fearful of retribution from groups they may have wronged. the children don't get the full story but fully absorb the visceral defensiveness and tribalism. you see it in the demon eyes of racists and gun nuts.


the majority of americans have not been behind things like iraq, vietnam, or even afghanistan, as it was executed. at least not after the misleadings of ill-advised politicians became clarified.

Edited by very honest
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That baby Trump blimp is great. It's exactly the thing that is going to bug the shit out of ol' Donnie.
I hope Donnie gets similar treatment when he comes to Helsinki, where he will no doubt be manipulated like the mushbrained fool he is by Putin.

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As an American, I approve of the city of London's decision. If Donnie wants to be a shithead towards anyone who isn't rich, a dictator, or a white supremacist, then I don't see how he can expect respect in return. As far as I'm concerned, reap what you sow.

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Snowflake babby can't handle protests. And his supporters think he's some strong bigman. He is so cowardly he can't even fire people, he makes others do that for him or does it via twitter or TV.



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whoever came up with the idea of the giant trump baby needs to get a 'time person of the year' award. also check this:


trump’s mar-a-lago club in florida seeks to hire 61 foreign workers as seasonal cooks and waiters


merica first or does he just believe mericans can't be waiters and cooks?

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I think Putin really wants to be allies with America. America in his mind would alienate Europe and in turn he could claim back Eastern Europe. Maybe

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virtue signaling on an idm forum is the pinnacle of human experience


edit: note, after idiolizing big papa jbp on an idm forum imho <3

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I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.

This is just so beautifully worded. The man is an auteur.

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what to expect from the most militant country in the world. this country was founded on basis of eradication of other cultures. american culture is racist to the core, militant and semi-fascist and selfcongratulatory about it in an exasperatingly nonreflective way. it's the only western country that views war as a normal and appropriate mean of politics. even the french government at least tries to appear moral, not the american. fortunately a lot of americans are well educated and selfaware about this shithole of a nation they live in. i wish all those reasonable and smart americans and the rest of the world a future free of american terrorism


there definitely are strains of mentality passed down from dark and ugly generations of the past. i see a mechanism in which children are raised by parents who are fearful of retribution from groups they may have wronged. the children don't get the full story but fully absorb the visceral defensiveness and tribalism. you see it in the demon eyes of racists and gun nuts.


the majority of americans have not been behind things like iraq, vietnam, or even afghanistan, as it was executed. at least not after the misleadings of ill-advised politicians became clarified.


Yes, it's a shame that this majority isn't represented by the government

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I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.

This is just so beautifully worded. The man is an auteur.


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I lived in Great Falls once...back when I was too young to know anything about politics


What was it like? I've never been to those distant parts of murica

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