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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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The ᛋᛋ is probably the USMC sniper scout bullshit, or will be likely presented as such. Of course I can't think of a decorated veteran sniper who has actually defended that ss crap and it seems to be a recent (i.e. post-'Nam) trend.


Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.

The nazi eagle on the neck makes it more likely that this is a nazi instead of some sniper BS.




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The ᛋᛋ is probably the USMC sniper scout bullshit, or will be likely presented as such. Of course I can't think of a decorated veteran sniper who has actually defended that ss crap and it seems to be a recent (i.e. post-'Nam) trend.


Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.

The nazi eagle on the neck makes it more likely that this is a nazi instead of some sniper BS.

Is the SS arm photo even from those guys? Doesn't seem to be at first blush but I sure haven't researched it beyond looking at the photos y'all posted already. 



hah i thought those were meant to be the final ss-s of "KISS". the band. my logic fell flat because there wasn't an "i" in front of both ss-s. 


sometimes i'm amused by my own naivety :)

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They fired Strzok on Friday. Were supposed to just demote and suspend him for 60 days, but it seems someone decided otherwise. Curious to see the ramifications, if it's tied back directly to Trump/etc.


strok's internal review recommended a demotion and suspension but rosenstein overrode that and fired him.


this is big, folks. i want to like rosenstein. he comes out sounding on-point, often. but i remember that it was his blatantly coerced and disingenuous letter that provided the pretense for comey's firing.


strzok has legal bills, and the government doesn't pay like crazy. he is a life-long public servant. the republicans wanted his head, to create a villain, despite the thorough and transparent inspector general report finding strzok clear of any serious wrong-doing. 


rosenstein is the one who can stop mueller. the republicans have been trying to get rosenstein, in order to stop the investigation, which has the potential to devastate the republican party for a generation at least. 


here we see rosenstein apparently bending. i would like to think that he wrote the comey letter under duress, and he chose to not risk his position, so he could keep it, in order to do good. i would like to think the same of the strzok firing, that he is taking away excuses the republicans can use to oust him, so he doesn't abandon mueller to a trump-appointed replacement.


republicans filed a motion to impeach rosenstein a couple weeks ago, threatening to throw his own career under the wheels. that didn't gain traction, but the intimidation by the corrupt is looming over him. nunes was recorded saying, at a private dinner, that his colleagues support removing rosenstein, but can't spend the political capital without first confirming the supreme court pick.


possibly strzok's firing would send a message to the fbi that rosenstein isn't in the mood for people who are going to make his job harder, by providing ammo to the republicans, and being discourteous to them in hearings ("i don't know if you mean this like being at the dentist"). even with those rose-colored glasses, it means the doj and fbi are straining and jettisoning parts.

Edited by very honest
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The ᛋᛋ is probably the USMC sniper scout bullshit, or will be likely presented as such. Of course I can't think of a decorated veteran sniper who has actually defended that ss crap and it seems to be a recent (i.e. post-'Nam) trend.


Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.

The nazi eagle on the neck makes it more likely that this is a nazi instead of some sniper BS.

Is the SS arm photo even from those guys? Doesn't seem to be at first blush but I sure haven't researched it beyond looking at the photos y'all posted already. 



hah i thought those were meant to be the final ss-s of "KISS". the band. my logic fell flat because there wasn't an "i" in front of both ss-s. 


sometimes i'm amused by my own naivety :)





Though let's be real, KISS fandom is almost as offensive as Third Reich idolization 

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*draws mental venn-diagram*



also, rosenstein looks like he's doing everything he can to keep mueller going. not sure where the distrust comes from. as all points could be very well explained, imo.


and btw, strzok has every right to go to court over him being fired. and you know whats good about that? Well, the entire process behind the decision to fire strzok will be looked at. ergo, the role of the white house in his firing will become transparent. which in itself will add to muellers obstruction case. i'm sure rosenstein is well aware of this. and was pretty sure strzok would legally challenge the decision. or in other words: rosenstein is playing chess. and from where i'm standing, he does so for all the right reasons. if he makes concessions to the white house, he'll do so with an explicit paper trail.

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This is pretty brilliant btw:


Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.

If my nephew’s ideas on immigration had been in force a century ago, our family would have been wiped out.

source: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/13/stephen-miller-is-an-immigration-hypocrite-i-know-because-im-his-uncle-219351

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Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.


I've served in the Navy and this is very true. In one of my commands there was a group of neo-nazis that kept to themselves mostly and did their jobs (It was a rather small group of like 5 or 6). Only one of them would voice their ideology and hatred for minorities and such. The other guys would tell him to chill. Of course this guy was pretty much a newbie who was new to the command and fell in with this group. After about a year, he and one of his superiors got into a dispute because "I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM WOPS!" It ended up in a fist fight where the nazi got his ass handed to him. He was placed on restriction for not doing what he was told or something. Then one night when the Italian dude was asleep, the nazi took a sledge hammer and basically caved his face in and killed him. He was found hiding in some space and I think he's still in leavenworth prison. It wasn't known if the other nazis influenced him, but they were separated and sent to different commands for their protection or something. There are a lot of southern pride people in the military. They have confederate tattoos, a poorly grown mustache, dip in their mouth, and a ball cap. 

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Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.


I've served in the Navy and this is very true. In one of my commands there was a group of neo-nazis that kept to themselves mostly and did their jobs (It was a rather small group of like 5 or 6). Only one of them would voice their ideology and hatred for minorities and such. The other guys would tell him to chill. Of course this guy was pretty much a newbie who was new to the command and fell in with this group. After about a year, he and one of his superiors got into a dispute because "I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM WOPS!" It ended up in a fist fight where the nazi got his ass handed to him. He was placed on restriction for not doing what he was told or something. Then one night when the Italian dude was asleep, the nazi took a sledge hammer and basically caved his face in and killed him. He was found hiding in some space and I think he's still in leavenworth prison. It wasn't known if the other nazis influenced him, but they were separated and sent to different commands for their protection or something. There are a lot of southern pride people in the military. They have confederate tattoos, a poorly grown mustache, dip in their mouth, and a ball cap. 





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This is pretty brilliant btw:


Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.

If my nephew’s ideas on immigration had been in force a century ago, our family would have been wiped out.

source: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/13/stephen-miller-is-an-immigration-hypocrite-i-know-because-im-his-uncle-219351

Great article. Hard to pick since there's so many to choose from, but I'm leaning toward Stephen Miller as being the biggest douchebag in the WH entourage (excluding Donald of course) that I would love to see horrible, horrible things happen to.

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Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.


I've served in the Navy and this is very true. In one of my commands there was a group of neo-nazis that kept to themselves mostly and did their jobs (It was a rather small group of like 5 or 6). Only one of them would voice their ideology and hatred for minorities and such. The other guys would tell him to chill. Of course this guy was pretty much a newbie who was new to the command and fell in with this group. After about a year, he and one of his superiors got into a dispute because "I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM WOPS!" It ended up in a fist fight where the nazi got his ass handed to him. He was placed on restriction for not doing what he was told or something. Then one night when the Italian dude was asleep, the nazi took a sledge hammer and basically caved his face in and killed him. He was found hiding in some space and I think he's still in leavenworth prison. It wasn't known if the other nazis influenced him, but they were separated and sent to different commands for their protection or something. There are a lot of southern pride people in the military. They have confederate tattoos, a poorly grown mustache, dip in their mouth, and a ball cap. 





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This is pretty brilliant btw:


Stephen Miller Is an Immigration Hypocrite. I Know Because I’m His Uncle.

If my nephew’s ideas on immigration had been in force a century ago, our family would have been wiped out.

source: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/13/stephen-miller-is-an-immigration-hypocrite-i-know-because-im-his-uncle-219351

This guy is the man!


Laws bereft of justice are the gateway to tyranny. Today others may be the target, but tomorrow it might just as easily be you or me. History will be the judge, but in the meantime the normalization of these policies is rapidly eroding the collective conscience of America.

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Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.


I've served in the Navy and this is very true. In one of my commands there was a group of neo-nazis that kept to themselves mostly and did their jobs (It was a rather small group of like 5 or 6). Only one of them would voice their ideology and hatred for minorities and such. The other guys would tell him to chill. Of course this guy was pretty much a newbie who was new to the command and fell in with this group. After about a year, he and one of his superiors got into a dispute because "I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM WOPS!" It ended up in a fist fight where the nazi got his ass handed to him. He was placed on restriction for not doing what he was told or something. Then one night when the Italian dude was asleep, the nazi took a sledge hammer and basically caved his face in and killed him. He was found hiding in some space and I think he's still in leavenworth prison. It wasn't known if the other nazis influenced him, but they were separated and sent to different commands for their protection or something. There are a lot of southern pride people in the military. They have confederate tattoos, a poorly grown mustache, dip in their mouth, and a ball cap. 







Goddamn that is brutal. Heard of this incident in which a gay sailor was brutally murdered but not that one. I've not served but many friends and family of mine have. People forget that it's not unusual for enlisted personnel to be individuals who could of easily been on track to become lifelong criminals but got a chance to serve in lieu of prison. Often they straighten out and find guidance but many just end up back at square one post commitment and others, like this Nazi mentioned, just become hardened. Same with those who are prejudiced - some progress by interacting with diverse co-workers while others don't change. Timothy McVeigh the OK City bomber was a combat vet who has gone on record about how the military turned him into an anti-government white supremacist, citing that "black power" espousing soldiers were tolerated while he was singled out for wearing a white power shirt.


I think this has always been the case in the military, the wide-arrange of recruits leads to perpetual minority of scummy personal and it often seems dealt in the manner of shit-talking, at least with the combat units - i.e. the dynamic you see portrayed in movies like Full Metal Jacket or the HBO series Generation Kill. That said I think the more serious forms of harassment seem to be dealt with more often now but you will always have some fucked up people who end up serving.


edit: sp thanks braintree

Edited by joshuatx
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I think this fear of “white genocide” thing that alt-righters talk about is really just the fear of/attraction to bigger browner dicks.

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Anyway, another example of this normalization of military veterans, and by extension, bikers, as rough but patriotic "good people" post-9/11 by default. No one should be shocked that racist neo-Nazi assholes have served in the military and in combat.


I've served in the Navy and this is very true. In one of my commands there was a group of neo-nazis that kept to themselves mostly and did their jobs (It was a rather small group of like 5 or 6). Only one of them would voice their ideology and hatred for minorities and such. The other guys would tell him to chill. Of course this guy was pretty much a newbie who was new to the command and fell in with this group. After about a year, he and one of his superiors got into a dispute because "I DON'T TAKE ORDERS FROM WOPS!" It ended up in a fist fight where the nazi got his ass handed to him. He was placed on restriction for not doing what he was told or something. Then one night when the Italian dude was asleep, the nazi took a sledge hammer and basically caved his face in and killed him. He was found hiding in some space and I think he's still in leavenworth prison. It wasn't known if the other nazis influenced him, but they were separated and sent to different commands for their protection or something. There are a lot of southern pride people in the military. They have confederate tattoos, a poorly grown mustache, dip in their mouth, and a ball cap. 







Goddamn that is brutal. Heard of this incident in which a gay sailor was brutally murdered but not that one. I've not served but many friends and family of mine have. People forget that it's not unusual for enlisted personnel to be individuals who could of easily been on track to become lifelong criminals but got a chance to serve in lieu of prison. Often they straighten out and find guidance but many just end up back at square one post commitment and others, like this Nazi mentioned, just become hardened. Same with those who are prejudiced - some progress by interacting with diverse co-workers while others don't change. Timothy McVeigh the OK City bomber was a combat vet who has gone on record about how the military turned him into an anti-government white supremacist, citing that "black power" espousing soldiers were tolerated while he was singled out for wearing a white power shirt.


I think this has always been the case in the military, the wide-arrange of recruits leads to perpetual minority of scummy personal and it often seems dealt in the manner of shit-talking, at least with the combat units - i.e. the dynamic you see portrayed in movies like Full Metal Jacket or the HBO series Generation Kill. That said I think the more serious forms of harassment seem to be dealt with more often now but you will always have some fucked up people who end up serving.


edit: sp thanks braintree



I served in the days when Hip Hop music was promoting a lot of Pro-Black music such as Public Enemy and X-Clan. You'd see a lot of african americans going out on liberty wearing Black Bart t-shirts, Malcolm X shirts, "It's a Black Thing... You Wouldn't Understand" shirts... etc. A white dude once wore a "It's a White Thing... You Wouldn't Understand" shirt and he was ordered to take it off and of course he would bring up the "What about them?" argument. Then for a while some of the Pro-black shirts were banned on my ship... That didn't last of course since there were really no forced repercussions. As you can very well imagine, most service men and women stick with their own. 

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Pro-Trump Fan of Social Distortion Says Lead Singer Punched Him at Concert



The police in Sacramento are investigating an allegation that the lead singer of the pop-punk band Social Distortion punched a fan who protested his diatribe against President Trump during a concert last month.


The fan, Tim Hildebrand, 30, said in an interview on Wednesday that the lead singer, Mike Ness, called the president a bigot and a racist during a concert on July 19 at the Ace of Spades. In response, Mr. Hildebrand said, he protested by holding up his middle finger. He kept it there for two to three songs and Mr. Ness eventually called him forward, Mr. Hildebrand said, adding that Mr. Ness punched him repeatedly in the head.



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How cool would it be if someone could publicly confront the shitbag and ask him frankly like human-to-human, "dude, what the fuck is the matter with you? You realize you are a lying mentally unstable sicko, right? You realize you are a narcissist in need of serious emotional and psychological help from a professional? You see how you're a fucking bully, right? Like you're not blind, or deaf. You know the lies and manipulation you're you're peddlingg, right? You do realize half the country fucking hates your guts... Do you get off on being hated/despised? What kind of fucking scumbag are you to behave like this, for real?"

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I would just like someone to ask him what IQ is an acronym for next time he boasts about it.

Yup. This sort of shit is the right way to get under him and his supporters.




Snowflake acts like an asshole at a punk show and gets the shit beat out of him by lefty singer. Wants to use it to meet the band. :cerious:

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