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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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He knows he's fucked by the investigations so he's trying to start a civil war/race war as a way of kicking and screaming. When the North Korea thing doesn't pan out, go to plan B: encouraging the Nazis.

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so dumb.. this guy has no concept of history. moron.

Maybe he can get Frederick Douglass on the case!



"I've heard more and more hype about that guy, it's great. P4k BNM nod next year I bet"

- Donald Trump

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The right-wing have literally been the only people, save one of two batshit insane pastors or attention seeking activists, who have brought up the notion of monuments of the Founding Fathers to be taken down.


You are forgetting that he followed that up with a bullshit tweet about how Gen. Pershing buried insurgent troops with pigs in the Philippines. It's not only fucked up to idolize that claim but the claim has been debunked for decades now. A detailed Snopes article (fake news I know lol) breaks it down as completely false.



Edited by joshuatx
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You are forgetting that he followed that up with a bullshit tweet about how Gen. Pershing buried insurgent troops with pigs in the Philippines. It's not only fucked up to idolize that claim but the claim has been debunked for decades now. A detailed Snopes article (fake news I know lol) breaks it down as completely false.





That's absolutely grotesque, and vile to praise something like that even if its not true. im not one of these "how dare you defame religious prophet's name" people, but that's some nasty islamophobia right there without a doubt.  

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about ho chi minh: for one he wasn't white, and two, his name sounds like a rather spicy dish


but real talk: nice comment by eugene


It's pretty damning. Another thing is there's literally no serious discussion of actually banning private ownership and display of Confederate memorabilia, it's about public monuments, schools, universities, parks, etc. Look at Germany: they've banned Nazi symbols, political clubs/entities, removed monuments, etc. That said museums and libraries still have huge archives and people still maintain massive collections of Nazi paraphernalia. It is remembered and generally remembered properly because it's been contextualized by society. 


I've been tempted to post stuff on FB but I've held off and I'm glad. I was worried that, wrongly, people might think I'm apathetic but my wife reminded me that anyone who really knows me won't question that I'm not.


The only people who aren't on the same page as me are very, very much still plugged into the Trump rhetoric delusions and lies. It's damning just to watch them post nonsense, ranging from very misplaced and misguided viewpoints to pathetically vile statements. They are often doing so without much reaction. It's interesting seeing people kind of stake out a claim on this point in history in which they are on the wrong side. Thankfully it's only a handful of people but it's perhaps the most upsetting aspect of all of this. Part of the reason I'm not getting in discussions is because I fear they are even worse they let on. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not going to find out for sure. It's not worth it, most of them are in a bubble anyway.

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about ho chi minh: for one he wasn't white, and two, his name sounds like a rather spicy dish


but real talk: nice comment by eugene


It's pretty damning. Another thing is there's literally no serious discussion of actually banning private ownership and display of Confederate memorabilia, it's about public monuments, schools, universities, parks, etc. Look at Germany: they've banned Nazi symbols, political clubs/entities, removed monuments, etc. That said museums and libraries still have huge archives and people still maintain massive collections of Nazi paraphernalia. It is remembered and generally remembered properly because it's been contextualized by society. 


yeah- i actually remember going to a swap meet in orange county (surf city) and they had an entire display of WW2 memorabilia including some brown shirts and SS badges. so i asked the guy whether he knew whether those were from years leading to and during the beer hall putsch or from the night of the long knives and right before the formation of the SA.


the guy looked at me and said "hey, man don't you know you're history? these are from the nazi era. when hitler was president"


i didn't want to correct him. for whatever reason, i appreciated his ignorance.  

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Imo, if some of these Confederate statues get pulled down, they belong more in Civil War museums. Give the Southerners their history, but it doesn't need to have the appearance of State and Federal approval. There are plenty of Nazi and WWII museums around the world. Including the nauseating one run by Scientologists in Clearwater, FL. Barf

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about ho chi minh: for one he wasn't white, and two, his name sounds like a rather spicy dish


but real talk: nice comment by eugene


It's pretty damning. Another thing is there's literally no serious discussion of actually banning private ownership and display of Confederate memorabilia, it's about public monuments, schools, universities, parks, etc. Look at Germany: they've banned Nazi symbols, political clubs/entities, removed monuments, etc. That said museums and libraries still have huge archives and people still maintain massive collections of Nazi paraphernalia. It is remembered and generally remembered properly because it's been contextualized by society. 


yeah- i actually remember going to a swap meet in orange county (surf city) and they had an entire display of WW2 memorabilia including some brown shirts and SS badges. so i asked the guy whether he knew whether those were from years leading to and during the beer hall putsch or from the night of the long knives and right before the formation of the SA.


the guy looked at me and said "hey, man don't you know you're history? these are from the nazi era. when hitler was president"


i didn't want to correct him. for whatever reason, i appreciated his ignorance.  



Imo, if some of these Confederate statues get pulled down, they belong more in Civil War museums. Give the Southerners their history, but it doesn't need to have the appearance of State and Federal approval. There are plenty of Nazi and WWII museums around the world. Including the nauseating one run by Scientologists in Clearwater, FL. Barf


There's a huge gray area of sincerely non-fascist WW2 memoribula collectors and neo-Nazis. Happens a lot in the metal crowds, Lemmy and Jeff Hanneman were two noted examples. Musically too it's a common trope: makes sense because there are so many layers of fascinating facts, imagery and stories that make for brutal thematic fodder. I've never collected anything myself but I often binge read a lot WW2 history including Axis stuff - both very nonpolitical (i.e. books solely about equipment of the Luftwaffe for example) and the very visceral horror of 3rd Reich, which really makes me appreciate the defeat of that regime even more.


There's a great subreddit called r/ShitWehraboosSay/ that lampoons the segment of Axis WWII buffs who get carried away trying to over-defend the non-SS, citizen soldiers and conscripts.

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Pence may very well be fucked. He oversaw the transition and knew all about Flynn, since he was warned by Sally Yates and Elijah Cummings, at least. There's definitely other stuff, too. He's just being relatively quiet because he's not Trump. Also, he stood by Trump's latest comments on Charlottesville, fucking idiot. 

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Aides are leaking to the press that Bannon is on his way out officially, it's just a matter of when. Supposedly Bannon handed in a letter of resignation on August 7, but the shit over the past weekend may have played a part in Trump deciding to keep it quiet or not accept it or something? We all knew Bannon was about to be gone anyway of course, it's just a matter of hours or days now, it seems.


Edited by auxien
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so are there any of the anti-globalist faction left? everyone else seems to be pretty standard washington/wall street status quo types. trump himself might be the only one left, but even then I don't believe he has any real principled beliefs really. will this be the point that the morons who voted for Trump because they thought he was going to fuck the system finally realise they've been had? probably not.

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