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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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lol holy shit!  It's legal to give birth when your baby is ready.  Fucked up man.


There must be some kind of context missing here... or he was just having a stroke.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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I started a new job last week and I am finding it very confusing. But then if this guy can be president for over a year surely I can manage. So inspired.

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Torn maybe yeah...? I figured he mixed up unborn and torn or something. More a very unfortunate slip of the tongue than pure stupidity in this case I think.... All presidents say dumb shit accidentally, of course, it's just a little less distinguishable when this one says dumb shit on purpose all the time.


Except of course that what he's trying to say is nearly or entirely a lie. There are very very very few, if any, late term/month 9 abortions performed in America. And the doctors I've heard speak of it (I'm not particularly well-researched recently here) say that such situations are always in dire mother's life is on the line, baby won't make it anyway type of decisions.

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re pic posted at end of last page


Hope Hicks is simultaneously one of the luckiest and unluckiest women in the world. she's fucking 29. the way this crew has come to power has been enormously fortuitous for some of its younger/junior members, which is one of the reasons they feel compelled to carry on being a part of this administration, because of the undeniable career opportunity. and yet, they have to babysit this man... the responsibility is enormous.

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^ never thought of it up to now, but what dad in their right mind would let their daughter anywhere near that prolapsed hemorrhoid, let alone work directly for it? I presume fam is crony cashness but this should be something absolutely non-partisan, even the most sycophant defenders have to know its a slimy perv.


Also fuck abortion as the tired-ass wedge issue pandered to the semi-retarded that it is.  Christ, always some shit-laden pol hack is telling you their opponent wants nothing more than to rip out every possible fetus in your state at 8.99 mos.

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^ never thought of it up to now, but what dad in their right mind would let their daughter anywhere near that prolapsed hemorrhoid, let alone work directly for it? I presume fam is crony cashness but this should be something absolutely non-partisan, even the most sycophant defenders have to know its a slimy perv.


it's in the DNA of the world she comes from. the social tier that she belongs to has an essentially dispassionate, self-interested approach to everything. it's not about what you believe or what you stand for (which is nothing, basically), it's entirely about what you get out of it. it's the same reason some of the current Trump team used to be Democrat supporters. to these people, integrity and taking a stand on issues is not a thing. they could just as easily switch sides tomorrow if they felt they were no longer on the winning side.

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US president Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Reuters in the Oval Office on Wednesday (Jan 17). While the interview ended with takeaways of Trump’s plan ahead for this year’s midterm elections and tensions with North Korea, a truly remarkable exclusive was this photo of Trump and his communication staff engaged in tense tableau while Reuters journalists looked on. For those who have read the various stories depicting a White House coming apart at the seams, with a diminishing team of advisors, here is an intimate image that seems to illustrate that chaos.


LOL - stable genius.

Sarah Huckabee could snap your dick off with those wrists, Jebus.

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US president Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Reuters in the Oval Office on Wednesday (Jan 17). While the interview ended with takeaways of Trump’s plan ahead for this year’s midterm elections and tensions with North Korea, a truly remarkable exclusive was this photo of Trump and his communication staff engaged in tense tableau while Reuters journalists looked on. For those who have read the various stories depicting a White House coming apart at the seams, with a diminishing team of advisors, here is an intimate image that seems to illustrate that chaos.


LOL - stable genius.

Sarah Huckabee could snap your dick off with those wrists, Jebus.




i think wide angle lens makes that one arm look larger.  she's a stout person from her facial expressions to her pressence. just wathing her in press conferences...  i've yet to see her look intimdated or flustered even when she has to know the lines she's spewing are utter bullshit spin.  i think she's more suited to the job than spicer was because she has the gravitas or whatever to carry it off.. spicer did not. he couldn't hack it.. also i think he couldn't snap anyone's dick off. she's obviously got a better gift of spin and can maintain that stare in the face of any reporter asking questions.  i think it would take some real pressure to break her down... she's like rocky balboa and no one in the room is even close to drago.. 

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Congrats with the government shotdown! ;)


Also, Micheal Wolff implies Trumps having an extramarital affair while in the White House. Supposedly, Hope Hicks is wearing the blue dress. It's always the trainees...

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Congrats with the government shotdown! ;)


Also, Micheal Wolff implies Trumps having an extramarital affair while in the White House. Supposedly, Hope Hicks is wearing the blue dress. It's always the trainees...



or it could be ivanka. 


affairs in the whitehouse have been a thing for a long time.. apparently G HW Bush had a 7 year long affair w/someone who worked in the state department. 



edit - 


and o f course he did

On the eve of a possible government shutdown, President Donald Trump privately vented frustrations that the political impasse could possibly keep him from attending a glitzy inauguration anniversary bash and fundraiser set for Saturday at his Florida getaway Mar-a-Lago.

Two sources close to the president, one a White House official and the other a longtime confidant, told The Daily Beast how excited he was for the event and relayed his growing concern that the potential failure to strike a deal to keep the federal government open could keep him from “my party,” as the president has said.




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Prolly not justifiable, but I feel safer now that US government has shut down. If Trump stops harassing through Twitter as well the world would be a better place. ;)

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Also, Micheal Wolff implies Trumps having an extramarital affair while in the White House. Supposedly, Hope Hicks is wearing the blue dress. It's always the trainees...



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Republicans have majority control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency. Whom do they blame for the shutdown? Democrats.

Well, maybe a year from now control of Congress can be wrested from these bastards and their inbred Nazi relatives. Maybe.

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Shutdown might not even last through the weekend.


Trump is a fucking idiot but I don't think even he is stupid enough to fuck someone working for him right now. Plus, all the constant leaks and we've heard nothing of it? That said, is he fucking some poor Florida/DC/wherever hookers and opportunistic women, well, probably...


And of course Wolff implies there's some hinted at paragraph in his book about a possible affair. He's keeping that interest up, (there's a TV show deal now damn it!) and he's got little cred so why not imply that Donny is kissing Sally on the playground while Melanie is away.

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What deeply confuses me is that there are still “rational” republicans in the year 2018. What’s the point of imagining a political party that doesn’t even exist?

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Mr. Schumer said yes to higher levels for military spending and discussed the possibility of fully funding the president’s wall on the southern border with Mexico. In exchange, the president agreed to support legalizing young immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.


So the Senate Dems were willing to concede pretty much whatever Trump/Reps wanted in exchange for a thing many Republicans publicly support (to some extent at least) anyway and will almost surely go through soon no matter what? Fucking idiots on all sides of this. Idiots: Trump, Dems, Reps. Unless there's something more that was in play that isn't being reported on, everyone is just really bad at playing this game. Reps/Trump will probably be the biggest losers long term, but that's not exactly surprising. 


quote from: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/19/us/politics/trump-government-shutdown.html

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