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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Sadly, in a very close alternate reality he's president right now.



I was kinda hoping that he would run for president again in 2020, but he'll be 79 by then... Guess Oprah is the next best thing then.

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Do you really think Sanders would win an election? It really surprises me people seem to think Bernie could win.


I really don't think this social democracy thing is going to work in the US. Half the country would be against it, out of principle. Close to a third of the electorate still supports Trump. And another chunk of the electorate is actually conservative or libertarian. I'd expect roughly a third of the electorate to support Sanders. Which is a lot. But nog enough. And you'd also have to take into account why people support Sanders. A lot of Bernie supporters are in it for the "get the money out of politics" agenda, I'm guessing. And not really fond of his "socialist" agenda.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want to live in a social democracy you'd be better off in Europe. I don't see the US moving closer to a European model. Doesn't seem realistic to me.


Who knows though. The pendulum might move in a completely opposite direction in the next election cycle. Although an important note would be that the seats in congress/senate are equally important, if not more! Even if Sanders would end up in the White House in 2020. If congress/senate remains as is, Sanders wouldn't achieve anything worthwhile.

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Do you really think Sanders would win an election? It really surprises me people seem to think Bernie could win.


I really don't think this social democracy thing is going to work in the US. Half the country would be against it, out of principle. Close to a third of the electorate still supports Trump. And another chunk of the electorate is actually conservative or libertarian. I'd expect roughly a third of the electorate to support Sanders. Which is a lot. But nog enough. And you'd also have to take into account why people support Sanders. A lot of Bernie supporters are in it for the "get the money out of politics" agenda, I'm guessing. And not really fond of his "socialist" agenda.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want to live in a social democracy you'd be better off in Europe. I don't see the US moving closer to a European model. Doesn't seem realistic to me.


Who knows though. The pendulum might move in a completely opposite direction in the next election cycle. Although an important note would be that the seats in congress/senate are equally important, if not more! Even if Sanders would end up in the White House in 2020. If congress/senate remains as is, Sanders wouldn't achieve anything worthwhile.


i'm not going to act like i've studied the polling for each batleground state, but my feeling is that bernie would have a shot at winning the general, though he does start with that disadvantage you described.


a lot of people voted for trump because they just wanted anything that's not status quo, someone to shake things up. bernie could appeal to those voters.


honestly, for voters who wanted someone to step into washington and drain some swamp, shake some things up, and do so intelligently and successfully, bernie is probably the closest thing to what they imagined trump was.



regarding your points on where america is at with regard to socialism... i think it's only a matter of time before people realize that socialist programs are the unavoidable solution to the gravitation of wealth to the wealthy. i think the trend of technology improving has been making the species more and more productive, but the benefits are distributed disproportionately and this bias builds on itself. when it is apparent that automation deprives the masses of jobs and enriches the wealthy, the problem and solution will be to stark to deny


so i dont think the issue will unavoidably sink sanders, because i don't think the stance is really tenable in the first place.

Edited by very honest
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Despite Bernie's age, I wouldn't rule out a 2020 bid for him. What I'm worried about is the DNC not learning their mistake from 2016 by forcing some establishment corporate shill warhawk type into the race. Too early to tell right now though, as the Dems still seem to be licking their wounds and figuring out how to get their shit together.

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honestly, for voters who wanted someone to step into washington and drain some swamp, shake some things up, and do so intelligently and successfully, bernie is probably the closest thing to what they imagined trump was.





the irony, eh


50+years of indoctrination during the Cold War against anything remotely socialist in practice doesnt help


as for a narcissist like Oprah being touted....wtf, woman is lost in a hall of self perpetuating mirrors, Xi Jinping & Putin would publicly ejaculate if she got in

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I think the Dems are currently focussing on the local elections. And rightly so, I'd argue. Start with the general election in 2019. Not much to do about that now. Or rather, Trump is working hard to have the electorate go into a different direction already. 


also, I'm not particularly a fan of the reasoning where people will come to see why a more socialist solution is preferable (@ very honest). the current political climate favors group think. i don't expect a sizeable part of the electorate to change their minds...

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also, I'm not particularly a fan of the reasoning where people will come to see why a more socialist solution is preferable (@ very honest). the current political climate favors group think. i don't expect a sizeable part of the electorate to change their minds...


yeah... i was really musing on the long term. my point was that the anti-socialism stance is flawed so i wouldn't put it past bernie to win despite it

Edited by very honest
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Do you really think Sanders would win an election? It really surprises me people seem to think Bernie could win.


I really don't think this social democracy thing is going to work in the US. Half the country would be against it, out of principle. Close to a third of the electorate still supports Trump. And another chunk of the electorate is actually conservative or libertarian. I'd expect roughly a third of the electorate to support Sanders. Which is a lot. But nog enough. And you'd also have to take into account why people support Sanders. A lot of Bernie supporters are in it for the "get the money out of politics" agenda, I'm guessing. And not really fond of his "socialist" agenda.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you want to live in a social democracy you'd be better off in Europe. I don't see the US moving closer to a European model. Doesn't seem realistic to me.




People don't just up and move. Unless they already have a great job that makes them upwardly mobile.  You are already invested in the system, get good health insurance, etc. Unless you are transferred. Some dude in an American trailer park isn't going to become a French citizen. Id wager that has never happened unless through a fluke romance

Edited by marf
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Sadly, in a very close alternate reality he's president right now.



I was kinda hoping that he would run for president again in 2020, but he'll be 79 by then... Guess Oprah is the next best thing then.




oprah said she's not interested in running for president because she "doesn't have the DNA for it".




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Sadly, in a very close alternate reality he's president right now.



I was kinda hoping that he would run for president again in 2020, but he'll be 79 by then... Guess Oprah is the next best thing then.




oprah said she's not interested in running for president because she "doesn't have the DNA for it".




Tomi has the DNA of a nematode.

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Oprah means well, don't get me wrong. I just don't want another celebrity in politics.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I just opted to unfollow every political page on FB. My views haven't changed any, but I've decided that picking fights with Trump supporters in comments sections won't accomplish a damn thing. So I'll just count on voting when the time comes. I think there's a local municipal election in April, and then of course the mid terms on Nov 6th - that'll be the big one.

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On a somewhat unrelated note, I just opted to unfollow every political page on FB. My views haven't changed any, but I've decided that picking fights with Trump supporters in comments sections won't accomplish a damn thing. 

Yeah, it's unhealthy. 


I've actually had my FB deactivated for months now, and it feels great. Mostly for this reason, trump supporters, racist/anti immigrant stuff all the time, etc.

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Sadly, in a very close alternate reality he's president right now.



I was kinda hoping that he would run for president again in 2020, but he'll be 79 by then... Guess Oprah is the next best thing then.




oprah said she's not interested in running for president because she "doesn't have the DNA for it".


Yeah, it would be kind of weird seeing Oprah talking about bombing ISIS...

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I'ma drop this in here just to air the Tomi Lahren stank out


If you haven't seen it yet, it's definitely worth your 6+ minutes for the ending alone



btw the opening recaps everything from Part 1

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The news has been so fucking lit lately. 




    Dutch agencies provide crucial intel about Russia's interference in US-elections


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