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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Also, the stuff coming out about Pam Bondi and Trump's donations is interesting, curious if it'll take. I'm much more interested if it triggers more interest in Trump's lack of money and skills in handling his money/businesses.


edit: also this http://www.vox.com/2016/9/2/12769084/donald-trump-volunteers

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Limpy ought to hate the game and not the player.

*pulls hair out*


*realizes that probably a joke*


*puts hair back in*


Liar, I saw you spray painting your hair back in. You've been watching the same infomercials as me.

Edited by Brisbot
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I am voting for Hillary, Chen

Did you think I was gonna vote for Trump?


Also, if we lived in an actual democracy (not confounded by superdelegates etc) then Sanders would've won:



I don't know what poll I'm supposed to be looking at there (you've linked to the page that shows all the polls), but this one (last update 17 days ago) disagrees with that supposition



this shows that Clinton won the popular vote:



Which was the case even before the convention:


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Trump is using the 24 hour news entertainment media to his advantage. Keep saying and doing dumb stuff at such a rate that no one thing ever gets looked into more than a few talking heads and a spokesperson talking about it before it's on to the next thing. And on it goes. Trump gets free publicity (any publicity is good publicity) and he can then start his media empire after he loses the election in November. 

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this has to be one of the least coherent things Trump has ever said, which is saying something:



holy lol that's a good one.
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this has to be one of the least coherent things Trump has ever said, which is saying something:





"the cyber is so big" - imagine him saying that in a Schwarzenegger voice.

So good. I don't even know how the fuck you respond to something like that.

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you've seen the "take the oil" bit? 


video is at the link but text here too




My favorite part came when Donald Trump was asked by a member of the audience how he’d stop the next ISIS from forming. Of course, we’ll likely never know the answer to the actual question, but Donald Trump did give us this:

Part of the problem that we’ve had is we go in, we defeat somebody, and then we don’t know what we’re doing after that. We lose it, like, as an example, you look at Iraq—what happened. How badly that was handled. And then, when President Obama took over, and likewise—it was a disaster. It was actually somewhat stable—I don’t think it could ever be very stable, it’s a war we never should have gone into in the first place. But he came in and he said, “When we go out”—and he took everybody out. And really, ISIS was formed. This was a terrible decision, and frankly, we never even got a shot. And if you 
 look at the aftermath of Iraq, Iran is going to be taking over Iraq. They’ve been doing it, and it’s not a pretty picture.

The—and ... and I think you know, cause you’ve been watching me I think for a long time, I’ve always said, “Shouldn’t be there! But if we’re gonna get out, t
 the oil. If we would have taken the oil, you wouldn’t have ISIS. Because ISIS formed with the power and wealth of that oil.



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