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What ever happened to Limpy Loo?


He would royally shit up a lot of topics, acting pretentious and whiny, and afterward would start to cry that he was being persecuted when people called him out on it. He really wasn't breaking any rules but it was very annoying coming to a thread with 3 new pages, almost all of them being Limpy posts. He made a post about how he was leaving watmm. People told him don't let the door his ass on the way out.

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people do not know how to not identificate with their own subjetive thoughts. That is way wars and stupid discussions happen, people associate real emotional or physical negative energies to specific subjetive and imaginative (not real) opinions or mental constructions always in reaction to the imaginative mental subjetive outcomes of others. Because thinking is the most egoic and expansive feature of the energies we manage as humans, when we see this illusive imagination put on some confrontation by other imaginations, some of the emotionl energy is uncounciusly associated to those thoughts, generating at the end the real negative outcome in the form of some stupid abrupt or violent event. In rare chances those mental outcomes are really accurate or related almost in honest tune with the very context of reality at a particular present moment


Ah, I see it's mushroom season



Sort me out m8


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At least three times in my life I've had people from Los Angeles contact me on auction sites asking about pickup for items. Each time I've had to explain that LA (not L.A.) refers to an entire state. I'm assuming being in Los Angeles for a while tends to make people fucking oblivious to the rest of the country, or perhaps just plain stupid? One time the person even specifically referred to the city listed asking 'which area of Los Angeles is _______, I'm not familiar with it.'

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At least three times in my life I've had people from Los Angeles contact me on auction sites asking about pickup for items. Each time I've had to explain that LA (not L.A.) refers to an entire state. I'm assuming being in Los Angeles for a while tends to make people fucking oblivious to the rest of the country, or perhaps just plain stupid? One time the person even specifically referred to the city listed asking 'which area of Los Angeles is _______, I'm not familiar with it.'

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.

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Anecdotal stuff that doesn't address any fwp:


There's a lot I could say about LA, growing up an hour outside of it in the "Inland Empire". A lot of stories, lots of trips there.


Saw AE there twice, Richard Devine, and loads of other bands.


I will never move there, for various reasons.


Took my wife to see Interpol there about a year ago, got stranded in Chinatown for the night. it was interesting how kind of vacant and in decay that part of town was. So many empty buildings, and one building with nothing but various statues. 





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At least three times in my life I've had people from Los Angeles contact me on auction sites asking about pickup for items. Each time I've had to explain that LA (not L.A.) refers to an entire state. I'm assuming being in Los Angeles for a while tends to make people fucking oblivious to the rest of the country, or perhaps just plain stupid? One time the person even specifically referred to the city listed asking 'which area of Los Angeles is _______, I'm not familiar with it.'


Well, I got once contacted by somebody who thought I was in Tampa, Florida when I was actually in Tampere, Finland. So, there. I don't know what kind of dyslexia you need to have to make that kind of mistake.

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A workmate's pet dog had puppies and I'm going to adopt one.  It has been some time since I've had a pet dog.  I am really excited.  I hope I can handle it.  I've had dogs most of my life, but never a BIG dog.  To take an outlook on life from Bill Murray in The Life Aquatic, this is going to be an adventure.

what type of dog?


the breed is Great Pyrenees mountain dog.  I was going to get the runt, which had racoon markings around it's eyes like a St. Bernard.  And even though it was the runt, it would have probably been 110-140lbs full grown.  Well after a heap of research on the breed I decided not to adopt him.  Mildly heart-breaking.

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I wish people would stop being horribly ambiguous and stop using social idioms outside of the proper social crowd. I wish we all said what we mean using words in their properly intended use. Just pay attention to your speech. It'll never happen, and it will continue to piss off my OCD as I have no idea what people are trying to say. Then they get pissed at me because it's apparently terribly obvious what they meant, despite their words meaning something else entirely.

I don't mind ambiguity in general but that whole idiom-speech thing annoys me. I feel like the people I connect with in the most genuine way realize that, at best, words are a shit representation of actual meaning (but sadly are often the best one available). And I find that they struggle with words, don't usually find the right word immediately rolling off the tongue, hesitate and choose their words carefully, or sloppily try out a few candidate words/phrases to express what they're trying to say before settling on the best approximation they can come up with. And I do the same, and I think this kind of earnest verbal failure creates more trust between people, or at least a certain kind of people, when you are genuinely trying to express something and maybe failing or sounding a bit stupid but you're not just parroting some shit you've heard elsewhere that maybe a lot of people say or it sounds right but actually doesn't mean anything.


Also wtf this thread is great, why didn't I read it earlier.

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Nothing on watmm is social.  We're all just neutrinos on the spectrum passing thru dark matter.


Do you ever question your own mammality, your kinship with other warm-blooded creatures?  I vaguely recall that like 96% of human dna is identical to that of the domestic cat or something. Semirelated fye:


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I just saw the entrance of a Gamestop smashed open on my way home from work. Didn't see the action, but after the fact. Police and fire department were both there.

It looked like someone plowed their vehicle into the entrance, but I could be wrong. I wonder if it was some man-baby that got pissed for not getting a refund on a game that they ended up hating. Who knows.

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Time only exists between two infinities.

isn't time just an illusion?


same w space, causality


illusions nessesary for us to barely understand whatever crazy thing the world in itself is


illusions nessesary to watch naked anime ckicks on the intenet


edit: - arthur schopenhauer

Edited by MIXL2
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illusion of anime tiddies


The reality needs to be compressed to some simple abstract concepts to make any sense of it. Otherwise it's just too much take in.


- Arthur Poopenhauer

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I've been eating a lot of Nando's here now. It's surprisingly good for that kind of fast food chain. There was also Nando's rip-off called Barcelo's in Cape Town that was pretty decent.


I think they sell some kind of fried caterpillars down the road. Might go try them.

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