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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

That is pretty bad, and I don't like Musk, but to be fair Amazon is down almost 50% YTD and the S&P500 hasn't been banging either


ah, true.


s&p definitely not declining at nearly the same rate

amzn definitely similar. though tsla managed to lose harder than the online retailer, in the first year after a pandemic

Edited by trying to be less rude
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it looks like some of the journalist bannings may have been related to twitter banning the elonjet account, which tracked the location of elon's jet. rationale was doxing because it's posting someone else's location or information that indicates someone else's location. which honestly i think holds up, logically, though a little bit of a stretch. apparently the joinmastadon account tweeted about how the elonjet account has an account at mastadon, so @joinmastadon got banned. and then journalists were reporting on how twitter banned joinmastadon for posting about how mastadon has an elonjet account and then some of those journalists got banned. and twitter started flagging links to mastadon as potentially harmful or spammy.  (joinmastadon.org), the main place that people have been migrating to from twitter. twitter activity noticeably started slumping as soon as musk's offer was accepted, in april, and that's when mastadon emerged as the place to go to. now it's a large migration. it's basically an open source platform with an interface and feature set that is very similar to twitter's


the other place people are migrating to is post.news, which just launched. that one i guess is geared toward news/journalism.


mastadon is a protocol. no one company, no one server. federated instances. interestingly, as elon was taking over, jack dorsey tweeted that twitter wants to be a protocol, not a company

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musk is his name, muskie is his game


Muskies are ambush predators who will swiftly bite their prey and then swallow it head first. Muskellunge are the top predator in any body of water where they occur and they will eat larger prey than most other freshwater fish. They eat all varieties of fish present in their ecosystem (including other muskellunge), along with the occasional insect, muskrat, rat, mouse, frog, or duck. They are capable of taking prey up to two-thirds of their body length due to their large stomachs. There have even been reports of large muskellunge attacking small dogs and even humans, although most of these reports are greatly exaggerated.


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Emerald LeNazi’s bird site bird shite has made me make a mastodon.  I look forward to having no followers and no post engagement on there now, too.  IT’S FUN

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So I'd definitely agree that it looks like Elon is burning out. Or I heard that he's doing intermittent fasting so maybe on hungry days he goes a bit nuts or something?


Here's a few insights I got, digging around.

re: the @elonjet account: People were saying (online not here necessarilly) its "just reposting information thats publically available". Its a bit more complicated than that. This article explains how it works: Sorry, Elon Musk. Your Gulfstream can't be fully untrackable (Feb 22) Basically: modern planes broadcast their location by radio. Plane owners can opt out of the FAA putting their planes location in the public feeds like Flightradar24. But its legal to pick up the radio broadcasts, so people do that and crowdsource the info to find the planes that the FAA doesn't publish. The radio broadcasts dont say 'this is elons plane' but if you know where he's been you can cross reference it with the plane ids that are being picked up and figure it out. Plane owners are allowed to change their 'plane id' once a month (and presumably elon did that) but the guy that runs elonjet just kept figuring out what the new id was each month. All legal, probably, but not just a case of 'reposting info thats publically available'. Or at least not in the way that people imagine when they hear that phrase. Tracking an 'unpublished' plane like that takes quite a lot of effort.

People have been turning up at airports to find elon directly based on the elonjet account. On Dec 14th someone followed the car his toddler kid X was in (thinking elon was in it) and blocked the car in and jumped on the hood (according to elon). Dec 14th was when the elonjet account got suddenly suspended. I think its valid to point out the sudden swerve from 'free speech absolutist' to changing the T+Cs to ban the elonjet account BUT pragmatically if he's seeing direct threats to his kids based on the elonjet account then he'd be a bit dumb not to try and stop it.

Banning those journalists seems to be something to do with them posting stuff from elonjet, that all seems a bit murky and i dont see how banning the mastadon twitter account makes any sense. I dont have much to say on it other than they are temporary bans. edit: I suppose I'd want to see evidence that those journalists did actually post co-ordinates from elonjet (who is now on mastadon I guess?) without a time delay. Seems kinda unlikely?

I guess what we are seeing is hubris, he took on far more than he could handle when he bought twitter. So now he's scrambling around and making things up as he goes along. Hopefully he will tire of it at some point and hand the Twitter role over to someone else.



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Yeah when I look at the Guardian there's often two or three Elon stories in the 'top ten most viewed'

Its very trump-like in the way there's a big new drama every three days

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On 12/16/2022 at 2:16 PM, jaderpansen said:

just deleted my account, felt good. no point staying merely out of some kind of morbid curiosity, this thread shall henceforth sate me in that regard.

there really are no "good" billionaires, are there?

Gabe Newell is the only billionaire I can think of who still has modesty. Even then his net worth is just shy of 4B USD. Regardless, my life would be quite different without his contributions as Valve's CEO and founder.

Congrats BTW. I should delete my Twitter account too, since I haven't used it in six months anyway.

Edited by ambermonk
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