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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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Elon is like the only guy trying to make real changes. I can see why having a company public would interfere with innovation. 

It wasn't long ago an electric car was a glorified golf cart. Now they are one of the fastest cars on the road. We need more Elons not less. Otherwise shut the fuck up about global warming

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Yeah I think the bigger thing not being mentioned was that this is a test flight. The payload could of been anything: bricks, greek yogurt, Jerry MaGuire VHS tapes, Homeless people with 808s.


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Elon is like the only guy trying to make real changes. I can see why having a company public would interfere with innovation. 

It wasn't long ago an electric car was a glorified golf cart. Now they are one of the fastest cars on the road. We need more Elons not less. Otherwise shut the fuck up about global warming


Haha no.

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the space is just some top class CGI projected on the dome. Nasa and SpaceX confirmed liars


it's pretty easy to get to space, considering that the earth is flat ... you just keep flying straight you'll eventually get there

Edited by yek
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what are you even saying about global warming?


edit: or about anything, really? your post makes no sense. we need changes/innovation, but having a company go public might mess with that. Elon is cool. look how far electric cars have come, stop talking about global warming so much? what?

Edited by usagi
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Elon musk is no longer chairman of Tesla.




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will remain CEO though. 


it's just a reshuffling of the same chairs around the table. impact is mostly symbolic, i'm guessing

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He's gonna:


Build aqueducts to Mars

Make a whale jump the Grand Canyon

Self driving hot air balloons 

Invent round waffles with round holes

Ultra-lightweight scuba gear for oil spills by Patagonia

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what are you even saying about global warming?


edit: or about anything, really? your post makes no sense. we need changes/innovation, but having a company go public might mess with that. Elon is cool. look how far electric cars have come, stop talking about global warming so much? what?



What? Jesus, . 

Global warming bad!!

Stephen Hawking said we are close to a runaway greenhouse effect and we could turn into Venus. 

Can we respect that the earth is special? We should take care of this verdant rock. The other rocks are scary and can melt your face off.  


HAT-P-7b a thousand light years away. Meaning, what we see a thousand years ago on this planet, rains sapphires and rubies. Might be pretty but painful live there


Innovation is the most important thing to stop this. A public company only cares about the quarterly report, for the dividends,  So big changes are scary to investors. So the company has to make slow changes and make money above all things. 

Sorting our trash in green recycle bins hasn't worked.

So, yeah, I think this is the only real thing that seems to be a chance to bring earth back to a point before the industrial revolution and the harms it has caused. Innovative private companies run by innovators. 

​And electric cars have come a long way, yes. Are you under 25?

Edited by marf
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