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43 minutes ago, chenGOD said:

Given that Biden/Harris is the official Democratic Party ticket, should we close this and start a new thread for the 2020 election?

oh please no. maybe just alter/update the title?


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3 hours ago, chenGOD said:

Can do that. Just wondered if it might not get confusing with previous posts in here.

If it does, it's the good kind of confusion. Keeps people thinking! ;D

It's confusing anyhow, as there's also a Trump thread which is basically about the same..

Might as well combine these into the uber 2020 election thread. If Biden wins, we can delete it in order to forget this nonsense ever happened. It was all a bad dream...

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  • chenGOD changed the title to 2020 US Election

Remember back when all the polls were saying Hillary was going to win and there was no way Trump would become president? What if the same thing happens again, but this time she wins. 

I'm not saying it's not going to happen, but a lot people are saying it might.


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  • 2 weeks later...

lawyers lawyering up in preparation for the 2020 shit storm event:



this sounds highly unlikely, knowing the calm, rational thinking processes we know our great president is known for:


"We could have a situation where there is a large number of outstanding ballots on election night, but the president declares the election over, based on the in-person vote and either sows confusion and chaos as a result of that or even takes steps to try to prevent the counting of properly cast absentee ballots," says Dale Ho, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Voting Rights Project.


and thank goodness that thanks to the 'publicans, we're going to have nice people bringing warm, supportive vibes as we wait in line on election night:


Republicans plan large-scale poll watching effort

The RNC says it's planning to recruit tens of thousands of poll watchers to observe ballot counting — especially mail ballots — at clerk's and registrar's offices in key states.

Elias, the Democratic election lawyer, says that's chilling.

"Under a president who is as hostile to voting and whose record on race is so poor, does anyone really believe that they are going to go out and go to the trouble to recruit 50,000 people to stand there like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts just observing the election?" Elias asks.


can't wait to see all the kind trump supporters peacefully waiving their weapons around on election night!

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frontline did its "The Choice 2020" which is something they do for every presidential election. they compare/contrast the lives of the candidates. it's a pretty fair shake of these two. 


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Right now, the best we can do is an ad hoc defense of democracy. Begin by rejecting the temptation to think that this election will carry on as elections usually do. Something far out of the norm is likely to happen. Probably more than one thing. Expecting other­wise will dull our reflexes. It will lull us into spurious hope that Trump is tractable to forces that constrain normal incumbents.

If you are a voter, think about voting in person after all. More than half a million postal votes were rejected in this year’s primaries, even without Trump trying to suppress them. If you are at relatively low risk for COVID-19, volunteer to work at the polls. If you know people who are open to reason, spread word that it is normal for the results to keep changing after Election Night. If you manage news coverage, anticipate extra­constitutional measures, and position reporters and crews to respond to them. If you are an election administrator, plan for contingencies you never had to imagine before. If you are a mayor, consider how to deploy your police to ward off interlopers with bad intent. If you are a law-enforcement officer, protect the freedom to vote. If you are a legislator, choose not to participate in chicanery. If you are a judge on the bench in a battleground state, refresh your acquaintance with election case law. If you have a place in the military chain of command, remember your duty to turn aside unlawful orders. If you are a civil servant, know that your country needs you more than ever to do the right thing when you’re asked to do otherwise.

Take agency. An election cannot be stolen unless the American people, at some level, acquiesce. One thing Brooks has been thinking about since her exercise came to an end is the power of peaceful protest on a grand scale. “We had players on both sides attempting to mobilize their supporters to turn out in large numbers, and we didn’t really have a good mechanism for deciding, did that make a difference? What kind of difference did that make?” she said. “It left some with some big questions about what if you had Orange Revolution–style mass protest sustained over weeks. What effects would that have?”

The Election That Could Break America (The Atlantic)

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  • Squee changed the title to 2020 US Election (vote biden pls ffs)

A voter is a mighty thing; a single voter has decided elections. A single voter has led to sweeping social change. A single vote, in, say, a justice system ruling, has led to the overturning of some of the worst and most discriminating practices in many of our societies. A common judicial ruling tally is 5–4. That vote was made possible by your vote. A candidate who talks only of himself gives fair warning that he does not understand this fundamental truth. Change is always driven by and stems from people. The elected official—the person later seen as heroic—often has done something quite simple, decent, and just. People bring to politics an understanding of what they need and how they live. This should not be so hard. Yet society has shown that preserving this relationship requires constant vigilance and questioning. A vote is the most important way to ask, Are you hearing us?

Voting is Still One of Our Most Powerful Tools For Change (John Freeman/LitHub)

Edited by dcom
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4 minutes ago, thumbass said:

You either get a madman or someone who won't even remember who he is in 2 years

No, you either get a normal administration that actually works for the US or the current shitshow gets worse. 

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48 minutes ago, Soloman Tump said:


Vote for the party, not the leader.

The leader can change if they get impeached / die / removed.


That's fair, but I think because of Biden's image and fuckups that make him look unstable he will lose the election.

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