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1 hour ago, iococoi said:

Also impacting the race, it looks like the name Genocide Joe is starting to gain traction and become somewhat mainstream. This American academic/activist/TV personality (who was fired by CNN for comments he made in support of Palestine at the UN) condemned Southern American churches for hosting President in their pulpits:


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4 hours ago, decibal cooper said:

Also impacting the race, it looks like the name Genocide Joe is starting to gain traction and become somewhat mainstream. This American academic/activist/TV personality (who was fired by CNN for comments he made in support of Palestine at the UN) condemned Southern American churches for hosting President in their pulpits:


what in find interesting is this situation is not new. this isn't new behavior for america. this is what america has always done and will continue to do.  these people being outraged is a nice change i guess but for their entire lives and mine as well this has been the normal.. business as usual behavior of america through war, weapons, industry etc.. so, it's kinda easy to point at biden and hold his feet to the fire.. as should always been done of any president.. but what they should be upset about and hopefully realize is that this is what it means to be american and live in america. we are usually on the wrong side of things and manipulated by media, narratives, lies and the myths of america fed to us our entire lives. 

so, perhaps for some people, this outrage over israel will lead to a permanent change or a realization of the facts of life... but my guess is a lot of people will be mad and the outrage will end there.. they won't examine america's part in other foreign policy/system of the world type oppression that happens constantly because then they might have re-evaluate everything and that might be too painful and complicated because if there's one thing the average american hates.. it's thinking too hard about complex situations with lot's of nuance and history. it it's not good vs evil black and white situation they can't seem to figure it out. 

as for using the church.. it's laughable.. so many preachers from the pulpit say some of the worst things to their congregations that a person can say.. all in service of politics

Edited by ignatius
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more cause for concern, trump's wins in iowa and new hampshire don't have a historical precedent. he beat his opponents more easily than candidates have in the past




the reality divide is real. and it's not one divide, reality is shattered into a kaleidoscope. and it's not just fractured, it's strategically destructed, deliberately, by a collective of individuals who don't even know what they're doing. and they are continuing to do it.


instructions for the modern information era

  • share good info sources
  • compare differing info sources and resolve discrepancies, to understand reality
  • share good facts - when speaking with someone across a divide, find an innocuous fact they will find interesting. move the ball forward, you don't have to win the battle
  • people who are deliberately spreading bullshit, mercilessly crush them. the reality is that the consequences of what's going on right now are potentially quite dire. the information domain has power over the nuclear domain. the mutually assured destruction of nukes has forced conflict into the information space. world war 3 is in people's minds. the kinetic part could be quite catastrophic and we stop it in the information phase. it's not just appropriate, it's important, to shame deceivers publicly, and to illuminate deceptions. 
  • be careful that you yourself are not spreading harmful bullshit narratives that are seeded for strategic purpose. 
Edited by trying to be less rude
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29 minutes ago, ignatius said:

what in find interesting is this situation is not new. this isn't new behavior for america. this is what america has always done and will continue to do.  these people being outraged is a nice change i guess but for their entire lives and mine as well this has been the normal.. business as usual behavior of america through war, weapons, industry etc.. so, it's kinda easy to point at biden and hold his feet to the fire.. as should always been done of any president.. but what they should be upset about and hopefully realize is that this is what it means to be american and live in america. we are usually on the wrong side of things and manipulated by media, narratives, lies and the myths of america fed to us our entire lives.

I don't know. I don't think that America has provided this level of military support and 'diplomatic' cover for Israel, like to the point where most of the countries in the world are in agreement that an attempted ethnic cleansing or genocide is taking place. Like Biden and Blinken bypassing congress twice to get high tech weapons to Israel faster. The weapons obviously would have gotten there quickly even if it went through the proper channels because the Israel lobby has a stranglehold on congress. But with the current president there is literally no effort at all to have an open discussion with people about why our government is taking the actions that it is taking.

I think in the grand scheme of things that you are right, that this is just a continuation and acceleration of these business as usual trends in American politics, but I also do fear that business as usual in this sense cannot last throughout this entire 21st century. The conflicts that have come to a boiling point in Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia during the Biden admin, it seems to me like America's handling of these conflicts is isolating the USA on the global stage (US support for Israel especially). Our country does not have even one competent diplomat it seems. Every disagreement we have with another nation, or if another nation or group of nations poses a challenge to us economically, out government goes straight to the military option. The rise of BRICS, for instance, indicates (imo) that nations which are either neutral or adversarial to the US, that these nations are not only tired of our behavior (militarism, sanctions which are intended to weaken governments but often fail and wind up punishing civilians, America's crystal clear divestment to any semblance of international law, especially laws related to war crimes), they are not only tired of it but are beginning to take actions in order to measurably shift geopolitical balances of power. If America will eventually be unseated as top dog, will it bow out gracefully or will it go kicking and screaming with a nuclear conflagration.

I humbly would like to see questions like these addressed in this election, but in reality it is probably gonna be something like Hunter Biden dick pics or Trump's tax returns or other such nonsense.

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15 minutes ago, decibal cooper said:

The conflicts that have come to a boiling point in Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia during the Biden admin, it seems to me like America's handling of these conflicts is isolating the USA on the global stage (US support for Israel especially).

handling of the conflicts aside, remember trump's whole juvenile mantra of "America first" certainly didn't do the US any favors when it comes to the isolationism aspect. he openly sought to wreck America's relationships with its allies, all to placate a bunch of racist red hat wearing buffoons. I am no big Biden fan myself, but I would say the Biden admin's handling of the conflicts is probably lower down on the totem pole in regard to how other countries view the US.

if I were "other countries", the main thing that would impact how I viewed the US would be the potentially disastrous implications of having a sociopathic orange maga man back in the white house...unless of course those countries are Russia, N. Korea, or any other place where an unethical full of shit dictator is at the helm.

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So Americans can only vote for 2 alternatives right? 

And same shit again Biden vs Trump 

What are Americans thoughts here on these 2 olders. Are u not tired of them? 

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biden is great, in my honest opinion. left afghanistan, resolved covid, recovered inflation, good economy, helped ukraine. continues to call things what they are and to handle political conflicts more effectively than anyone i can think of. 

Edited by trying to be less rude
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58 minutes ago, cern said:

So Americans can only vote for 2 alternatives right? 

And same shit again Biden vs Trump 

What are Americans thoughts here on these 2 olders. Are u not tired of them? 

I am very tired of them. I can’t stand it. It’s made me very apathetic and I’ve tuned out. I will vote and it won’t be for trump. I’ll vote for Biden because it’s the only logical choice. But cmon, this is all we can do? 

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I've found myself rooting against the Chiefs (with whom I previously had no beef) just for wanting to avoid being bombarded by shots / mentions of Taylor Swift during every fucking game.

The super bowl is going to be more insufferable than usual by at least an order of magnitude.

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14 hours ago, cern said:

What are Americans thoughts here on these 2 olders. Are u not tired of them? 

I am tired of them but what can I do really. there is no other option. pick the lesser of the 2 evils is what it boils down to. if there was a viable alternative, I would be more than willing to give that a shot. but we get 2 choices. old guys. one is mentally insane. the electoral system in this country is long overdue for an update to bring it into modernity. this ain't the fuckin 1700s/1800s any more. but every time we go through the motions to get to election day, it sure feels like we are living in some outdated good ol boy era. I mean yeah it could be worse, we could have no choice, just get whoever cheats their way to the top. but I think most people out there still think of the US as not one of those totally corrupt countries, which is why all this scrutiny gets thrown at our shit show elections.

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4 hours ago, EdamAnchorman said:

I've found myself rooting against the Chiefs (with whom I previously had no beef) just for wanting to avoid being bombarded by shots / mentions of Taylor Swift during every fucking game.

The super bowl is going to be more insufferable than usual by at least an order of magnitude.


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the only thing more boring than seeing Taylor Swift cut to for ~5 seconds of reaction shots 3 times a game is old guys whining about it. the fact that it gets under everyone’s skin and is inspiring conspiracies from the dumbest among us is truly lovely tho. keep it up Tay/Trav.

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16 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

biden is great, in my honest opinion. left afghanistan, resolved covid, recovered inflation, good economy, helped ukraine. continues to call things what they are and to handle political conflicts more effectively than anyone i can think of. 

dude come on lol

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42 minutes ago, auxien said:

the only thing more boring than seeing Taylor Swift cut to for ~5 seconds of reaction shots 3 times a game is old guys whining about it. the fact that it gets under everyone’s skin and is inspiring conspiracies from the dumbest among us is truly lovely tho. keep it up Tay/Trav.

pretty funny imo that conspiracy retards jump to her being a pentagon asset. to them, any form of 1% is actively against them in some agenda. god forbid she was just a rich and talented folk singer, no, she *has* to be an asset or their whole hatred shtick would have no way of reinforcing their belief at every turn. i'm honestly afraid of what angry right wing groups will do the next year.. weaponised stupor is scary

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1 hour ago, Squee said:



Elmo for prez. 

 I found it really hilarious how between these cries for help there where these tweets of corporations/famous peoples pr department trying to be all relatable.

There is this guy being all depressed about his life and then there is nasa one tweet under it " we are all made of stardust"🌠

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22 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

biden is great, in my honest opinion. left afghanistan, resolved covid, recovered inflation, good economy, helped ukraine. continues to call things what they are and to handle political conflicts more effectively than anyone i can think of. 

BIden's administration has actually gotten a lot of things done, a large portion of them good. but the bigger things that get attention haven't been among that so it's hard to make that clear to the general public. they've also supported a lot of really bad shit (Israel's horrific continued reaction to the Hamas attacks most obvious among them).

the weird hyper-praise for all things vaguely left-ish is an odd tone tho. idk that he's the best, but he's been far better than most people understand and certainly more than he's being given credit for.

his significant and visible decline physically (and likely mentally) is going to be VERY stark over the coming months when he has to start making more live public appearances for campaigning etc. Trump's aging a bit too but it's not anything near where Biden is now vs ~4 years ago. it's going to be hard for Biden to get people out to vote when he's the face of the administration, no matter how much of things behind the scenes is actually his hand.

if Harris were more seasoned/likeable/trained for vaguely leftish politics she'd be the obvious face to bolster the admin's bid for reelection but i think i'm hearing even less of her over the last year than the previous years they've been in power.

Trump has a serious shot, unfortunately. but i think most of us in the center/left/farish left of the country will vote for a goddamned Biden corpse puppeted up onto the stage instead of Trump so maybe things will turn out alright. it's always a back and forth anyway. 2 party system is the real enemy. down with the polarity.

Edited by auxien
edit: i'd probably vote for Elmo tho ngl
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