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[New BEHRINGER Products]


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It’ll be an interesting market: You’ll be able to buy the fake 303 with the fake DevilFish mod or buy the fake 303 and send it in for a real DevilFish mod. There will be a few YouTube videos comparing the sound and features of the DF mods and a few gear nerd threads debating the merits. In the end none of these will ever end up used in music you actually listen to because the owners will be too busy hand wringing over their gear.

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2 hours ago, hijexx said:

It’ll be an interesting market: You’ll be able to buy the fake 303 with the fake DevilFish mod or buy the fake 303 and send it in for a real DevilFish mod. 

Ooh ... I forgot about that ... dude is perfectly ok with profiting off Behringer's work but complains about Behringer profiting off his.


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47 minutes ago, rhmilo said:

Ooh ... I forgot about that ... dude is perfectly ok with profiting off Behringer's work but complains about Behringer profiting off his.


One of those two has a factory city in China. Do you think Behringer went through all that trouble of setting that shop up to... offer cheap quality gear without profiting at all? I would assume their margins are bigger in both absolute and % values.

And here's the thing, trademarks/patents/copyright stuff is supposed to protect the small guy - big business should be afraid of that stuff. Behringer could still make boatloads of money even if they played it fair.

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12 hours ago, thawkins said:
22 hours ago, Braintree said:

The Devil Fish mod is great and everything, but I don't think it's worth $8,000.

I see $1391 for the most tricked out option here http://www.firstpr.com.au/rwi/dfish/prices-int/

Your link just had a bunch of surf boards in them so I did not see what you were referring to. I guess this is what you get for relying on Google. ?


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I've only paid glancing attention to all this hubbub because I found the MS-101 videos quite far from the SH-101. That may be accurate, might not be, impossible to tell without playing in person. I haven't had a burning desire for the other clones. This video was pretty mindblowing to me though. I already have the Cyclonic one but it's gutting to see the Behringer price versus what I paid.


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3 hours ago, xxx said:

I've only paid glancing attention to all this hubbub because I found the MS-101 videos quite far from the SH-101. That may be accurate, might not be, impossible to tell without playing in person. I haven't had a burning desire for the other clones. This video was pretty mindblowing to me though. I already have the Cyclonic one but it's gutting to see the Behringer price versus what I paid.


Jesus! Gotta buy two of these.

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3 hours ago, Soloman Tump said:

Hah, that sounds ace.

I am actually fairly keen on the RD-8, love the individual outputs

It's on my list. Looks like I'll be making a behringer studio with all their stuff and I think most of you guys will hate me for it ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
8 hours ago, psn said:

Yeah, got mine from Thomann on Wednesday.



2 hours ago, 714681746476436 said:

Yup, got it from Thomann.  Love it. To be honest it's more of a toy, I won't actually use it for my music (I don't think), but man I am having fun.

remember original tb-303 is made of plastic

made life as we know it


12 hours ago, diatoms said:


where's my f*ckin' yellow td-3:)

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13 minutes ago, diatoms said:


remember original tb-303 is made of plastic

made life as we know it


I’m 100% sure I remember the original tb-303 being made of stainless steel. 




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27 minutes ago, user said:

I’m 100% sure I remember the original tb-303 being made of stainless steel. 




Read more  

definitely plastic, GO:)

only :squarepusher_logo: joke I'll make


mann, so I found out about my td-3

I haven't eaten or taken my cannabis oil

so follows

a little grouchy spectrum chat

I had

with the mann:)

  · 12:26:05  
  Hi, How are You Today:)  
  · 12:26:22  
  My order #  
  · 12:26:45  
  Behringer TD-3-AM YELLOW  
  Hello, how can I help you?  
  · 12:27:26  
  All my Friends have been receiving theirs this week. My order hasn't been shipped yet? Could You check on that, Please:)  
  · 12:28:41  
  this is an unfortunate situation ?  
  · 12:28:59  
  we have received a smaller batch a few days back, and our system pushed out all orders which only waited for that particular item  
  · 12:29:13  
  there was another one in your order which was not on stock at that time, so we could not send yours out  
  · 12:29:26  
  and we have no accurate delivery date at the moment for the yellow TD-3  
  · 12:30:51  
  The TD-3 came in but a cable was not in stock so the TD-3 wasn't sent out?  
  · 12:31:09  
  yes, exactly  
  · 12:31:17  
  I appreciate it is a frustrating development  
  · 12:31:28  
  it all happened automatically so we had little to no chance to intervene  
  · 12:31:50  
  But I received an email stating I would receive my order this week. Nothing was mentioned  
  · 12:32:07  
  you have most likely received it before our supplier informed us that they are not able to deliver to us  
  · 12:32:28  
  What is going on?  
  · 12:33:18  
  a virus outbreak is slowing down manufacturing, which in turn slows down delivery  
  · 12:33:46  
  so I'll receive my order at some point?  
  · 12:34:08  
  at some point, yes, what I cannot tell you at the moment is when  
  · 12:34:23  
  this is of course if you don't wish to consider the silver, we still have a handful of those on stock  
  · 12:35:01  
  Can you put on my order to send out even if a cable is missing.  
  · 12:35:08  
  the cable isn't missing anymore  
  · 12:35:57  
  And it wasn't missing when I first made the order 27.01.2020  
  · 12:37:40  
  I guess why send out an email stating I'll receive my order this week, then not contact me about it not being sent out?  
  · 12:38:17  
  it seems that ran out in the meantime, we have received a new stock on the 27th  
  · 12:38:40  
  based on what I see I cannot say for certain what held your order back at the time the Yellow TD-3 arrived  
   · 12:39:10  
  Please give me a Guarantee I'll get mine then  
  · 12:39:24  
  you will most certainly receive it, that is not a question  
  · 12:39:37  
  the question at the moment is when this will happen, we have no accurate information currently  
  · 12:40:19  
  Ok Thanks  
  · 12:40:31  
  you are welcome, allow me to apologize for this nuisance  
  · 12:40:54  
  You're All Right:) Thanks:)  
   · 12:41:06  
  don't mention it  
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