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jordan b peterson

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To a certain extent Esther Perel comes to mind. But its an awful comparison and certainly not an equivalent.
Personally, I believe the psychology/ self help stuff isn’t even relevant anymore when talking about current jp. To me at least. Because he mostly moved to political/societal rants with all sorts of bs about his views on ukraine or climate or some other political issue. Which is far beyond the sphere of self help. 
In short: Esther sticks to her lane while JP is all over the place and seems to be turning into some pseudo religious freak preaching against the evils of the world. Which is currently, wokism and globalists. (No psychology or self help here…)

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9 hours ago, prdctvsm said:

is there a female equivalent/version of him ? 

*googles female youtube psychology/self help guru*


Naomi Wolff, maybe. opposite ends of the spectrum but a stupid thought leader for women in the same way Borban Beterson is for mans.

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1 minute ago, jaderpansen said:

"how to be authentic" ... kind of an oxymoron, innit.

Well, actually… ?

…it’s not. You can also say “how not to be fake” 


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dunno, if you have to actively cling to some "be yourself" mantra all day that sounds rather convulsive to me and not in line with letting shit flow. also not sure about authenticity being a value in itself, like i don't like the way that works for a dude like trump. also isn't self-/impulse-control an authentic part of one's character, too? i like to think of identity as a dynamic system, rather than a strict instincts ("true self") vs. civilization dichotomy, but whatevs.

ah, more directly on-topic: peterson still's a poopy-head. that bit about climate change, jeesh... "we got this" my ass.

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Lol ? Why is he talking about climate change so much? ? 

He should stick to psychology and psychotherapy; we need more ppl popularizing those subjects imo

…the climate playground is probably already crowded 

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49 minutes ago, xox said:

Lol ? Why is he talking about climate change so much? ? 

He should stick to psychology and psychotherapy; we need more ppl popularizing those subjects imo

…the climate playground is probably already crowded 

anything perceived as "woke" is the enemy. also the left.. also women.. also modernity.. also post modernism also... 

he was more tolerable when he was on xanax. 

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On 8/24/2022 at 5:17 AM, beerwolf said:

My mate has been singing his praises a lot. Not sure if that’s a good or bad thing….

it's definitely not a good sign


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these online youtube channel self help peeps are all full of shit. they're in it for themselves (ego) and money. this is not some true altruistic let's help everyone type affair. all these questions these people purport to know the answers to have been asked by humans in some regard for thousands of years. if anyone thinks they can "heal" themselves by watching these peoples youtube videos, then they are going to learn at some point that this is not the reality they thought they were going to find. it will all crumble at some point because it is nowhere near any sort of ultimate truth. it's half baked pseudo psychology bullshit.

if you want to learn more on any of these uber vague meaning of life type questions, then start by reading some ancient texts. like the stuff that came out of India thousands of years ago. because those guys came to some pretty good realizations on the nature of life back then. their ancient wisdom has been regurgitated and twisted into some form or another for the thousands of years after. learning on that stuff takes time, effort, and most importantly - life experience. you can't expect to get anywhere close to that from some fucking youtube video.

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1 hour ago, zero said:

these online youtube channel self help peeps are all full of shit. they're in it for themselves (ego) and money. this is not some true altruistic let's help everyone type affair. all these questions these people purport to know the answers to have been asked by humans in some regard for thousands of years. if anyone thinks they can "heal" themselves by watching these peoples youtube videos, then they are going to learn at some point that this is not the reality they thought they were going to find. it will all crumble at some point because it is nowhere near any sort of ultimate truth. it's half baked pseudo psychology bullshit.

if you want to learn more on any of these uber vague meaning of life type questions, then start by reading some ancient texts. like the stuff that came out of India thousands of years ago. because those guys came to some pretty good realizations on the nature of life back then. their ancient wisdom has been regurgitated and twisted into some form or another for the thousands of years after. learning on that stuff takes time, effort, and most importantly - life experience. you can't expect to get anywhere close to that from some fucking youtube video.

To be honest that’s my take on it. Though I’ve watched a couple of clips of him my take is he’s another YouTube/internet charlatan, dressed up a bit different to the others. I just don’t have any interest in it all. I think there’s a lot of lost souls looking for somebody who says what they want to hear and there’s a cornucopia of them ready and waiting. My fascination with cults and the sheep that fall for it all also stands me in good stead. For better or worse I’m a very cynical individual. Few things impress me. And when I get accused of being a cynic. I always say it’s better than being a gullible mug.

My weak spot is UFOs flol 

Sign me up! ? 


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3 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:


Ok, maybe you know something I don’t  but to be triggered to that extent… it (usually) can’t be free of projections

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The brief conversation with my good friend was that I remarked JBP was right-wing, which was based loosely on one YouTube clip I watched, and I mentioned surely that was opposite to my friends lifelong fairly left-wing leanings. At which point my mate started getting angry and saying JBP was not right-wing at all and that I’d been hoodwinked into thinking that. At that point I said let’s have another beer and changed the direction of conversation. To cricket ?  which did the trick. I don’t get embroiled in drunk political conversations on sunny Saturday afternoons tbh. My friend is pretty angry man at the moment for lots of reasons I’m not gonna mention. 

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5 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

The brief conversation with my good friend was that I remarked JBP was right-wing, which was based loosely on one YouTube clip I watched, and I mentioned surely that was opposite to my friends lifelong fairly left-wing leanings. At which point my mate started getting angry and saying JBP was not right-wing at all and that I’d been hoodwinked into thinking that. At that point I said let’s have another beer and changed the direction of conversation. To cricket ?  which did the trick. I don’t get embroiled in drunk political conversations on sunny Saturday afternoons tbh. My friend is pretty angry man at the moment for lots of reasons I’m not gonna mention. 

you should suck his dick next time he gets angry tbh.

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2 minutes ago, xox said:

It’s weird to see how much some ppl idealize him but it’s equally weird how some are pissed by him 

I haven't really paid much attention to him, read his stuff or watched videos or anything because luckily I almost never come across this stuff IRL, but what little I have seen he seems like a comedy character, like no way he's really like that. Like he's doing a comedy bit. It's all a show. ykwim? I find it hard to believe that some people actually take him seriously.

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40 minutes ago, xox said:

It’s weird to see how much some ppl idealize him but it’s equally weird how some are pissed by him 

if you were a minority group targeted by his bigoted, hateful, and outright reactionary rhetoric maybe you'd understand better, but empathy can help people understand issues that don't apply to them as well

28 minutes ago, xox said:

Ok, maybe you know something I don’t  but to be triggered to that extent… it (usually) can’t be free of projections

triggered? projections?

he's fomenting reactionary right wing talking points used to oppress certain people.  the word "triggered" is often used by right wingers to misrepresent dissent as an involuntary emotional reaction when it's actually well justified

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