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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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well i dunno then, in my play-through i also got that stupid replacement chip and died about 5 times before finding that grenade launcher in the inventory..

if you get really frustrated there are many walkthroughs on youtube

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oh right, deus ex, had totally forgotten about that one since rage / resistance 3 / dead island was released. is it worth finishing? im maybe 2 hours in and i can't even remember what i was doing or where i was. it seemed sort of bland tbh.

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In other news dragon age origins sucks ass I seriously regret purchasing it. I will play it for about 1/2 hour at a time and have some surreal moment where I'm just constantly thinking "did they really fucking do this?". Like I was in the fucking elve's camp and this elder guy was like "hey I will tell you about the woods if you listen to a story". and then he procedes to tell some dramatic tale about how they were all raped by the humans around the campfire, it was like straight out of southpark or something, the voice acting. Like he tells the kid come sit by him and asks him questions, "now young one, come sit by me, now why do you think this was little one?" *kid mumbles something* "correct! it was the humans!". Most of the game is this kind of bullshit which is mildly entertaining but really fucking annoying, the other half is really shallow combat that somehow still manages to be difficult to control(I'm thinking it is more of PC game). I have a feeling I will eventually beat it but it might take me 3 or 4 years because I absolutely cannot play it for more than an hour. Also the framrate is really fucked up and jumpy on the ps3 downloadable version(which is what I have).


it is a pc game, and you should play it on the pc, but you probly might as well not because you seem to be no more than 2 hours into it and you already hate it for no good reason but ya



I have it as a physical copy for the PS3. Was a great game. No issues. I'm just waiting for the price of Awakening to drop. I paid less for origins than what they're asking for Awakening. It's like $39.99! Has anyone here played it? Is it really worth it. How long is it in total?


oh right, deus ex, had totally forgotten about that one since rage / resistance 3 / dead island was released. is it worth finishing? im maybe 2 hours in and i can't even remember what i was doing or where i was. it seemed sort of bland tbh.


It was a really cool game if you play it all stealthily. It's nothing special if you play through it guns blazing.

How is Resistance 3 btw?

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In other news dragon age origins sucks ass I seriously regret purchasing it. I will play it for about 1/2 hour at a time and have some surreal moment where I'm just constantly thinking "did they really fucking do this?". Like I was in the fucking elve's camp and this elder guy was like "hey I will tell you about the woods if you listen to a story". and then he procedes to tell some dramatic tale about how they were all raped by the humans around the campfire, it was like straight out of southpark or something, the voice acting. Like he tells the kid come sit by him and asks him questions, "now young one, come sit by me, now why do you think this was little one?" *kid mumbles something* "correct! it was the humans!". Most of the game is this kind of bullshit which is mildly entertaining but really fucking annoying, the other half is really shallow combat that somehow still manages to be difficult to control(I'm thinking it is more of PC game). I have a feeling I will eventually beat it but it might take me 3 or 4 years because I absolutely cannot play it for more than an hour. Also the framrate is really fucked up and jumpy on the ps3 downloadable version(which is what I have).


it is a pc game, and you should play it on the pc, but you probly might as well not because you seem to be no more than 2 hours into it and you already hate it for no good reason but ya



I have it as a physical copy for the PS3. Was a great game. No issues. I'm just waiting for the price of Awakening to drop. I paid less for origins than what they're asking for Awakening. It's like $39.99! Has anyone here played it? Is it really worth it. How long is it in total?


oh right, deus ex, had totally forgotten about that one since rage / resistance 3 / dead island was released. is it worth finishing? im maybe 2 hours in and i can't even remember what i was doing or where i was. it seemed sort of bland tbh.


It was a really cool game if you play it all stealthily. It's nothing special if you play through it guns blazing.

How is Resistance 3 btw?


yes awakening is worht it, for me it was about 35 hours

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I really thought Rage was a pretty good game but the ending was really underwhelming. I thought Nightmare difficulty felt like normal should, If I wouldn't have kept it on normal I don't think I would have liked it so much. I highly suggest people rent it. The COOP missions are pretty fun, the graphics are about the best large scale graphics consoles have seen for an action title and it if you play through it remotely slow it's a good 13 hour campaign. It's weird, rarely beat single player campaigns because I get uninterested but I might rent it again to beat it for a second time and not let myself use grenades or rockets, the mini games are actually pretty cool.

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it has all new characters and stories and good back stories for the characters and a good main story and ya its just all around a really good expansion.

pretend its dragon age 2 and dont play the real dragon age 2 just play awakening.


Cool, I may just pick it up then. Thanks.

I already played through Dragon Age 2. I don't think it was as bad as so many people say. I had fun playing it.

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I beat Mass Effect 2. I managed to save everyone too. Great game.


Arkham City is coming out on Tuesday. can't wait.


I think I'll try to finish my game in Sly 2. I've been putting it off for the last little while.

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dragon age awakening shouldnt be 39 dollars though. it was only 29 when i got it like a year ago. isnt it on steam ?


I'll have to check again. You may be right. I have DA:Origins for PS3, not PC. So they might have it $10 cheaper on steam.

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I think ID missed the target with Rage and hope they'll be able to correct. They could blame the vsync issues on drivers. But they messed up on the texture tech. It clearly allowed the artists to go all out. But it doesn't look and behave like a step forward.


There is no way to have no pop-in at all. It's always visible on the sides of your screen while turning. There should be some sort of prefetch and cache. The pop-in isn't the only texture problem either. Despite being a 22GB download, textures are low resolution and often (always?) at lower color depths. The art deserves better and I hope we get a high resolution patch, no matter the size.


Great game though.



i think the whole approach to graphics has changed. they make maps like a painting now, with things in the forefront having lots of detail and the background/meaningless stuff has less. it probably wouldn't look right if every single book and coffee mug had the same amount of detail as everything else. our eyes do this on their own by blocking useless information out. the new engine means unlimited details with no affect on memory (revolutionary in itself) with no repeating textures!


what i had a problem with is how it ended, as there was very little warning. i don't want to spoil anything but you might want to know about it considering you won't be able to go back and finish anything from the 2 cities. it would've made a lot more sense to just let the players continue roaming the wasteland.

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Guest underscore

Prototype is fucking boring. Yeah there's a lot of upgrades and cool maneuvers, and leaping/gliding round the city is fun, but there's no other depth to this game. It's gonna be a drudge to finish.


edit: also the storyline is cheesy as unwashed balls, I wish the whole "evil lab experiments gone wrong" trope would disappear from games for a good while


i felt this way about both Prototype and Infamous

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i felt this way about both Prototype and Infamous

Aye, I got Infamous when PSN went up the shitter - Played it once for about an hour then never bothered loading it again. I saw my housemate play Prototype a few weeks later and it looked pretty much identical (and just as tedious). He's gonna be getting Arkham City real soon which to me that looks almost identical again (apparently it's not, though I remain sceptical)

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i felt this way about both Prototype and Infamous

Aye, I got Infamous when PSN went up the shitter - Played it once for about an hour then never bothered loading it again. I saw my housemate play Prototype a few weeks later and it looked pretty much identical (and just as tedious). He's gonna be getting Arkham City real soon which to me that looks almost identical again (apparently it's not, though I remain sceptical)


according to reviews, it is much the same as Arkham Asylum in that most missions take place inside buildings and indoor environments and the city is just the overworld, similar to how the asylum had an overworld, only this time it is bigger and there is more to do in the overworld. I strongly suggest you try arkham asylum before trying arkham city, it is a must play.

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