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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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God of War Collection pt2


about halfway through Chains of Olympus, looks total shit at the beginning but gets much better further down the line. Fewer enemies on screen than the PS2 versions but they're a little more cunning which makes for good gameplay tho I have noticed the odd glitch here and there. So far Chains of Olympus falls somewhere between GoW and Gow2 and Kratos has some sweet moves.



Fantastic games. I'm gonna go back and platinum them when I get some time.


I'm playing BF3 and I'm loving it. For some reason I'm playing through the campaign on normal. I'm such an idiot, I get a gold trophy if I beat the game on hard. I'm dying a lot in the campaign, it's pretty tough in some spots. Well, I'm gonna beat the game on normal, then play through on hard. At least I'll know the levels and where the scripted enemies appear. Multiplayer is amazingly fun too.

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I love the God of War games. I'm a sucker for anything set in ancient Greece, even a bizarro Michael Bay-type Greece. Wish they'd get a release on the 360.

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Arkham City is ridiculously overwhelming.


I've wondered how a non-fan would react to it. Even as a fan I thought there was a little too much going on at once. Don't get me wrong; every subgame is good and well-realised, there are no faults with the mechanics, but they just seem to pile-up pretty quickly.

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Arkham City is ridiculously overwhelming.


I've wondered how a non-fan would react to it. Even as a fan I thought there was a little too much going on at once. Don't get me wrong; every subgame is good and well-realised, there are no faults with the mechanics, but they just seem to pile-up pretty quickly.


I'm a fan. But I'm still overwhelmed. I have a hard time concentrating on the main story when there's a side question around every corner. It took me a couple of hours to finally go and look for Mr. Freeze because there was always a phone ringing.

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I've been playing a little indy game called brogue http://sites.google.com/site/broguegame/ . It is addicting as hell, in the spirit of nethack, but way better looking and way easier(especially to a new player). A super simple concept but infinite possibilities. There are no classes, you base your character's abilities completely on items, for example, a mage would be one who collected and enchanted staffs(magic emitters that recharge over time, as opposed to wands or scrolls). A warrior would enchant his sword and armor rather than staffs, and wear rings that helped him. A rogue would wear a ring of stealth and a special dagger, drink potions of speed, etc. Different materials have different properties for example, a swamp will eventually emit an explosive gas that will explode if any fire touches it, there are traps that release water or lava, you can use a staff of tunneling to actually change the landscape of the game. The colors in the game are amazing for a roguelike(almost like dwarf fortress or something). There are enemies that explode and fill the room with flesh eating gas, but you can also use them to your advantage by making them explode near enemies(by blasting them with a staff or throwing a dart at them). Sometimes you will be in a room and a torch will fall off the wall, which, if it falls on grass, will start a brush fire which will spread and you must avoid. Cool things like that all over the place. Highly recommend it if you ever played roguelikes or even if you haven't played any at all.


(for those who don't play this kind of game, the little @ symbol is your player, the left side shows the status of your character and other visible characters, the top shows a message log, the bottom shows info about your surroundings, the walls are the # symbols, the 'd' symbols(and other letters) are some kind of creatures, the ^ symbols are fires spreading, the " are plants, the ' are burnt plants)





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Arkham City is ridiculously overwhelming.


I've wondered how a non-fan would react to it. Even as a fan I thought there was a little too much going on at once. Don't get me wrong; every subgame is good and well-realised, there are no faults with the mechanics, but they just seem to pile-up pretty quickly.


I'm a fan. But I'm still overwhelmed. I have a hard time concentrating on the main story when there's a side question around every corner. It took me a couple of hours to finally go and look for Mr. Freeze because there was always a phone ringing.


There's a ton of stuff to do yeah. I left lots of things in order to beat the story cause I really wanted to see what happens. Luckily everything can still be done in post game, so it's not a problem. I haven't started a new game+ yet, but I'll get around to it eventually after I finish playing the plethora of games coming out in the next little while.


I pre-ordered Uncharted 3, MGS HD collection, and Skyrim. Also I bought NHL 11 for $15. Should be coming in the mail shortly. I thought that was a great deal considering it's only last years game. I'll gladly wait for NHL12 to drop it's price once NHL13 comes out. Being a year behind can't be that bad. I can't play it ranked online I don't think, but that's not why I bought it anyways. I just got it so that when I get the urge to play some hockey, I can. Besides, the Leafs win a lot more when I'm playing as them. lol.

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I've been playing a little indy game called brogue http://sites.google....ite/broguegame/ . It is addicting as hell, in the spirit of nethack, but way better looking and way easier(especially to a new player). A super simple concept but infinite possibilities. There are no classes, you base your character's abilities completely on items, for example, a mage would be one who collected and enchanted staffs(magic emitters that recharge over time, as opposed to wands or scrolls). A warrior would enchant his sword and armor rather than staffs, and wear rings that helped him. A rogue would wear a ring of stealth and a special dagger, drink potions of speed, etc. Different materials have different properties for example, a swamp will eventually emit an explosive gas that will explode if any fire touches it, there are traps that release water or lava, you can use a staff of tunneling to actually change the landscape of the game. The colors in the game are amazing for a roguelike(almost like dwarf fortress or something). There are enemies that explode and fill the room with flesh eating gas, but you can also use them to your advantage by making them explode near enemies(by blasting them with a staff or throwing a dart at them). Sometimes you will be in a room and a torch will fall off the wall, which, if it falls on grass, will start a brush fire which will spread and you must avoid. Cool things like that all over the place. Highly recommend it if you ever played roguelikes or even if you haven't played any at all.


(for those who don't play this kind of game, the little @ symbol is your player, the left side shows the status of your character and other visible characters, the top shows a message log, the bottom shows info about your surroundings, the walls are the # symbols, the 'd' symbols(and other letters) are some kind of creatures, the ^ symbols are fires spreading, the " are plants, the ' are burnt plants)



I love a good Roguelike so I'll be sure to check this out.


I also bought Dark Souls last night, so I'm finally prepared to join in the endless circle-jerk around this game. I've only played a few hours, but it's everything I expected so far. That is to say, tough and satisfying in equal measure. I've just fought the Taurus demon and encountered the red dragon on the bridge. Thrilling stuff.


In fact, in many ways DS reminds me of a Roguelike game. There's the stats and items, but also the punishing difficulty and the absolute necessity of working out a sound strategy to succeed, as opposed to just running and gunning. It's a very refreshing approach for a real-time, third-person action game - but it's all been said already so I won't bother.


The environments and general graphic design are stunning, too. I wanted something spooky for the halloween weekend and this is most definitely spooky.

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I've been playing a little indy game called brogue http://sites.google....ite/broguegame/ . It is addicting as hell, in the spirit of nethack, but way better looking and way easier(especially to a new player). A super simple concept but infinite possibilities. There are no classes, you base your character's abilities completely on items, for example, a mage would be one who collected and enchanted staffs(magic emitters that recharge over time, as opposed to wands or scrolls). A warrior would enchant his sword and armor rather than staffs, and wear rings that helped him. A rogue would wear a ring of stealth and a special dagger, drink potions of speed, etc. Different materials have different properties for example, a swamp will eventually emit an explosive gas that will explode if any fire touches it, there are traps that release water or lava, you can use a staff of tunneling to actually change the landscape of the game. The colors in the game are amazing for a roguelike(almost like dwarf fortress or something). There are enemies that explode and fill the room with flesh eating gas, but you can also use them to your advantage by making them explode near enemies(by blasting them with a staff or throwing a dart at them). Sometimes you will be in a room and a torch will fall off the wall, which, if it falls on grass, will start a brush fire which will spread and you must avoid. Cool things like that all over the place. Highly recommend it if you ever played roguelikes or even if you haven't played any at all.


(for those who don't play this kind of game, the little @ symbol is your player, the left side shows the status of your character and other visible characters, the top shows a message log, the bottom shows info about your surroundings, the walls are the # symbols, the 'd' symbols(and other letters) are some kind of creatures, the ^ symbols are fires spreading, the " are plants, the ' are burnt plants)



I love a good Roguelike so I'll be sure to check this out.


I also bought Dark Souls last night, so I'm finally prepared to join in the endless circle-jerk around this game. I've only played a few hours, but it's everything I expected so far. That is to say, tough and satisfying in equal measure. I've just fought the Taurus demon and encountered the red dragon on the bridge. Thrilling stuff.


In fact, in many ways DS reminds me of a Roguelike game. There's the stats and items, but also the punishing difficulty and the absolute necessity of working out a sound strategy to succeed, as opposed to just running and gunning. It's a very refreshing approach for a real-time, third-person action game - but it's all been said already so I won't bother.


The environments and general graphic design are stunning, too. I wanted something spooky for the halloween weekend and this is most definitely spooky.


I have noticed those aspects as well in demon's souls. Each level is almost a mini roguelike, in that your death means you basically lose all your progress(except for getting your bloodstain, which I think of as sort of the equivalent of a bones file). Also the environment is very bleak and reminds me of the dungeons of nethack or something. Similar equipment set and such. Anyways brogue is my new favorite roguelike. Still, games like diablo and torchlight are WAY more roguelike-like than something like demon's souls. Also DoomRL(roguelike remake of the original DOOM, complete with music and soundeffects), POWDER , IVAN and DCSS are all really cool roguelikes as well.

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lol, im a big fan of squees's moderations, it's not like joyrex that just rips your post from the topic without even notifying you. one time i even left a post that was anti-watmm on purpose just to see it get moderated by squee.


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i actually thought that im that one person that you said you use your ignore function on earlier on..

you're a noob, you dont understand the subtleties of being a successful prick on watmm, you will either get shat on by everyone or banned soon enough.

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Alright, mustcontroltho4 is taking the weekend off.

Enjoy the silence while it lasts, guys. Now let's talk about some fucking video games!


I'm off to play BatmanBatmanBatman!

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