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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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"Joyrex Lied"



Overall, it was quite good, although it dragged a bit, especially near the end. Comedy, horror, drama, it had everything.


I have to see that one again. Who was the director again, IMDB doesn't seem to hold any info on this one.


It was one of those new-fangled one name directors like McG and Nimrod. I think his/her name was Trashbear.

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"Joyrex Lied"



Overall, it was quite good, although it dragged a bit, especially near the end. Comedy, horror, drama, it had everything.


I have to see that one again. Who was the director again, IMDB doesn't seem to hold any info on this one.


It was one of those new-fangled one name directors like McG and Nimrod. I think his/her name was Trashbear.


You are so hot, what's your name?

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Watched a few films recently


Inside - 9/10

I'm a horror fiend so I might be a little biased when it comes to these films but I fucking LOVED this film. The music was great, some good sound design that added to it well (specifically the scissors through the leg moment), the acting I thought was really strong - I love how seriously the French are taking their horror films recently. Also it had me on the edge of my seat most of the way through. Recommended for a good night in with friends and pizza!


District 9 - 9/10

Another great one, I didn't expect the film to be as good as it was. Wikus was a great main character, purely because he's completely human - he's fleshed out surprisingly well in subtle ways and although he's really easy to dislike, you start to come around to him towards the end. I heard people complain about the end of the film, I guess because it turns all action packed but I enjoyed it. It's nice when scifi is taken this seriously. Pretty much everything I can say about the film has been said already though.


Repo: The Genetic Opera - DNF/10

Man... I just don't get musicals I guess. I find them neither quircky or endearing, just annoying. I watched this because I'm gay for Ogre and he's in it, but that didn't really do much as I lasted no longer than 30 minutes before turning it off. The annoying thing is that I can't help but feel like a campy story like this without all the fucking musical numbers would have made for a really fun film. Never mind.

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Guest Ultravisitor

The Crazies - Awesome/10


Standard storyline (being a remake and all that) but executed really well. Good Cinematography, Fantastic Gore.


Best of all, the characters near enough do realistic things throughout the movie. There's no "Don't go down there, you tit, you're obviously going to die.......*death*.......told you so"


They generally do things you would do or consider doing


And it still remains tense on first view.


Nothing particularly new, just refreshing.

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Dark Side of the rainbow

I didn't really feel like it synced that well. Music was good.

Dark City

It's kind of a cool dark sci-fi flick but I didn't really jibe with it. The effects didn't seem that bad for -98, alot of sets rather than CGI which I like, but the whole film was so out there it felt hard to buy the setup and get involved with the story, it just sorta dragged on with the whole predictable hero vs doom of humanity thing. Bonus points for uniqueness but not a memorable flick imho.



I saw this super high and while it may seem like a bad choice, I don't regret it one bit.

I got really nauseous in the beginning before the camerawork settled down, but that physical effect added so much to the impact of the film. It all felt true for some reason, despite the unreal editing and sound effects. It felt muffled, surreal, distanced, much like real life gets when really bad things happen. All backwards.

The whole thing is an intense mindfuck, trippy, tragic, chaotic, but eloquently so. I felt like the "bad" scenes just added to the realism of the story. I was weirded out, terrified and absolutely loved it at the same time. A very strange film.


Grave of the fireflies

:cry: :cry: :cry:


Law abiding citizen

It's abit of a popcorn thriller disguising itself as more clever than it is. But it maintained good suspense, worth the watch. I think they could've picked a better guy for the main character.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

the gate 10/10

the original not the upcoming remake. fuck yeah what a film! 35mm in an awesome cinema too. (popcorn high)


hackers 10/10

same cinema/night as above.

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So it took me about one week to finish The Shining but I loved it. As I said, I was only 12 years old when I first watched and I don't think I really understood to appreciate Jack Nicholson's brilliant acting and the great atmosphere in the movie.



Btw. do you guys think that Kubrick actually told Shelley Duvall to run around waving her arms about? It looks really weird.



Oh, and I'm watching Don McKay now. Weird moody movie. I'm afraid the trailer gave away too much or maybe there's a twist coming up...

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Guest Z_B_Z

i just rewatched the gate. awesome 80s horror.. used to scare the shit out of me when i was a kid. watched gate 2 on youtube, horrible piece of shit but it has some lols

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Btw. do you guys think that Kubrick actually told Shelley Duvall to run around waving her arms about? It looks really weird.


I'm pretty sure Kubrick basically IRL scared/tormented the living fuck out of Shelley for the duration of filming.

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The Men Who Stare at Goats - "pretty good" I quite liked the goats, goats are ok by me. fun story too, US army, remote viewing, psy ops, walking through walls, LSD; all a bit 2nd gen IDM really. lol @ Ewan McGregor asking what a Jedi is, he should know he helped ruin th... 10/15


ps: watching a fun film (loosely) involving OP Desert Storm II seemed a bit weird though. ALTHOUGH the shootout b/w 2 US security contractors was fun satire. 9.5/15

this was much better than i expected.


The Crazies - Awesome/10


Standard storyline (being a remake and all that) but executed really well. Good Cinematography, Fantastic Gore.


Best of all, the characters near enough do realistic things throughout the movie. There's no "Don't go down there, you tit, you're obviously going to die.......*death*.......told you so"


They generally do things you would do or consider doing


And it still remains tense on first view.


Nothing particularly new, just refreshing.

this was worse than i expected. i'll probly still buy it though, closest thing we'll ever get to Left4dead: The Movie (directed by George romero)

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Honestly, his latest film, The Limits of Control, might be worse. I do not use the term pretentious lightly and this film is one of the most pretentious I've ever seen.


Dammit, don't tell me that. I was really looking forward to this.


Ong Bak 2 - 4/10 - Not enough good action scenes to forgive how boring and convoluted the story is. Also, it's a sequel but takes place like 500 years in the past?

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Guest Al Hounos

낮술 (Daytime Drinking) - Fun/funny film about a poor guy on a week-long bender in rural Korea who just wants to go home. An enjoyable glimpse into contemporary Korean drinking culture. Viewers who've not lived in Korea probably won't appreciate it as much. 8/10


Mister Lonely - sorry Harmony, I loved Gummo but I got nothing out of this one. Gummo had unfogettable characters and created an incredible mood, but this one was just a series of slightly odd scenes with no real ideas or feeling behind them. 4/10


almost forgot! i nearly pissed myself (like any other WATMMer would) when Btoum-Roumada slipped in during a scene where nuns where falling out of an airplane. best part of the movie. 7/10

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Ong Bak 2 - 4/10 - Not enough good action scenes to forgive how boring and convoluted the story is. Also, it's a sequel but takes place like 500 years in the past?


And has zero connection with the first one, aside from the statue fading in at the end. I agree, it was poor.

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Guest Z_B_Z



Mister Lonely - sorry Harmony, I loved Gummo but I got nothing out of this one. Gummo had unfogettable characters and created an incredible mood, but this one was just a series of slightly odd scenes with no real ideas or feeling behind them. 4/10




no feeling? aw cmon. that films got heart. also, id say korine isnt an idea man per se. he works from the gut.. his method of working seems very anti intellectual

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John Rambo 9/10

Fucking AMAZING. A great action film, really makes you hate the enemy so when he goes ballistic on them you love every bloody minute of it.

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John Rambo 9/10

Fucking AMAZING. A great action film, really makes you hate the enemy so when he goes ballistic on them you love every bloody minute of it.


Was this your first time watching it? The first time I watched it I was completely blown away by the violence. It's just so perfect! It's especially cool watching it in slowmotion because there are so many dismemberment details that you don't notice 8D

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John Rambo 9/10

Fucking AMAZING. A great action film, really makes you hate the enemy so when he goes ballistic on them you love every bloody minute of it.


Was this your first time watching it? The first time I watched it I was completely blown away by the violence. It's just so perfect! It's especially cool watching it in slowmotion because there are so many dismemberment details that you don't notice 8D


Yeah! Not sure why I put it off so long! I know people are being gay and turned off by violence recently but it was perfect!

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Guest Z_B_Z

ive downloaded the newest rambo like three or four times but i always end up deleting it. but im intuiged by how bloody everyone is saying it is. im always down for a good exploitation flick. plus i kind of liked the last rocky...

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ive downloaded the newest rambo like three or four times but i always end up deleting it. but im intuiged by how bloody everyone is saying it is. im always down for a good exploitation flick. plus i kind of liked the last rocky...


I did the same, really glad I got around you watching it. If you have any love for 80's action films you'll love it.

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