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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Transformers 2 - Well boring.



Seriously, there's nothing worth mentioning from that movie except the scene where the two helicopters crash and you actually get to see the pilots tumbling around inside the cockpit - yes, I'm simple that way.


The music sucked, the CGi was the same messy shit like the last one, the humour was horrendous, and what the hell is up with Megan Fox? I know a lot of people will question my sexuality when I say this, but she is not that beautiful.




Oh, and I watched Drag me to Hell last monday and it was awesome. The movie knew it was a b-movie and it never tried redeeming itself. Loved it.



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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
what the hell is up with Megan Fox? I know a lot of people will question my sexuality when I say this, but she is not that beautiful.


i agree. she can look good but in transformers1 she looked awful. that tan! gah


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Guest Adjective

Don King: Only in America

this was highly recommended by a couple friends and it surprised me how good it was.

Ving Rhames is incredible.


"aren't you going to wash your hands?

-i wash my hands before i touch my dick."

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this is a strong film. not pleasant to get sucked into this world, especially when you know it's inevitably going to end badly. you really feel a sense of inescapable evil, without ever seeing too much. the film leaves it to your imagination. no happy endings here.

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Margot at the Wedding - Nicole Kidman was surprisingly effective (generally I can't stand her) as a meddling know-it-all bitch. Story was miserable as per Baumbach style, but I dig. Jack Black hammed it up a bit at the end and that shit me well off. Verdict: Solid but forgettable.


Synecdoche NY, - Put this off way too long and wish I hadn't. Quite brilliant (I was warned not to watch it, due to "pretentiousness" factors but did so anyway, and yes, it is, but I enjoyed it regardless). Hoffman was superb as always. Verdict: Win.


Priceless - Audrey Tatou is exceedingly tasty in this flick. Counted at least 5 boners. French dorky guy was fantastic and high-larious. Light, but I loved it. Verdict: Perfect date flick or if you don't mind being called a pussy for watching it without a girl around.





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Can any WATMMers recommend some good films about skinheads (UK WATMMers I'm looking in your direction)? I've seen 'This is England' and 'Romper Stomper' but I'm looking for films (documentaries or fiction) about the early skins before the group splintered.


that's a hard one. might try looking into this issue at a tangent, like "rough trade" records and the whole Trojan import label, maybe the whole "two tone" thing also. seen stuff on tv here over the years, but very little positive skins portrayal, hence how impressed and surprised most seemed to be with "this is England".

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Guest Mr Salads

Surveillance - 10/10


Jennifer Lynch (daughter of David Lynch) makes a movie that is more fucked up and depraved than I ever thought possible. I saw Boxing Helena and found it creepy, but it was very predictable. This movie on the other hand is just something I expected to be totally bored with and was very surprised. It really did my head in.

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Guest Adjective
Surveillance - 10/10


Jennifer Lynch (daughter of David Lynch) makes a movie that is more fucked up and depraved than I ever thought possible. I saw Boxing Helena and found it creepy, but it was very predictable. This movie on the other hand is just something I expected to be totally bored with and was very surprised. It really did my head in.


been curious about that one, they were advertising the hell out of it on HDNET

was supposed to air on there soon / recently

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Surveillance - 10/10


Jennifer Lynch (daughter of David Lynch) makes a movie that is more fucked up and depraved than I ever thought possible. I saw Boxing Helena and found it creepy, but it was very predictable. This movie on the other hand is just something I expected to be totally bored with and was very surprised. It really did my head in.


been curious about that one, they were advertising the hell out of it on HDNET

was supposed to air on there soon / recently


i thought it was pretty average, with the 'surprise' ending being below a shamaylan level of cleverness

see my semi review previously in this thread

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The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - hm, hard to rate this one, 7/10? There's something about Julian Schnabel's films that I just don't like, and it's really hard to put my finger on (haven't seen Basqiat, but saw Before Night Falls). His films are beautifully shot - I notice Janus Kaminsky (sp) is the cinematographer on this one - but they just seem to be lacking in dramatic tension or story arc or something. I thought the film would have been more daring, and probably more successful, if it was shot from completely inside his head/first person. Interesting but no emotional impact on me.

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Guest Mr Salads
Surveillance - 10/10


Jennifer Lynch (daughter of David Lynch) makes a movie that is more fucked up and depraved than I ever thought possible. I saw Boxing Helena and found it creepy, but it was very predictable. This movie on the other hand is just something I expected to be totally bored with and was very surprised. It really did my head in.


been curious about that one, they were advertising the hell out of it on HDNET

was supposed to air on there soon / recently


i thought it was pretty average, with the 'surprise' ending being below a shamaylan level of cleverness

see my semi review previously in this thread


lol, pretty average. I dont get how you can say that considering I dont really know of any other movies quite like it. It gets really fucking evil at the end, bill pullman is absolutely crazy in it. Paste your review I dont want to hunt for it.


Nothing shyamalan ish about the ending either. Theres no "aha!" moment to it you just slowly realize it. Its good. Not even clever necessarily, just good structure.


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Guest zaphod

transformers 2: revenge of the continuity errors 2/10


i'll paste an amended version of my review from the other thread:


totally incomprehensible. woke from an ambien drenched sleep and decided to go see this with a ladyfriend i only seem to see once a year as an excuse to have sex. took a variety of painkillers and some codeine as i'm recovering from what might have been some kind of acute pneumonia and wandered out. didn't understand anything i saw. megan fox has the leathery tan of a forty year old cougar. i spent most of my time in the theater doing an impression of her while ladyfriend threw popcorn at shia labeouf's talentless face. eventually i was so desensitized to the special effects that i drifted into a pleasant coma and awoke to find that i had begun to piss my pants, so ran to the restroom. didn't end up having sex.


my favorite part of the movie was when shia labeouf died. i clapped during this scene and slammed my ladyfriend on the back so she nearly choked on her popcorn. "he's dead. the nightmare is over". we high fived. but shia labeouf wasn't dead. he was simply in the magical transformer afterlife. my hope for transformers 3 is that michael bay will reveal that the transformers are actually gods, and humans are made in their image. the entire movie will be a dense, highly literate religious allegory.

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Guest analogue wings

Southland Tales 2/10


The Donnie Darko guy apparently believed everything the fat girls mumbled to him between gulps while they were blowing him in the toilets at sci fi cons, about him being a visionary genius and what not, so he set out to make the most ambitious type of film possible, the Ensemble Movie Which Is About Everything And Therefore Is Really About God.


For almost succesful example of same, see Magnolia. For glorious and dignified failure at same, see Until The End of The World.


What he ended up with was nothing like either of those and more like Zak Snyder remaking the Fifth Element. It's as deep as a body spray ad. There are no layers of meaning here, no themes or insights that werent conveyed better in the countless scifi weird out movies this movie rips off.


If you've seen Repo Man, you know exactly how this movie ends. It's literally the same ending. Except in Repo Man it's characters you give a fuck about escaping from a world you understand.


Original score by Moby for bonus fail.


My film snob friends told me Justin Timberlake was the best actor in it and they were right.

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Guest JohnTqs

no country for old men 4/4

i rewatched it today because i accidentally fell asleep during the third and second to last scenes the first time i watched it when it came out. great movie

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Kurosawa weekend for me...



RAN 10/10 received the Criterion, I only had a very old widescreen worned out VHS version. So beautiful...

Kagemusha 6/10 It didnt hit me, I should have watched it before RAN.

Throne of Blood 8/10 Surprinsingly good, it kicks MacBeth' ass ha

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