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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Yeah, although I did love staring at James Franco's sweaty face for 90 minutes. Boyle and Shamalamadingdong should make the most hack film ever, together. WOULD BE EPIC! THE SHITTENING!

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The Tree of Life - 8.5/10 - Still trying process this film. It's definitely got some problems; Malick goes overboard on the whispered narration and the film could have been cut down in length (especially at the beginning and end) but it's still one of the best films I've seen this year. I'll be seeing it again before it leaves theaters.


X-Men: First Class - 4/10 - Bored me to tears for the most part. McAvoy and Fassbender are the best things in the film but they can't save a weak script, shitty special effects, and a terrible score. I'm starting to think Matthew Vaughn is a hack.


i've been really curious about both these films, since im kind of a special effects junky i was intrigued by the prospect of Malick making the first 'photo realistic' creation of the universe scene including dinosaurs, etc. My friend told me that the dinosaur scene was laughably bad looking (which is why we didnt see any shots of it obvio). His final thought on it

"i liked it overall it was very flawed though and pretty pretentious" he also made the extremely hard to believe claim that Brad Pitt 'saved' the movie, since Brad Pitt has actually ruined several recent movies in my memory (ben button, inglorious) i'm quite shocked at that claim


and what the fucking fuck is with the over hype and reviewer mob mentality that First Class is getting? is it really that good? It seems to be the most rapey out of any marvel comic movie ive seen towards it's source material. I have Xmen #1 and in it jean grey, cyclops, beast, xavier and angel all fight Magneto in his classic villain costume, is it suppose to be like a prequel to the comic even? i dont fucking get it

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probably nsfw.




more interesting than the imdb rating would lead you to believe.


lol, "maya," I geddit


i live near berkeley california and i wonder sometimes how many of these kind of sex 'gurus' there are out here

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Okay, here is the scoop!


After the birth of the universe scene in The Tree of Life, which is about 1/3 into the film, one can walk out of the film and not miss any of the tedious, cathartic, super Christian dogmatic, super personal jism that Malick shoots into your mind as you watch the film.


X Men First Ass is getting great reviews and reactions because of Michael Fasbender's Magneto. He is good in it. Magneto is a great comic book character. The rest of the film is fucking awful and should be missed at all cost. The special effects were terrible. Thor is the comic book film to watch. Thor has no business being as good as it is. The Krull of the 2010's. Except much better than Krull.

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Guest Mirezzi

lol, i have a feeling im gonna hate tree of life so so bad, can't wait for the blu ray rip.

I have the same fear. The trailer was...scary.

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I saw Krull when it came out in the theatres and have seen it many times. My memories of it are much better than the actual film. IMO

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Guest Mirezzi

Man, don't talk shit about Krull! We have all watched it as adults and come to the sadsack realization that, well, we're adults now and it's rather a shit film. Yet it was so fucking awesome when I was 8 years old that it gets a pass and becomes awesome again even at 35.


As for Tree of Life, is it really all Christian-ish? It looks horribly so based on the trailer but I didn't figure Malick for a born-again. :mellow:

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Gone Baby Gone


I really liked it, perhaps crammed a little too much in there but everyone in it was excellent and some of the things that happen at the end... I don't think I've ever gone through those thoughts before. Interesting morality in this film. Casey Affleck is amazing. Ed Harris is always great. I think Ben Affleck might be a really good director, I never would have guessed it.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i somehow got tricked into thinking i was a malik fan till i realised i kinda dispise that voiceover shit with pretty shots of tall grass blowing in the wind


i was all excited for tree of life. somehow the marketing machine got to me. i'll probably see it



lots of things out i want to see


new woody allen

tree of life

super8 preview tomorrow night woot woot

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Guest viscosity

tron legacy : worse than bad.


well I was blown away by the special effects.. not a very deep plot; works more off using the first movie's premise, but at least it stays true to the original in that sense


then again I haven't really seen many great CGI movies aside from Avatar and what Pixar has to offer. still have yet to watch Transformers, granted i was never into the franchise, but i'd be satisfied even if it was like power rangers HD

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Guest Z_B_Z

malick might be a bit pretentious but hes still infinitely more interesting than 98.9% of most filmmakers working today.

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I've seen Hangover, the first one, cause I like Ed Helms. But it wasn't funny. That's what I get for trying to watch a comedy movie, huh.





As for Tree of Life, is it really all Christian-ish? It looks horribly so based on the trailer but I didn't figure Malick for a born-again. :mellow:


What IS Tree of Life ... ? Never heard of it.

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'the Tree of Life' deals with the concept of Grace vs Nature, which I think is a Christian ideal/debate. I am not sure about his personal beliefs.

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Starsky & Hutch - this was cool. like, 7/10 cool.


Hey, what was the best comedy film you ever watched? Ok, or just the funniest movie, doesn't have to be a comedy.

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Starsky & Hutch - this was cool. like, 7/10 cool.


Hey, what was the best comedy film you ever watched? Ok, or just the funniest movie, doesn't have to be a comedy.


You didn't ask me, but I'll answer this. Sleepaway Camp is all kinds of funny.

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Guest valuablesteak

'Insomnia' (US Version) was great, the SWE version was just as good though. (9/10)

'The Mechanic' was pretty rad for a Redbox rental (8/10)

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tron legacy : worse than bad.


well I was blown away by the special effects.. not a very deep plot; works more off using the first movie's premise, but at least it stays true to the original in that sense


then again I haven't really seen many great CGI movies aside from Avatar and what Pixar has to offer. still have yet to watch Transformers, granted i was never into the franchise, but i'd be satisfied even if it was like power rangers HD


I think once you got past the initial stylization with tron legacy, which is rather pretty yes, you find yourself resident in a pretty cheaply generated world. Count the number of locations. When this disappointment is added to the heap, it ends up being a fucking hideous creation with the art direction that would carry only the teaser clip and not an whole film.

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I knew it was going to eat shit within 30 seconds with all those split-screen edits


that seems to be boyle's go-to trick, music video thing. agreed with everything you said though... he's made 2 good movies (trainspotting and shallow grave)and even watching trainspotting again you realise it's pretty shit.

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