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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Get Him To The Greek 5/10 really had zero expectations for this. Quite entertaining, the amount of drug use surprised me and upped the laughs somewhat. lol @ lars ulrich.


Paul 5/10. compared to their other films 2/10. very weak stuff.



Got around to watching Ikiru. It was marvelous, a breath of fresh air amidst the shite (see above) It might be on the slightly sentimental side, but he pulls it off superbly. Takashi Smimura just has a wonderful face.


Next up is Yojimbo and I can't wait. For me Kurosawa was one of those directors that you'd heard about from alot of film programmes etc. He was a director I'd always put of investigating due to the sheer magnitude of film output and relative obscurity, obtainability etc.

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Tree of Life - 9/10 - Made a day trip out of this... figured it would be my first Malick film to see on the big screen so I drove up to LA to do it properly. It's definitely Malick's most ambiguous film, as the title suggests. There is no narrative really and I'm sure the adjectives pretentious, esoteric, and self indulgent will be used sparingly in most of the reviews out there, but I fucking loved it. Never had I experienced a film with such heartbeat and free spirit. I'm at a loss of words really, I can't wait to get a hold of the script. Not a film for everyone... I saw about 5-6 people get up and leave the theater thinking it was a Brad Pitt rather than a Malick film.


Paul - 7/10 - I really enjoyed this... was exactly what I was looking for. Good for you sci-fi buffs out there, although the jokes references stay mostly above ground. Good ol' fashion fun with some great writing.


Henry's Crime - 5/10 - Not sure of the direction in this one. Very disjointed... not that I was expecting much.


Color of Money - 6.5/10 - Continuing on my Paul Newman journey. Newman was great, Scorsese not so much. Although The Hustler is quite the film to follow up from, even if it is only loosely based on it from what I could gather. Stylistically it had a bit of Scorsese in it but was a bit too formulaic. Overall it just seemed like a money making film.


Sinners and Saints - 5/10 - Typical and boring... the gun fights were all the film had and they weren't much.


The Cincinnati Kid - 8/10 - I very much enjoyed this, although I have a certain weakness for poker films. McQueen played the roll well and I loved the ending :emotawesomepm9:

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Gimme Shelter - How they expected this gig to go well is beyond me, it was far more insane than I expected. I loved the moment where the Stones are trying to get through a song, the Hell's Angels are sat out front with pool cues whilst hippies are full on tripping balls, you can feel the huge tension in the air and awaiting the inevitable eruption of violence then amidst all this a lone stray dog wanders across the stage. 5/5.

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Tree of Life - 9/10 - Made a day trip out of this... figured it would be my first Malick film to see on the big screen so I drove up to LA to do it properly. It's definitely Malick's most ambiguous film [ambitious?], as the title suggests. There is no narrative really and I'm sure the adjectives pretentious, esoteric, and self indulgent will be used sparingly [liberally?] in most of the reviews out there, but I fucking loved it. Never had I experienced a film with such heartbeat and free spirit. I'm at a loss of words really, I can't wait to get a hold of the script. Not a film for everyone... I saw about 5-6 people get up and leave the theater thinking it was a Brad Pitt rather than a Malick film.

huh? (couldn't resist :emotawesomepm9: )


Hanna: This movie was complete and utter shit on a level I haven't seen for a while. Some big name actors - Eric Bana, Cate Blanchett, and the funny wee Englishman from In the Loop got tricked into doing this. They all sport the most absurd accents imaginable (well, ok, Eric Bana's German accent is ok, but Blanchett's Southern drawl is unbelievably terrible).


Have you ever seen a film where it seemed like the director and editor (perhaps the same person in this case) were so glaringly incompetent that it destroyed the film? This is a good case study in that regard. It's certainly not the DP's fault, there are some nice looking shots. But the editing and music cues are so jarring and utterly amateurish that you will probably start lolling: no establishing shots, cuts where a character jumps into frame from one side followed by him jumping into the frame from the other side, tracking shots that wobble or move a few inches for no reason...


1/10, unless you're a film student and want to learn what not to do

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Hanna: This movie was complete and utter shit on a level I haven't seen for a while. Some big name actors - Eric Bana, Cate Blanchett, and the funny wee Englishman from In the Loop got tricked into doing this. They all sport the most absurd accents imaginable (well, ok, Eric Bana's German accent is ok, but Blanchett's Southern drawl is unbelievably terrible).


Have you ever seen a film where it seemed like the director and editor (perhaps the same person in this case) were so glaringly incompetent that it destroyed the film? This is a good case study in that regard. It's certainly not the DP's fault, there are some nice looking shots. But the editing and music cues are so jarring and utterly amateurish that you will probably start lolling: no establishing shots, cuts where a character jumps into frame from one side followed by him jumping into the frame from the other side, tracking shots that wobble or move a few inches for no reason...


1/10, unless you're a film student and want to learn what not to do

Lol i wanna see it now! Bluray out yet?

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lol, don't know. When you watch it, for the first 15 min or so you'll think it's actually a decent film, but don't be fooled and stick with it til they get to the army base.


I forgot to mention the bizarre plot holes/problems. Characters seem to know where other characters are without explanation. Trained uber-assassins who have killed or disarmed scores of guys in hand-to-hand combat are somehow inexplicably afraid of a short pudgy German in a tiny car, just because he's one of the main bad guys. Elderly women are killed for no rhyme or reason. And my god what is that orange thing on Blanchett's head?


I will say one thing in the film's favor, the locations are uniformly interesting.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Elderly women are killed for no rhyme or reason.


It does sound mighty tempting.


Lol i wanna see it now! Bluray out yet?


Only R5s so far.


Scanners - Hadn't seen this in a long time, but luckily it's recently had a bluray release. Seems like there was a 10-15 year window where this sort of incredible stuff was made, and nothing recent manages to match the atmosphere. While watching it I reminded of this amiga game that I would have to quit due to terror http://lparchive.org/Darkseed/Update%201/

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omlol at that gif.


exactly how I feel about this thread sometimes


atop, I have no hatred for you or your shitty opinions. *beer*


edit: you're lol


You don't hate my shitty opinions?




Okay Rabelais, a top 5 list of films you love, off the top of your head, what are they?


a quick list of mine:


2001: A Space Odyssey,


The Exorcist,

Blue Velvet,

There Will Be Blood

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top 5 films? fucking boom, dog:




jacob's ladder


lost in translation








in all seriousness your top 5 is awesome, i love all those movies.


or, as sup might say:


youre list of top five moivies is good! i love themn alot.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i saw them peddling hanna at comiccon. the director has only done historical films before, no action. and his love for 90s chemical brothers tracks probably doesnt help. in the previews i saw the chase scenes were ridiculous. i'll probably watch it if it comes on netflix instant

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