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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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True Grit 8/10: definitely way better than i expected.

The Last Waltz 9/10: it would have been so intense to have been at that concert.

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Fast Food Nation: 6/10


This had some serious squandered potential; it came across as flimsy and didactic and fairly obvious. I really only felt any sort of emotional connection with the illegal immigrant wife character, and that actress fucking delivered some subtle, devastating eye-acting in her final scene :crai:

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Guest disparaissant

true grit - 8/10, good stuff

battle: los angeles - crap/shit. fucking awful. half expecting to see JOIN THE MARINES! flash on the bottom of the screen throughout most of it.

also it made the ps3 kick in some cinavia protection scheme bullshit.

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Battle Los Angeles: The kid in me that will always love aliens, lasers and fighting kinda enjoyed some scenes, while the badass critic that I have become remained bored all through the movie. The ambient of occasional comments and whiskey made it worth watching though.

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Battle Los Angeles: The kid in me that will always love aliens, lasers and fighting kinda enjoyed some scenes, while the badass critic that I have become remained bored all through the movie. The ambient of occasional comments and whiskey made it worth watching though.

glenmorangie portwood finish yo!


seriously, the movie sucked so much ass, the best part was when turned the MCFI feature on the tv set ON (smooth cinema/motionflow/natural motion), and boosted colors and contrast so it made it look really intense. also, i was high.

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Battle Los Angeles: The kid in me that will always love aliens, lasers and fighting kinda enjoyed some scenes, while the badass critic that I have become remained bored all through the movie. The ambient of occasional comments and whiskey made it worth watching though.

glenmorangie portwood finish yo!


seriously, the movie sucked so much ass, the best part was when turned the MCFI feature on the tv set ON (smooth cinema/motionflow/natural motion), and boosted colors and contrast so it made it look really intense. also, i was high.


Our highness made it all better, yes.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

the adjustment bureau - 7/10 - i dunno why i liked this, the plot was really thin and it had matt damon, cant explain it. *shrug*


wasn't it based (loosely) on a phillip k dick story?

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the adjustment bureau - 7/10 - i dunno why i liked this, the plot was really thin and it had matt damon, cant explain it. *shrug*


wasn't it based (loosely) on a phillip k dick story?

it was indeed, the idea has been touched on in other films too. i guess thats why i liked it, pkd is my one of favourite authors

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

they tried as hard as they could to muss it up but pkd still shone through the shite


(i haven't seen it but it looked alright from the trailer)

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Paul 7/10 - a few giggles here and there but mainly a popcorn film you'd rent out to waste some time before you bang the shit out of your girlfriend after the pizza has gone cold.


I just saw this last night - probably give it a 7.5/10 just for the fun of spotting all the inside jokes/tributes.

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Yeah Paul was really mediocre and Simon Pegg seems to have hit the pub too much, he looks a bit puffy and dazed and his comic timing wasn't what it used to be.


Just watched Rango and liked it, some nice surreal sequences for a "kid's film." I have trouble believing any part of it was directed by Gore Verbinsky, as the shots seemed way more skillful than I've seen from him in the past. Or at least they had some great storyboard artists. Some inexplicable and distracting low-res texturing and/or UV distortion on some of the character's snouts. Really weird to have a slip-up like that in a feature film. Some of the writing was too over the top, I'm guessing most of what Rango says would fly over a kid's head. Some great animation. 8.5/10.

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the adjustment bureau 6/10

Unknown 8/10

the Good the bad and the Ugly 8/10

Sucker punch, awufl/10 (perfect example of how to sugarcoat a shit story with lashings of CGI)

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Guest Iain C

Glengarry Glen Ross - 10/10. So good I went back and watched it again. Incredible script and performances, loads of swearing.

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glengary is a movie i saw when i was too young to appreciate it, but saw it again recently and i was blown away. The scene where Alec Baldwin comes in and lectures all of them at the beginning is one of the best performances of his whole career, in fact Mamet somehow gets Lemom and Pacino to give almost the best performances of their career too. Lemon plays the perfect sad sack behind the curve desperate man. It's too bad David Mamet turned into an insane neoconservative zionist after 9/11, his stuff before that was pretty amazing, he was on a really great trajectory. Now he has a TV show with the Allstate insurance black guy called 'The Unit' about elite terrorism fighters , that is unwatchable




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Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence

Crap. Far too shiny looking, it's a film not a computer game for fudge's sake. Humdrum story that failed to grab my attention on any level. They should never have made a sequel or a series of the original which was brilliant.


the 2nd film wasn't great, but the series (stand alone complex) is incredible, top-shelf anime. there's a reason it's 8.8/10 on imdb.

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don't use words that you don't what they mean, we've discussed this



two lovers - 8/10 - i think it's an improvement over wotn in every way while the weaknesses are still the same, the sometimes dull dialogue and a bit of a silly story, could be that im just watching too much mike leigh recently. technically its amazing though, they make the scenes so incredibly vivid and atmospheric, sounds kinda corny but you could really feel that you're in there, i can't recall any other movie that did such a great mix of direction, cinematography and lighting.

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the series (stand alone complex) is incredible, top-shelf anime.



Nay for me. Too hard trying to be cool and serious, while it isn't really. It's ok, but not very good for me.

SAC 1st gig was great, the story was really well written, but SAC 2nd gig went over complex for my liking .


If i turns up in the post today i shall be watching Akria on bluray 8/10 :D

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