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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest abusivegeorge

the upright citizens brigade did a whole redubbed version of It's a wonderful life that is really funny, it was never released officially but you can find it on most torrent places


it's called 'escape from it's a wonderful life'


http://www.uprightcitizens.org/19/index.html <---watch here, and no george I do not have you on ignore


Lol, thats good :-D.


Thanks dude I am watching part 1 now :).

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Guest abusivegeorge

"Do ya have some coke you could fill this suitcase with it" fucking LOL.


FUCKING LOL at the hardcore music, omg this is hilarious.

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<!--quoteo(post=973286:date=Mar 8 2009, 08:00 PM:name=Mirezzi)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Mirezzi @ Mar 8 2009, 08:00 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=973286"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I haven't watched much torture porn, so I can't comment on anything by Eli Roth...<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->


ignorant statement/


Care to enlighten me as to what Eli Roth's Hostel movies are if not purely torture porn?


Saw seemed to have a tongue in cheek edge to it, a bit like Evil Dead back in day had, nowhere near as good as Evil Dead series ofc, but you get my drift.


Hostel movies seem to have no soul, they're just horrible and terrible


1st of all you have cabin fever, which i believe to be genuinely creepy. NO torture elements.


Now, there is some torture in Hostel, there's no denying it, and it can be brutal, but it's still very tounge in cheek if you've ever read interviews with roth, or listened to the commentary.


Torture is there, but torture "porn"? That just makes me think of some super-sadistic fetish porn on the net. THe difference is that THAT's real.


Eli just likes gross out horror. You don't have to like it. Just don't ever put evil dead and SAW in the same sentence



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The Hostel movies aren't even creepy nor disgusting. You don't see anyone get tortured because the torturer always gets in the way of the camera, and then you hear someone screaming their lungs out which most likely indicates that the torturer is probably doing something bad to whoever might be in the chair. Now, if it had been anything like Inside (À l'intérieur) then I might have rated it a bit higher, because Inside is one of the few torture-movies, or whatever you feel like calling them, that actually made me feel uncomfortable.

All in all, they're just plain stupid. The only reason I watched BOTH Hostel movies was because of the Slavonic girls.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch


better than expected. expected it to be bad and laughably bad but it was just cliche ridden switch-your-brain-off entertainment.

not going to score. i could watch 5 hours of famous monuments being destroyed given enough popcorn

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The Hostel movies aren't even creepy nor disgusting. You don't see anyone get tortured because the torturer always gets in the way of the camera, and then you hear someone screaming their lungs out which most likely indicates that the torturer is probably doing something bad to whoever might be in the chair. Now, if it had been anything like Inside (À l'intérieur) then I might have rated it a bit higher, because Inside is one of the few torture-movies, or whatever you feel like calling them, that actually made me feel uncomfortable.

All in all, they're just plain stupid. The only reason I watched BOTH Hostel movies was because of the Slavonic girls.


They're camp my friend. People take them too seriously. Roth wasn't looking to make high art here. He was making a genre film. And please watch them again if you think that most of the torture is obscured. shit, you see a guy's dick get cut off. Look, I'm not saying the Hostel films are great, but they are fun to me, and the Slavonic girls.... dear fuck... *leaves thread to wank*

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Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans: 8.5/10


There's some shitty pacing and boring scenes but the highlights are more than worth it. Just thinking back to certain scenes makes me laugh out loud. It's Werner Herzog directing a film in which Nicholas Cage goes nuts. Definitely the most quotable movie I've seen this year.


"You don't got a lucky crack pipe?"

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The Hostel movies aren't even creepy nor disgusting. You don't see anyone get tortured because the torturer always gets in the way of the camera, and then you hear someone screaming their lungs out which most likely indicates that the torturer is probably doing something bad to whoever might be in the chair. Now, if it had been anything like Inside (À l'intérieur) then I might have rated it a bit higher, because Inside is one of the few torture-movies, or whatever you feel like calling them, that actually made me feel uncomfortable.

All in all, they're just plain stupid. The only reason I watched BOTH Hostel movies was because of the Slavonic girls.


They're camp my friend. People take them too seriously. Roth wasn't looking to make high art here. He was making a genre film. And please watch them again if you think that most of the torture is obscured. shit, you see a guy's dick get cut off. Look, I'm not saying the Hostel films are great, but they are fun to me, and the Slavonic girls.... dear fuck... *leaves thread to wank*


Cabin Fever was fun, no doubt about that. I mean, who can forget a gem-scene like this:




It's fun and stupid. Don't get me wrong, I like that kind of stuff as well. But I think what turned me off when it comes to Hostel was the fact that it was promoted and teased as a serious horror/gore flick which would contain extremely disturbing scenes but it was anything but disturbing. Just stupid. And it was also hyped by Quentin Tarantino which just makes it even worse.


I'd go as far as to say that it's a movie made for teenagers between (14-17 years).

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Zombieland: I hoped this would be good based on what I knew of the special cameo but that was really the only good thing in the film. If I was more of a zombie aficionado I would probably think it wasn't a very good zombie film either - something just felt "off" about the zombie sequences, and the tone of the film in general. Didn't quite manage to tread the fine line Raimi does between comedy and horror. Plus, running zombies I can understand, but ladder climbing zombies? 4/10


Synechdote, NY: I tried watching this film through twice and ended up turning it off both times. The only thing it has going for it is the premise - which is pretty clever and interesting - and some of the dialogue. But it just reaffirmed my opinion that I don't connect with the "east coast mindset" either intellectually or emotionally. This felt like sub-par Woody Allen - "let's watch the neurotic guy who obsesses about his life but still manages to score several hot chicks." The film assumes we're supposed to be interested in the main character but I never was. Once the little girl was offscreen (and then "grew up") I lost most of my interest in the film. It picked up once all the duplicate characters started interacting in different ways, but by that point I was tired and turned it off. Maybe the ending saved it. 6/10 based on the premise alone. Hope I never have to listen to dialogue from "Death of a Salesman" or young intellectuals using Kafka to pick people up ever again, reminds me of being an undergrad, yuck.


Moon: This was better than I thought based on the overall watmm reaction. It was paced weirdly and the reactions of some of the characters to each other did seem unnatural, but it struck home emotionally once or twice. Someone here was saying they don't like Sam Rockwell, but I really like him, I think he's been good in everything I've seen him in. I think most of the faults can be ascribed to poor direction, the "aha" moments were obvious to everyone but the characters involved. 7/10

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Guest abusivegeorge

Can I ask you guys what your verdict on Road To Perdition is? I've used search and tried to find it in here before I asked this, but to no avail. Thanks :).

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I liked it ok, the main problem I had with it is it's a Sam Mendes film, meaning it feels over-contained and over-controlled. I just don't like his style, you can just feel him trying to be deep and artsy but I don't think he pulls it off. I liked the dynamic between Paul Newman's character and his sadistic son, played by Daniel Craig before he tried to get all heroic in the 007 films. Hanks is arguably miscast. Definitely worth a watch though, you could do a lot worse.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I liked it ok, the main problem I had with it is it's a Sam Mendes film, meaning it feels over-contained and over-controlled. I just don't like his style, you can just feel him trying to be deep and artsy but I don't think he pulls it off. I liked the dynamic between Paul Newman's character and his sadistic son, played by Daniel Craig before he tried to get all heroic in the 007 films. Hanks is arguably miscast. Definitely worth a watch though, you could do a lot worse.


Ok thanks :), I've not watched it before and I found a copy upstairs in my Dads DVD rack, so I'll give it a try, I really can't see Hanks in a gangster film but I trust your judgement, cheerz fella.

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Rambo 4 aka John Rambo - 9/10 - by far the best cinematography of any Rambo film, best acting, best violence in any action film ever, shocking, and exactly what John Rambo would be doing in 2007




Stallone being better at making a war film than Spielberg (besides Empire of the Sun)


Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10 - best written Die Hard film, hacking on such an extreme level to where it is frightening how possible this could be, one of the best over the top, bad ass one liner filled films ever made, and John McClane being the best action film hero ever created......besides John Rambo


Funny People |unrated version| - 9/10 - my favourite comedy of the year..."Do the Merman call!?!" love the extra stand up in this version, so fucking good! RAAAAAAAANDY!




all rewatches that keep getting better........ :happy:

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Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10 - best written Die Hard film, hacking on such an extreme level to where it is frightening how possible this could be, one of the best over the top, bad ass one liner filled films ever made, and John McClane being the best action film hero ever created......besides John Rambo


Yeah, hacking traffic lights through the internet! REALISM!




Die Hard 4 is not a Die Hard film. I wasn't on the edge of my seat once during the whole film, the action scenes were boring and the dumbing down was fucking pathetic.

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Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10 - best written Die Hard film, hacking on such an extreme level to where it is frightening how possible this could be, one of the best over the top, bad ass one liner filled films ever made, and John McClane being the best action film hero ever created......besides John Rambo


Yeah, hacking traffic lights through the internet! REALISM!




Die Hard 4 is not a Die Hard film. I wasn't on the edge of my seat once during the whole film, the action scenes were boring and the dumbing down was fucking pathetic.


And the fact that John McClane isn't allowed to finish his classic "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker" punchline because of the MPAA is sickening.

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They literally dumbed down the violence and swearing so it can get a bigger audience, I hate that shit!


Also, Gabriel is the fucking worst villain in any film. Timothy Olyphant has all the charisma of a bowl of noodles.

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Moon - 6/10 - Interesting ideas... good sound/set design, decent job by Rockwell... I enjoyed their rendition of HAL with the emoticons. The only thing holding this back, it seemed, was the poor, uninspiring direction which left nothing to the imagination.

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Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10 - best written Die Hard film, hacking on such an extreme level to where it is frightening how possible this could be, one of the best over the top, bad ass one liner filled films ever made, and John McClane being the best action film hero ever created......besides John Rambo


Yeah, hacking traffic lights through the internet! REALISM!




Die Hard 4 is not a Die Hard film. I wasn't on the edge of my seat once during the whole film, the action scenes were boring and the dumbing down was fucking pathetic.



Die Hard 4.0 - 9/10 - best written Die Hard film, hacking on such an extreme level to where it is frightening how possible this could be, one of the best over the top, bad ass one liner filled films ever made, and John McClane being the best action film hero ever created......besides John Rambo


Yeah, hacking traffic lights through the internet! REALISM!




Die Hard 4 is not a Die Hard film. I wasn't on the edge of my seat once during the whole film, the action scenes were boring and the dumbing down was fucking pathetic.


And the fact that John McClane isn't allowed to finish his classic "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker" punchline because of the MPAA is sickening.



They literally dumbed down the violence and swearing so it can get a bigger audience, I hate that shit!


Also, Gabriel is the fucking worst villain in any film. Timothy Olyphant has all the charisma of a bowl of noodles.



Gabriel was a nerdy dick who thought he could outsmart McClane's muscle brains...


of course he couldn't, so McClane shot his nerdy ass through his own shoulder to show how fucking tough he is...


and the line YippeeKayyaMotherfucker was not fully said because it is what he wants on his tombstone and McClane will never die, so he couldn't finish the statement.....and the MPAA are a bunch of nazis


the other one liners in this film feel natural, are funny and I just enjoy the overall writing of this film in the series


Traffic lights can be fucked with....


where does it day in the rules of city planning that traffic lights can't be fucked with via computers?


Maggie Q is supremely hot in this, so is John's daughter...


Justin Long and McClane are great together in this....and I hate buddy team ups, for the most part, fuck Rush Hour!


shutting down the USA on film in this concise and imo, believable manner, impressed me....



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I watched Terminator for the first time last night, and it made me realize just how spoiled we are with computer graphics these days.


Also, if the Terminator had succeeded, wouldn't his reason for traveling back be eliminated in the future?


Also watched Star Trek. Fun, but whoever said bring your sunglasses was right. Lens flares made it impossible to see the movie.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Yeah I saw Die Hard 4.0 at the cinema and I liked it too, but I enjoy almost anything.


Sin City, it's based on a comic book for fucks sake I can hardly be critical 9/10.

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