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Director Ridley Scott has integrated the Audi Lunar Quattro into “Alien: Covenant,“ a new chapter in his groundbreaking “Alien” franchise. [...] In its film debut, the Audi Lunar Quattro is an integral part of the Covenant mission and is deployed to help Faris (Amy Seimetz) navigate and assess the challenging, unknown terrain of a new planet.
Incorporating the Audi Lunar Quattro into the film is part of the collaboration between Twentieth Century Fox and Audi. “The ‘Alien’ franchise is the best way for us to garner suitable attention for the moon rover developed by Audi, and to showcase Audi’s intelligent technologies in a visionary environment,” explains Giovanni Perosino, Vice President International Marketing Communication at Audi.





edit - Audi claims this shit is actually going to the moon on a privately funded lunar jaunt.

Edited by doublename
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Director Ridley Scott has integrated the Audi Lunar Quattro into “Alien: Covenant,“ a new chapter in his groundbreaking “Alien” franchise. [...] In its film debut, the Audi Lunar Quattro is an integral part of the Covenant mission and is deployed to help Faris (Amy Seimetz) navigate and assess the challenging, unknown terrain of a new planet.
Incorporating the Audi Lunar Quattro into the film is part of the collaboration between Twentieth Century Fox and Audi. “The ‘Alien’ franchise is the best way for us to garner suitable attention for the moon rover developed by Audi, and to showcase Audi’s intelligent technologies in a visionary environment,” explains Giovanni Perosino, Vice President International Marketing Communication at Audi.





edit - Audi claims this shit is actually going to the moon on a privately funded lunar jaunt.



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so a thing with the sole purpose of being a brand image amplifier for a car company is a character in this film by Ridley Scott? Sounds lush.

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I'm pretty sure he's headed towards the video game thread with some new Nintendo products.

Edited by Gocab
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it does seem heavily marketed. almost like they expect it to fail...

Could be applied to some high profile music releases that have happened in the past few years, too...



the Gorillaz endorsements this time round are really bad, and kinda defeat the purpose of the band satirizing MTV pop culture, at least they used to when anyone still watched that channel.




will you shut the fuck up about fucking gorillaz







will you shut the fuck up about fucking gorillaz


fuck yo mama.




Could you shut up in general?



this was good

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Tom Cruise and Tim Curry are in talks to star in a sequel to Ridley Scott's 1985 fantasy film Legend. Scott is currently involved in his Alien: Covenant press duties so production likely will begin some time in early 2018 ahead of a first quarter 2019 release. No word yet on whether Scott will direct.

this is going to be good

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Well, Adam Savage did some behind the scenes videos for Ghost In The Shell, which turned out to be generally regarded as shite.


He's doing the same for Liaen Oven Cant

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Guest transmisiones ferox

the bottom line,

hollywood was always a piece of shit, 


go watch some Werner Herzog movies, instead

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This really has the potential to be one of the best films of the franchise if Ridley and the writers get this right. We're going deeper into the engineers ideas, why did they want to wipe out humans they created. We're seeing the black goo airborne, what is that stuff? David's set up a science lab in paradise and is doing experiments on the dead engineers.. in effect playing god. David comes face to face against his new version Walter Weyland. In the trailer I saw the Deacon and the Neomorph.

Dorks say ''I hate this film, the alien comes out of his back, that's not real, an alien would come out the front'' or ''the alien would never attack when a couple have sex in the shower, that's so b- movie horror``. That's dorks trying to appeal to fellow dorks..what a cuntish cliché.

 But theres just something about this film that tells me it's going to be awesome. Papering over the cracks of the weakness in Prometheus. I'm seeing Prometheus as a film which held back just the right amount to see this flourish. I hope i'm right. 

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dorks care about backstory, explaining the origins of things, the cinematic universe, etc. 

actually i can't tell if you're being ironic or not. if you aren't, congrats you are the winner of contrarian internet today!

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The problem with Prometheus is that it tried to explain things that the original movie wisely left mysterious.


Also that the explanation was really dumb.

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At the time I remember someone describing it as 'a dismally disappointing answer to a question no-one asked', pretty much summed it up for me.


I want to be optimistic here but I caught Prometheus again a couple of weeks ago on TV and fuck me it was even worse than I remembered. Covenant being a good movie will have to involve one hell of a turnaround.

Edited by danshoebridge
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lol, yeah. I tried rewatching it the other day but ended up turning it off halfway through.

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lol, yeah. I tried rewatching it the other day but ended up turning it off halfway through.

Oh shit, so you didn't get to the point where where Vickers says, "No......... father!" which is where everyone is supposed to go "Oh shit!!". It's the best. That twist or whatever you want to call it falls so flat that you're left wondering if you missed something.

It's amazing that here 5 years later I still find myself confused and utterly baffled by that movie.

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The problem with Prometheus is that it tried to explain things that the original movie wisely left mysterious.


Also that the explanation was really dumb.

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lol, yeah. I tried rewatching it the other day but ended up turning it off halfway through.

The first half was actually good though. If you ignore the second half, it was a decent movie. That second half though...

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Whats the story on the District 9 chap filming the Alien/Alien's "re-sequel"?

Ridley Scott said it's not happening. Lolz.




letz add some prometheus dank to that:



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