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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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i did some research for composing music for video games, and the cheapest that one guy said was 75 bucks a minute, i feel like i am worth more, but i don't wanna scare clients away.

You gotta get over that I think, charge a bit more - don't go crazy, but don't undervalue yourself - I made that mistake when I was doing web design

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I went to a gothic party and shit was so fucking good, but since my buddy and I are still living with our moms, we needed to get out of there before it was too late. Well, only he. Fuck it, I would have stayed all night. So fucking awesome, and there were hot, sexual girls and shit like that. Fuck my life.

goth girls are so awesome


you both should have stayed and just got in trouble



Yes, I agree. Goth girls are really intellectual and horny. Damn, by 9:00pm there was already an essence of erotism around...

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i'm too tired to make dinner and need to be in bed in the next 1.5 hours. it was hot today. i have a rash. my immediate boss at work is a lazy knowitall knob. i don't get paid enough. my cat won't stop meowing.

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I am picturing your cat meowing at you loudly and incessantly as your world explodes with drama and problems around you.

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I fucking hate working on projects that aren't pure pleasure or some awesome lazer shit. Mutherfucker. I know that's some spoilt shit, which I suppose is what this thread is about. Cuz I have free working hours and all....



Fuck muthafuck. I just wish I could just sit around all day and work on my own music and art and lazer projects and smoke up and have a wank without having to look at the clock. I did that for a few years, but I had to sell my whole music studio to support it. But apparently now I need like 5 million dowla to buy my fucking apartment or house, just so I can have a cat and a Lamborghini Countach.


It's times like this that make me realize that drugs and discipline are actually interchangeable. Sort of.


Fuck, brah.


Someone in Tokyo hand me free mdma and ganj. YOU MOFOZ KNO THAT GANJ IS $40~70 A GRAM HERE?! Fucking hilarious and painful at the same time. Like life itself.

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now that i have a bit of money from making music in my paypal, i'm too scared to buy shoes that i really need off ebay because i don't want to see my money decrease, even though i have nothing else to buy with that money.

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fuck it, i bought it, i was being a puss, i haven't had new shoes in two years and the vans that i like are no longer sold in stores. and i don't like any of the recent shoes that vans has to offer.



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On the verge of crying, as I often am when I visit someone / have someone visit then leave [ / they leave ] for the airport / train station.


Much wobble of chin. So sob.


Should I have had my ex of 4 years come to visit anyway? We are still so much in love. It ended so badly and the pain is still there / so much love too.


Much problems.


I hope they dissipate soon. Healthy diet and exercise regime recommences tomorrow. Much future. So emo.

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Guest fiznuthian

Probably uninsured America, where a minor injury grants you a big annoying bill and phone calls from bill collectors if you don't pay it timely enough.

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Probably uninsured America, where a minor injury grants you a big annoying bill and phone calls from bill collectors if you don't pay it timely enough.


I don't want to laugh at this (because it's really not funny). America sucks sometimes.



Feel better Dear deer... I hate pulled muscles, especially when it's really bad and the pain is there for a few days and you get a nasty twinge when you move the wrong way... Get that in my lower back quite often..

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Guest fiznuthian

Yeah it's really awful to think about.. America has a long way to go before people can truly feel comfortable about their health issues.

Hope you recover fine and dandy Deer.

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My wife got into a relatively minor car accident last month and went to the ER to get checked out. Spent a few hours there. Doctors were unsure if there was any nerve damage (there wasn't) and plonked her into an MRI. Instant $5,000.00. Additional $1,000.00 for X-rays. Clean bill of health aside from whiplash.


Fortunately the at-fault driver's insurance is paying, but the above might indicate why I was having serious anxiety attacks during my year+ of being uninsured.

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yeah like baph said, the hospital bill would be around 5,000, i already owned them like 1,000, i will only go to hospital only if i feel like my life is in danger

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Guest fiznuthian

My wife got into a relatively minor car accident last month and went to the ER to get checked out. Spent a few hours there. Doctors were unsure if there was any nerve damage (there wasn't) and plonked her into an MRI. Instant $5,000.00. Additional $1,000.00 for X-rays. Clean bill of health aside from whiplash.


Fortunately the at-fault driver's insurance is paying, but the above might indicate why I was having serious anxiety attacks during my year+ of being uninsured.



Just like that.. instant nightmares.


I have about 2000-3000 to pay off at the moment.. shouldn't be too bad.

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