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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I am considering doing a bit of Uber driving on weekends to make more money, in spite of vague misgivings that it is a shitty company and bad for the broader economy. a more ideal option is being a weekend barista, although that will take more work.

Edited by usagi
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I am considering doing a bit of Uber driving on weekends to make more money, in spite of vague misgivings that it is a shitty company and bad for the broader economy. a more ideal option is being a weekend barista, although that will take more work.

I would totally be all over Uber if I could drive. I think it's a great idea.

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I am considering doing a bit of Uber driving on weekends to make more money, in spite of vague misgivings that it is a shitty company and bad for the broader economy. a more ideal option is being a weekend barista, although that will take more work.


I would totally be all over Uber if I could drive. I think it's a great idea.


it's definitely easy. sit in your car, play choons, drink coffee, drive people around your city. plus you can decide for yourself exactly how much you want to work and when you want to not work, without giving anyone notice. however the ease of it is almost a bit suspicious. and of course there are all those arguments that they're depressing wages and stuff like that, although I can't say I care much for cabbies being pressured by this new system.

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I hate when I'm at a supermarket and someone takes 5+ minutes standing in front of something I want. It's usually a middle-aged woman doing it.

on a totally unrelated subject, where did peace7 go?

This! Where's our Jason Asato?

Edited by ambermonk
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Is your partner snoring too much a legitimate reason to breakup?

If they're your soul mate then maybe just sleep separately and don't break up

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My local bus/train fares have suddenly increased dramatically, and it's now gonna cost me twice as much to visit my girlfriend in England. Of course, nothing new is being introduced to their services. They will continue to run late, the staff will remain completely useless, and I'll still have to share a seat with Heroin McPissface. The government are urging people to use public transport, but with the fares increasing this much, it is now officially cheaper, quicker and more convenient to drive. Ridiculous.

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look at this horrible creature that walked into the house with me today :catsob:




i'v seen it around our house the last couple of days, but he just ran straight through the door when i opened it today

he's verry skinny and doesn't want to leave the house at all, he also drinks water from the tap lel :catcry:

very weird all, i'll ask around in the hood if someone lost it's cat but i doubt it's from someone from here.

who the hell let's an expensive perzian cat day and night out in the frost? :cattears:

god damnit, and i already have 5 bloody cats (who are piss like hellfuck right now) but LOOK HOW DAMN CUTE IT IS :catsuicide:

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what an adorable cat! it must be hanging around cus of the food for other cats

we don't put food outside, it came rubbing on to me a few days ago at my door, he sure knows how to pick the biggest sucker for cats :catsuicide:

he doesn't move from the couch or wants to go away even tough there are 5 pissed pussies around him, he seems pretty lost and desperate

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i'll do everything to find out if it's a lost cat and get it to the right owner but if it's from nobody i guess i could take care of another vomiting hairball

oh man :facepalm:

Edited by Ivan Ooze
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My local bus/train fares have suddenly increased dramatically, and it's now gonna cost me twice as much to visit my girlfriend in England. Of course, nothing new is being introduced to their services. They will continue to run late, the staff will remain completely useless, and I'll still have to share a seat with Heroin McPissface. The government are urging people to use public transport, but with the fares increasing this much, it is now officially cheaper, quicker and more convenient to drive. Ridiculous.


Ouch, feel for ya man. Being a civil engineer and having worked primarily in the transportation sector over the years, I can assure you that most policy makers are heads-fully-up-ass dumb fucks when it comes to funding transit & infrastructure. Want more people to ride public transit, fine, give them a tangible incentive like say, lower fares. Up until very recently our state's public transit was funded primarily on a gasoline tax, meaning if the authority succeeded in its goal of getting more people to ride, there'd be fewer people driving, less gas consumed and thus less tax revenue :wacko: The transit authority here has also traditionally been the dumping ground for politicians and connecteds to give their retarded cousins state jobs, though lately they've started to fill it out with affirmative action hires who while fulfilling a quota aren't actually competent at anything.


Bob's FWP - bought the makings for homemade pizza (fresh dough, cheese, veg) at the market earlier in the week - Mrs. Dob & I both work full time, and with two young kids this is a relatively quick, easy, healthy dinner staple. Go to make it last night only to find I accidentally bought fat-free mozzarella instead of the regular. FML, this product should even exist, we'd have been better served topping our 'za with the scrapings from a baboons asscrack

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth


CT7XHGq.jpghe looks like some kung fu wizard


This cat is metal as fuck. Taking him to the vet and getting them to scan for a microchip might be your best bet for finding out who the owner is?

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recovering from 2 crushed legs & a crushed pelvis after a blow-out at 80mph put me straight into a parked stationary truck.


all the free healthcare has been a right cunt

wow, glad you're alright man
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FFS, just had a brand new small table lamp catching fire while I was watching a movie. The lamp was already a replacement for another one I bought two days ago but just stopped working after an hour.


FWP: entire house smells like burned plastic or whatever it is.

edit: FWP2: I'm not living in 'Merica so I can't just sue this company and get instantly rich.

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FFS, just had a brand new small table lamp catching fire while I was watching a movie. The lamp was already a replacement for another one I bought two days ago but just stopped working after an hour.


FWP: entire house smells like burned plastic or whatever it is.


edit: FWP2: I'm not living in 'Merica so I can't just sue this company and get instantly rich.


well you're lucky that you were there while it happened.

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arguing with my brother about why Ayn Rand is both morally and intellectually vapid, as well as why true free markets can never exist.

He's truly bought into the libertarian bullshit about "big government".

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recovering from 2 crushed legs & a crushed pelvis after a blow-out at 80mph put me straight into a parked stationary truck.


all the free healthcare has been a right cunt

wow, glad you're alright man



wouldnt recommend it ;)


i'm just about at the Dr Strangelove phase of "Mein Fuhrer, I CAN VALK!!!!!"

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