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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I put tumeric on my donuts.


They're very cakey donuts which i prefer to that ultra light HFCS poison. Anyway, prior to putting them in the oven i threw on some cinnamon and brown sugar and when they came out i gave them another light dusting, OF TUMERIC, cause i had that out as well for the lamb stirfry that i'm making next. Anyway i then poured some cream into the holes, not noticing a thing then sat down with my creamy coffee in front of what really happened with michael rivero and proceeded to munch away thought the whole thing until the very last bites whereupon i noticed that some of the cream that was turning yellow was down to the tumeric dumbarse. I wondered why my donuts tasted subtly astringent, hahar.


It wasn't terrible, didn't improve the donuts either it's just that


i put tumeric on my donuts.

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That moment when you're tempted to post your favorite music on FB but know damn well that nobody's gonna bother. Fuck the general public.

Been on a heavy The Bug binge the past couple of days. Something only us electronic music nerds can relate to, obv

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electronic music is extremely non-nerdy at this point in time. i would actually go as far as saying its very trendy.



i dont mean edm, i mean actual decent electronic music.

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If you think you have it bad with electronic music, you don't even know what post-industrial fans like myself have to go through. I've only met two other people who listen to my favorite artists. Nobody has any interest in that music these days. Thank god I at least know someone who listens to Autechre, or I wouldn't be able to take it anymore.


I've thought about making a prilgrimage to Heaven Street Records in Brooklyn, but I don't have money for records.

Edited by drillkicker
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That moment when you're tempted to post your favorite music on FB but know damn well that nobody's gonna bother. Fuck the general public.

Fuck Facebook. Get off that shit and immediately be happier.


Best advice I've heard all day, and it's just started.

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miss america competition was awkward as hell. from the fake "apology" to the clumsy miss georgia stumbling around and getting the worst question EVER to the talentless talent contest.


also, the girl in the red dress (on the right when it was the last 3) should have won

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If you think you have it bad with electronic music, you don't even know what post-industrial fans like myself have to go through. I've only met two other people who listen to my favorite artists. Nobody has any interest in that music these days. Thank god I at least know someone who listens to Autechre, or I wouldn't be able to take it anymore.


I've thought about making a prilgrimage to Heaven Street Records in Brooklyn, but I don't have money for records.


Do you have a pair of vinyl trousers ? I'm sure if you walked around a busy town or city centre with those on and some string with studs on it platted through your fluoro purple hair whilst rocking a pair of platform high top shiny black leather boots, surely eventually you would find your people, they would be drawn to you like goths to a candle flame on a gravestone. Either that or you'd get scouted to be cast in the new wakowski's film, "the legend of emo spaceprancer"

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someone deleted their soundcloud account, :cry: like it's just gone. I should have paid attention to their reposts, i did check a repost account this morning and skimmed through everything, cause i was just waking up, it didn't seem like the same user. nwae, serves me right. and anyway, things come and go, like goths in the night.

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I have to have dinner with my GF's family tomorrow night. Her Dad is German and Belarusian, Her Mom is Uzbeki and Russian and they are THE WORST.


They're both spoiled artists. Her father is an actor in Cirque Du Soleil in Vegas and makes a ton of money, lives in his own cloistered world and treats people like idiots when he's not very smart himself. Her mother is an obsessive, controlling loon who also, has never had a real job or lived in the real world and overcharges rich asian and Russian parents to teach them piano. They judge what I do so much, constantly belittle my accomplishments or my GF's accomplishments (she's worked for world famous research labs and been published/sent to international conferences) and just view everyone as rubes essentially. Her sister is a total skank who still lives at home and sleeps with anything that is able to get it up. She kills like 4 pets a year (gerbil, mice, rats, lizards, hamsters, you name it, not dogs tho... to big to kill maybe) she is the bringer of death to housepets and she should never be allowed to have them. It's a nightmare. Then there's the grandparents...


All the while I'm forced to speak the very small amount of Russian I know and they also like to ask me things in German snidely. I'm not bad at either, but fuck them, seriously.

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I have to have dinner with my GF's family tomorrow night. Her Dad is German and Belarusian, Her Mom is Uzbeki and Russian and they are THE WORST.


They're both spoiled artists. Her father is an actor in Cirque Du Soleil in Vegas and makes a ton of money, lives in his own cloistered world and treats people like idiots when he's not very smart himself. Her mother is an obsessive, controlling loon who also, has never had a real job or lived in the real world and overcharges rich asian and Russian parents to teach them piano. They judge what I do so much, constantly belittle my accomplishments or my GF's accomplishments (she's worked for world famous research labs and been published/sent to international conferences) and just view everyone as rubes essentially. Her sister is a total skank who still lives at home and sleeps with anything that is able to get it up. She kills like 4 pets a year (gerbil, mice, rats, lizards, hamsters, you name it, not dogs tho... to big to kill maybe) she is the bringer of death to housepets and she should never be allowed to have them. It's a nightmare. Then there's the grandparents...


All the while I'm forced to speak the very small amount of Russian I know and they also like to ask me things in German snidely. I'm not bad at either, but fuck them, seriously.


just by reading this I assume your gf is quite hot.

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I have to have dinner with my GF's family tomorrow night. Her Dad is German and Belarusian, Her Mom is Uzbeki and Russian and they are THE WORST.


They're both spoiled artists. Her father is an actor in Cirque Du Soleil in Vegas and makes a ton of money, lives in his own cloistered world and treats people like idiots when he's not very smart himself. Her mother is an obsessive, controlling loon who also, has never had a real job or lived in the real world and overcharges rich asian and Russian parents to teach them piano. They judge what I do so much, constantly belittle my accomplishments or my GF's accomplishments (she's worked for world famous research labs and been published/sent to international conferences) and just view everyone as rubes essentially. Her sister is a total skank who still lives at home and sleeps with anything that is able to get it up. She kills like 4 pets a year (gerbil, mice, rats, lizards, hamsters, you name it, not dogs tho... to big to kill maybe) she is the bringer of death to housepets and she should never be allowed to have them. It's a nightmare. Then there's the grandparents...


All the while I'm forced to speak the very small amount of Russian I know and they also like to ask me things in German snidely. I'm not bad at either, but fuck them, seriously.


just by reading this I assume your gf is quite hot.


blyskys gf's are always quite hot tbqu fyi byob bbc ffs

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I have to have dinner with my GF's family tomorrow night. Her Dad is German and Belarusian, Her Mom is Uzbeki and Russian and they are THE WORST.


They're both spoiled artists. Her father is an actor in Cirque Du Soleil in Vegas and makes a ton of money, lives in his own cloistered world and treats people like idiots when he's not very smart himself. Her mother is an obsessive, controlling loon who also, has never had a real job or lived in the real world and overcharges rich asian and Russian parents to teach them piano. They judge what I do so much, constantly belittle my accomplishments or my GF's accomplishments (she's worked for world famous research labs and been published/sent to international conferences) and just view everyone as rubes essentially. Her sister is a total skank who still lives at home and sleeps with anything that is able to get it up. She kills like 4 pets a year (gerbil, mice, rats, lizards, hamsters, you name it, not dogs tho... to big to kill maybe) she is the bringer of death to housepets and she should never be allowed to have them. It's a nightmare. Then there's the grandparents...


All the while I'm forced to speak the very small amount of Russian I know and they also like to ask me things in German snidely. I'm not bad at either, but fuck them, seriously.


just by reading this I assume your gf is quite hot.




probably ...


Also a nice person despite the upbringing. If you breed though, chances are if you have more than two children that one will turn out like her parents, and then where will you be. Petless and judged.is where.

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