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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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My cat has become spoiled by me being home all day, every day (been off work for 2 weeks). So now she yowls at me if I stop playing with her/paying attention to her for longer than 60 seconds.


This then makes me feel like a bad catdad, like she's neglected and bored etc. My rational self knows it's just because she's spoiled for company atm but it doesn't stop me feeling :(

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Cats are tricky mayne. I feel like I gotta wlk a line between being plyafyl and trying to encornage independence.

Fuck. Whatever. Drunk.

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I really dislike the small ice cubes placed in water at most restaurants; they completely impede the flow of water from the cup into my mouth and if I accidentally swallow one of the cubes it creates an unpleasant temperature shock in my stomach. I always seem to forget to request 'no ice' and am irritated as soon as I take the first sip. This usually culminates with me using a fork to scoop the icecubes out onto my empty plate.

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I really dislike the small ice cubes placed in water at most restaurants; they completely impede the flow of water from the cup into my mouth and if I accidentally swallow one of the cubes it creates an unpleasant temperature shock in my stomach. I always seem to forget to request 'no ice' and am irritated as soon as I take the first sip. This usually culminates with me using a fork to scoop the icecubes out onto my empty plate.


Ahahaha classic. I know exactly what you mean about the "temperature shock" in the stomache. Those little ice cubes are the only thing that does that.... which is why i like them.

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I rarely complain about my workload, but - I've had to be at one of the shops my bosses owns doing a gigantic backlog of accounting and tax shit for this useless manager they fired a few weeks ago. Sigh, nobody I want to talk to, and a mound of paperwork I need to sort out that I've barely put a dent into. I was hired on as a set-up consultant and grow/facility design technician then became, on top of that, a part-time manager and partial owner of a chain of medical cannabis stores (once a week paperwork, deposits and general bookkeeping) ... Now I seem to be doing waaaay more work than I should be on random tasks and I'm never in the cultivation facilities anymore because of how easily maintained and efficient we/I designed to be.


Screw this state for making the cannabis market a monstrocity of poor-planning and inept gardens when it comes to the legal market. Capitalism sucks. I'ma go back to paperwork and listen to breakcore.



I really dislike the small ice cubes placed in water at most restaurants; they completely impede the flow of water from the cup into my mouth and if I accidentally swallow one of the cubes it creates an unpleasant temperature shock in my stomach. I always seem to forget to request 'no ice' and am irritated as soon as I take the first sip. This usually culminates with me using a fork to scoop the icecubes out onto my empty plate.


solved, carry this with you at all times

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They almost never have fun squiggly straws, which I feel is key in fighting the war against small ice cubes.



My ipod nano is fucked and they no longer do hardware repairs on those models. I'm going a bit batty not having music to travel by. I had so many albums lined up that I was really looking forward to. It's one of my only joys these days. Ain't got no money to spare, so I'm just going to have to suck it up and go crazy i guess. Honestly though I don't even want to leave my apartment without the tunes. It's seriously crimpin' my style.

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some rude bikes in this thread, dayum, gives a man a thirst like an alcoholic being shown some brews


driving is only so much fun, cars, pollution etc, but riding bikes is spellbinding in the same way people say looking at fire is hypnotic, but with full concentration and focus especially over a mixed terrain, plus cornering apex curves is a lot more fun up/down gears and feeling actual torque, closer to the road,


if theres 1 thing for these damp islands of moss & bricks offer its windy postman pat roads,

mainland Europe is fuckin lethal though especially in the cities, nearly got crushed a few times on previous tours, Rome and Munich more than any, but its a bit like music comparing eras....growing up around vintage Nortons vs newer models (analg/digi) cos the parts were so cheap even into the 70/80 (post-war)

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Just came home from the dentist.

The dentist this time was a elderly old women who gave me latent racist rants while I had weird instruments in my mouth.


Shit was fucking weird.

Edited by Npoess
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^sounds kinda awes tbh lol


I called work on Sunday after two weeks annual leave to find out what job I was doing on Monday. Turned out Monday was my rest day (shiftwork) so all the mental preparation for returning to work went out the window. Yesterday was a bit of a blur but at one point I went for a walk and ended up walking for 8hrs


Now I'm sat at work with a stinking hangover, trumping my stinking guts everywhere and walking like Albert Steptoe.

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Just came home from the dentist.

The dentist this time was a elderly old women who gave me latent racist rants while I had weird instruments in my mouth.


Shit was fucking weird.


if you ever go there again be sure to warn any non-whites who happen to be in the waiting room. Might pull one of their teeth with no anesthesia or something

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My scooter throttle acts up randomly for about ten minutes whenever I use it, the back light is fucked so I can either have that on or the brake light but never both yet I'm too broke to fix it. I feel like I'm driving a death trap to work, and the weather sucks.

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My favorite specialty beer/wine shop moved to a new location (which is my first problem- there is no parking around there!) They then rearranged all their beers according to the type of beer (IPAs, Stouts, Belgian/Wheat Ales, Fruit beers, etc.) instead of organizing it by the brewery, which is what I'm used to. Took me twice as long to find what I needed.... and I probably spent twice as much money since I spent so damn long wandering around. :sad:

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My favorite specialty beer/wine shop moved to a new location (which is my first problem- there is no parking around there!) They then rearranged all their beers according to the type of beer (IPAs, Stouts, Belgian/Wheat Ales, Fruit beers, etc.) instead of organizing it by the brewery, which is what I'm used to. Took me twice as long to find what I needed.... and I probably spent twice as much money since I spent so damn long wandering around. :sad:

But we still got some awesome beers out of it? =)


Edit: but yeah I don't know why they even moved there. It's only a block away from the original location. More visibility on inglewood road maybe? =/

Edited by StephenG
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total FWP= i've gained some weight lately by not watching what i eat. it's not that noticeable but i feel bad so i'm going to cut out snacking. i love snacking! for atleast a week and see what happens.

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total FWP= i've gained some weight lately by not watching what i eat. it's not that noticeable but i feel bad so i'm going to cut out snacking. i love snacking! for atleast a week and see what happens.


It's December, you're allowed to get fat.

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Some fucker stole my credit card information and bought stuff worth of 1800€ from online stores before the automatic fraud detection system picked it up. I should be getting the money back but my credit card is now canceled and I have to wait for a new one.

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total FWP= i've gained some weight lately by not watching what i eat. it's not that noticeable but i feel bad so i'm going to cut out snacking. i love snacking! for atleast a week and see what happens.


It's December, you're allowed to get fat.


with that attitude i'll gain 2x


but yeah, it's christmas soon, gotta loosen up

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after a week or so of not drinking copious amounts of cider my weight seems to have regulated a bit to about +7lbs of my most recent low. haven't been doing full body workouts tho so i know i'm losing muscle again tho...


so doing slightly better than last year so far...


still have 2 birthdays including my own, christmas and new years to get through tho...

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Still trying to avoid soda as much as possible, and reducing any sweets to only yogurt and / or dark chocolate. The holiday season seemed like a legit excuse to pig out in the past, but not anymore. As for any kind of meat, I opt only for seafood or poultry.

Used to feel a lot more insecure about being overweight, but now I just see slimming down as a motive for clothes to fit better and live longer overall.

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Used to feel a lot more insecure about being overweight, but now I just see slimming down as a motive for clothes to fit better and live longer overall.

That's where I'm at with it.


Need to get my heart healthy, losing some weight is a good part of that.


I've been working out daily now which makes me feel a lot better. I've not lost much weight but I'm down about 2.5% body fat. Blood pressure is coming down a lot.


Good luck man! The holiday season is tough, so many treats and good eats.

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