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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Thank you for introducing me to this piece of hellish torment.

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Motherfucking rancid nuts.  Not these huge filthy unwashed things, but walnuts, almonds, etc.  People baking them into brownies, filling their snack bowls for the guests... just rancid nuts everywhere.  Seriously, stop it with that shit.  No one wants your rancid nuts.

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hard drive failed, trashing the master boot record. can't boot Windows even though the Windows partition is fine. fuck. also lost a bunch of music and pdfs though most of it is backed up, but double fuck. hopefully can get it recovered.


I'm never buying a Seagate drive again. I had the same drama earlier with an identical Seagate drive that I paired with this one. meanwhile, I've never had a Western Digital failure with some drives that are over six years old and in regular use.


fak U seegaet

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ima trying a keto diet, one week now, and my poop is trying all the colors of the rainbow hope it’ll pass soon. I want to eat fruit but nope.

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I added Autechre - Vletrmx to my drum practice playlist about a month ago.  I would like to mark today as the fourth time I've broken a drumstick while playing along to Vletrmx.  Its becoming costly, but the intense physical & emotional experience is making me far richer in the long run.

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update: I repaired the MBR and can boot Windows again. yanked out the dead hard drive and am taking it to a recovery specialist tomorrow who, er... happens to be in the same building I work in. so new fwp: this dead drive also contains a fairly large trove of unclothed ladies (softcore, no peepees in sight) - do I want the guy who will end up fixing this thing to identify me in my work building? I'm hoping either a) they'll be too bored to bother peering too closely into what's on there, and b) it's too common to be noteworthy.

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Some chooch sold me an industrial grade CF card on eBay and then sent me a shitty OEM card that won't even work in the thing I needed the industrial card for (and is worth about $15 less than the $17 they charged me).


And the shitty part is even if they let me return it the overseas shipping to Israel will cost more than the amount of the refund.  I tried to send someone an EHX pedal there once and shipping was going to be nearly $200.

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Last night, the landlady scheduled an apartment showing for tomorrow and asked us to "tidy up a bit"... we're moving in like 3 weeks, we've begun packing already there's fucking boxes EVERYWHERE. We've made walking paths, but I'm not sure what she expects us to do with them.

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So after the skin peeling stress of being served an eviction notice back in December and eventually finding a place that was big enough for my stuff and allowed a cat and I could afford. I've just been served another eviction notice after being here for all of three months.


Time to fucking kms tbh

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Why are you being evicted?


FWP; my nose hurts from putting too much amphetamines in it.

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we had some trouble maker roommates refusing to pay rent over petty things and escalating the feud by reporting this place to the ombudsman and the council for overcrowding.

The council did an inspection and surmised the property was fine, size-wise, for the amount of people but also recommended a 2nd kitchen.

Landlord has decided they don't want to pay for that so is evicting everyone.

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Damn, tough break there Spiral. Hope you'll still have a roof over your head after it's all said and done.

FWP is I somehow tweaked my lower right back doing sit-ups as part of my warm-up exercise this morning. I ended up doing a full hour of workout at the gym anyway, but I might be walking like an old man for the rest of the day.

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FWP is I somehow tweaked my lower right back doing sit-ups as part of my warm-up exercise this morning. I ended up doing a full hour of workout at the gym anyway, but I might be walking like an old man for the rest of the day.


Sit-ups should be avoided since they work the hip flexors, which are already too tight due to our sedentary lifestyle.




A large majority of people who train in the gym don't know how to work their abs. They perform sit-ups and leg raises, exercising their iliopsoas, while abs hardly work, as they are in a static contraction. They also do ridiculous number of reps per set. The result is strong iliopsoas muscle group, which dominates over hamstrings, gluteus maximus and rectus abdominis. That leads to anterior pelvic tilt and as a result, chronic lower back injury, while their abs are still pathetic. To perform abdominal exercises correctly, a few points have to be remembered:

- The function of rectus abdominis is the flexion of the thoracic and lumbar spine, not flexion of the hip!

- Rectus abdominis is just like any other muscle. You don't exercise your lats with 100 reps per set and you don't exercise them every day. Abdominals are not much different.

- You may have the strongest abs in the world, but abdominal exercises won't make them visible, if they are covered by a layer of fat, and abdominal exercises can't remove that

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Turns out back-friendly exercises like doing cycling or scissor motion whilst lying down still works the abs without putting pressure on the back. So I think sit-ups are a thing of the past from now on.

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update to hard drive story: got word back from the tech that the drive is completely useless and will cost quite a bit to recover. 700-800 dollarydoos - mostly to recover nekkid pics and the most recent updates to the other stuff (music, books).


fok u cbate


edit: apparently the techs get this kind of drive on a regular basis and confirm that Seagate has really gone to shit manufacturing-wise in recent times.

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Turns out back-friendly exercises like doing cycling or scissor motion whilst lying down still works the abs without putting pressure on the back. So I think sit-ups are a thing of the past from now on.

do barbell squats, deadlifts, bench press, shoulder press, barbell row, compound exercises that make your whole body work. also the plank, normal and side. 



you can literally feel your entire core working out every squat you do with heavy weight. im up to 50kg after 3 months and its a life-changing level of overall strength increase. i just do 5 reps, 5 sets. 

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