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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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12 hours ago, user said:

The mosque is a brothel? 

Not sure if you're taking the piss but if not, no. The brothel was operating out of a house on the street, and the guy entered the mosque with a knife then left the mosque to go back into the house for some reason.

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20 minutes ago, milkface said:

Not sure if you're taking the piss but if not, no. The brothel was operating out of a house on the street, and the guy entered the mosque with a knife then left the mosque to go back into the house for some reason.

Thought better of it and popped next door for some hot nookie pie instead? 

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1 hour ago, milkface said:

Not sure if you're taking the piss but if not, no. The brothel was operating out of a house on the street, and the guy entered the mosque with a knife then left the mosque to go back into the house for some reason.

No, I reread your post several times but wasn’t able to make sense of it. Was quite drunk and sleep deprived though so pretty sure that had something to do with my inability to comprehend. 

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the new temporary neighbours just arrived (airbnb), i didn't even wait an hour to knock on their door and talk to the guy. young couple with a 1 year-old baby. the wall that separates our flats is basically made of cardboard, which means i hear every single sound they make. turns out they're staying for a week. 

i can't wait to leave this fucking place. nothing but trouble since day 1. 


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Sick and tired of university. Doing possibly the most boring course I can imagine, that combined with the worst timetable in the world. Why the fuck do I have chunks of 4 consecutive hours of mind-numbingly boring shit during lunch time? How am I supposed to concentrate that long? How am I supposed to eat lunch? So sick of this endless shit.

That's also combined with the endless bureacracy of this shit university. Nothing. Ever. Works. Always having problems with online services, uni never respond when I email them about extremely important things regarding my year abroad and the management don't give a fuck about the students and make about £300,000 a year doing fuck all.

Fuck higher education.

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@milkfacewhat are you studying?

personally i do see university as kinduva huge scam in many regards (ie as this thing that's pushed on every teenager for years & years as being essential for any hope of future success & happiness). Obviously you need the degree for certain fields, and some people just really require that external structure to adhere to, but imo there's this massive swindle going on with the idea that any self-education or networking a person might do outside of formal academia just isn't real or useful for anything. with many subjects a person can get quite far these days without dropping a dime, thanks to the internet. like the actual course material itself is out there for free, often

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7 minutes ago, Cryptowen said:

@milkfacewhat are you studying?

personally i do see university as kinduva huge scam in many regards (ie as this thing that's pushed on every teenager for years & years as being essential for any hope of future success & happiness). Obviously you need the degree for certain fields, and some people just really require that external structure to adhere to, but imo there's this massive swindle going on with the idea that any self-education or networking a person might do outside of formal academia just isn't real or useful for anything. with many subjects a person can get quite far these days without dropping a dime, thanks to the internet. like the actual course material itself is out there for free, often

French with translation

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pulled some weeds in the yard and must've inhaled some pollen or something.. as soon as i came back inside felt like fiberglass in my throat and had an intense cough/gag session trying to get air into my lungs. 

it's weird when intense things like that happen and i can see all the various floaters in my eyes for a few moments during the intense parts. 

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20 minutes ago, ignatius said:

it's weird when intense things like that happen and i can see all the various floaters in my eyes for a few moments during the intense parts. 

totally trippy maaaaaan

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I have quit smoking cigarettes three times in the last six months. Prior to this I vaped for a few years, after quitting cigarettes, which I had started back up after three years of avoiding them. Think I've quit smoking seven or eight times in my life. ffs. Don't smoke, kids. 

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There's a video I uploaded to youtube in "high quality", which indeed looks high quality if I play the source file on my computer.  But for some reason youtube is automatically reducing the quality when I post it, even when played on the high quality setting.  It hasn't done that for my other videos, just this one.  WTF...  Can anyone think of an explanation?  Anyone else experienced this?  Any time I've looked it up, info seems to indicate that videos are supposed to play back at the quality setting indicated.  So why isn't it?  

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1 minute ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

I re-encoded and re-uploaded, and it still looks like pixelated garbage.  Makes no sense!  Aaaaaaaaah :wtf::wtf::wtf:

does youtube still do that thing where the low quality version is available first then it has to process the video before the HQ version is available? can't recall the process form recent things i uploaded. 

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It does do that, but for this one video it keeps both the 720 and 1080 looking like 420, long after the HD version has processed.  I mean, those options shouldn't even appear unless they are available.  There's something about this video that seems to glitch out the youtube auto-encoder(????).  This hasn't happened on any of my other videos, so I don't know what the fuck is up.  This kind of thing drives me mad.

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1 hour ago, yekker said:

Just go for the pixel aesthetic

It was kind of thrust upon me.  And it does sort of work with the theme of the video... also, someone I met on bumble is playing the song in question back to me on acoustic guitar right this moment, by total coincidence.  Pretty surreal.  Now she's playing Twilight by Elliott Smith.  Nice!

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17 hours ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

I re-encoded and re-uploaded, and it still looks like pixelated garbage.  Makes no sense!  Aaaaaaaaah :wtf::wtf::wtf:

Mystery solved: apparently streaming sites cannot handle TV static because it's too much visual information.  The vid showcases my face in front of TV static, so it is doomed to always look shite on streaming sites.

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50 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Mystery solved: apparently streaming sites cannot handle TV static because it's too much visual information.  The vid showcases my face in front of TV static, so it is doomed to always look shite on streaming sites.

are you sure it's not your face that's the problem? :nelson:

sorry. too easy of a set up. had to pull the trigger. 


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21 minutes ago, Stickfigger said:

Have not been swimming for 3 months and have put on 55g for each day missed

Have you ever played water polo?

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1 hour ago, Stickfigger said:

Nah man I'm not from the social strata that does such things 

yo sticks my man, 1) it's stratum for that singular holmes and B) I think you may be conflating water polo the elite vibe of horsey-and-sticks polo.  Reckon water polo is a niche sport like squash, ultimate, team handball, etc.

Also did you really estim8 yr weight gain in grams per day?  That is a flex right there :cisfor:

current FWP is that my fridge has one of those automatic ice cube makers, and it's doing that thing now whereby through the subtlemost of freeze-thaw-refreeze cycles creates a giant monolith of ice over like half the tray that I have to remove about every other week.  Should probably google how to fix it.

Edited by BobDobalina
ima pagebreak bitch
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